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Unregistered June 24th, 2001 06:41 PM

Firewall Question
Im running a firewall on cpu, dsl connection and i was wonderin if i could force any port to connect so i can upload files? or if there is one specific port i need to use. This is one aspect of Gnutella i don't like because on napster i could run a firewall and still upload files to other users

any help would be appreciated thnx

zeroshadow June 27th, 2001 03:24 PM

Most client let you deside which port you want to use.

I set my firewall to that one port I use for incoming connections and set it for any port for outgoing connections because other people use lots of different ports. Sometime I also block certain ports like 80.

Unregistered June 28th, 2001 12:59 AM

All that effort developing push so it works just fine behind a firewall and you are complaining?
Did you wait a while to see if it would work?
Did you read the docs about firewall and gnutella?
All you need is one connection to another host and you will receive requests via the same connection (outgoing, meaning you created it) via "push" request.
Put a popular file in your shared folder and see what happens. Make sure your client supports push requests.
As for port 80, CLOSE IT! Unless you are running a full on web server. You can close all ports via the firewall and still use gnutella, or browse for that matter.
If you can browse, you can download/upload via gnutella.
I had no DNS entered on one system and still got on, with a old host list, it took a while. Write down the IP address of 6346 and limewire so you always have something to start up with.

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