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General Gnutella / Gnutella Network Discussion For general discussion about Gnutella and the Gnutella network.
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View Poll Results: Why does Kazaa attract more users than Gnutella?
Obtains better search results/download success 13 28.26%
Completes downloads faster 7 15.22%
Bandwidth use 2 4.35%
Name Recognition 12 26.09%
Press Coverage 12 26.09%
Voters: 46. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 8th, 2003
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Default Poll: Kazaa V. Gnutella

Despite major advances in the performance and user friendliness of Gnutella applications, Kazaa still attracts more users than Gnutella. I'd be interested to hear what forum think about this. Feel free to post ideas not included in the poll.

Last edited by ajutagir; September 8th, 2003 at 03:17 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 9th, 2003
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It's not readily available for macs, otherwise I'd be curious to try it.

Is gnutella losing more users than any other p2p scheme?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 9th, 2003
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rhino is flying high
Default limit search options?

Maybe I should start a new post, but it's kind of a comparision to kazaa question:
I just made the switch and loaded up limewire on my new powerbook. I was very familiar with kazaa.

I'm trying to search for an artist and limit it to bitrate of say 192. This doesn't seem to work and instead I get results of the artist AND audio with a 192 bitrate!
This can't be right! With Kazaa you can limit your results to other options, like quality and album, etc. You can even say at least 160 or at least 192 or whatever.

Am I doing something wrong? or is this all Limewire can do? If I put in an artist and a word of the title I get a whole bunch of songs with just the word in the title, not limited to the artist only.

Does limewire have this capability? If it doesn't, kazaa is waaaaaayyyy better!

Any info would be appreciated! Also any solution to using kazaa on osx?

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 9th, 2003
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I think it's all of them. The name and popularity ar fundamental. #1 at Almost 4 million simultaneous users (which means more sources, but not necessarily content).

Bad (and unjustified) popularity of Gnutella.


Limewire is strong within Mac users. Morpheus still has some reputation. The other clients have been improved a lot. With a little amount of good press, Gnutella could grow again.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 9th, 2003
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Default [OT reply]

LW is only supposed to return AND searches, and you can use the audio type search to narrow searches even more. However, there are some old servents (morpheus is one, I think) or hacks who will return OR searches. Too, there are some clients who reflect search terms and the files turn out to be spam. Control-clicking those results brings up the option to block those hosts--they are very irritating.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 12th, 2003
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jmcbride7 is flying high
Cool kazaa vs gnutella

gnuc has allowed cleaner dls for me i.e. no viral content. my counterpart used kazaa and all kind of problems developed. spy, viral, some kind of hkey weirdness developed and i spent the better part of a saturday morning tracking and clearing things down and out. i for one have the patience to stick with gnuc.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 15th, 2003
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Post Regarding FastTrack

As a content distributor I have to mirror the comments made by peerless. More users = more complete downloads / faster downloads therefore a better p2p experience for p2p users.

This goes a long way for creating a positive experience for a P2P user. I personally have nodes ready to go on fast-track but I have a couple problems with the network in general.

#1 With 6 hosts connected to the fast track network all sharing the same content I could not easily find results from ths content that I know is out there if I go to a 7th station and search.

After along time I am able to return 1 or 2 results browse the node and then I get a complete content listing. I guess I just dont' understand a lot about their search mechanism.

Gnutella on the other hand (Limewire, Gnu etc.) I can execute a search and get a complete content index from 3-5 of six server consistently. I think that LimeWire has the best user interface of all the P2P clients.

#2 As I've said before I put out about 9GB of data on LimeWire daily that is my entire content library about 4 times over. On fast track although there are many more users I'm not sure they're actively participating in the network. Buy that I mean I think that that a large majority of the hosts sitting on that network are spammers and monitoring agents for the RIAA and MPAA and others. There's no good information about the SuperNodes you are connected to.

In my opinion I think that they attract more users due to press coverage.
Lee Evans, President
LeeWare Development

Last edited by LeeWare; September 15th, 2003 at 04:15 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old October 14th, 2003
Join Date: October 14th, 2003
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jfisk1 is flying high
Default kazaa ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

yes kazaa gets faster downloads due to amount of users.
emule gets even more files but slower downloads.
my main problem with kazaa is TOO TOO MUCH AD WARE.

I got a file that is 98% but 1 user every time I get connected to him/her I get 0 kbs and put back on waiting list. at the back of course.
lime needs somekind of boot off for people like this.

remember this is p2p SHARE.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old October 14th, 2003
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jfisk, remember you can limit uploads by people who are "freeloading."

However, that may only checked shared files, not the upload pipe. That's an annoying problem.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2003
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jfisk1 is flying high
Default freeloaders

I know I can and mine is set at max ie no freeloaders.
but I'm sure not everyone has thiers set there so these freeloaders still get thier files but don't give any.
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