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arne_bab March 2nd, 2004 03:35 AM

GnuFU in german/GnuFU auf Deutsch
I now translated GnuFU into German. You can choose your language on the Main Page.

Ich habe GnuFU: Gnutella Für Benutzer auf Deutsch übersetzt.

Also I added a clarification, that Gnutella isn't GNU-Software.

Außerdem habe ich eine Passage hinzugefügt, die darüber informiert, dass Gnutella keine GNU-Software ist.

arne_bab June 28th, 2004 02:06 PM

PDFs both in German and English
-----this message was already posted in the_GDF-----


I just finished proofreading the printable GnuFU PDFs in english and
german. With those Gnutella For Users has now reached its first final
version, which can freely be used by anyone.

The PDFs are registered under a creative commons license:
attribution-sharealike, which means, you can freely do anything with
the PDFs and the source files (zipped Ragtime-documents) as long as you
attribute my works to me and share your work under a similar license.
You can get a copy of the license here: .

As I don't have access to my Webserver at the moment, I can only serve
those files over Gnutella. Additionally they are avaible in the GDF-file repository (which sadly is only accessible by Yahoo-members):

For those who don't yet know GnuFU:

GnuFU: Gnutella For Users, a user-friendly guide and documentation of
the protocol changes

GnuFU is the definite Guide to Gnutella for all those interested in the
concepts and ideas behind the code, and also for those who don't want
to read thousands of lines of code to understand the program they use.
It is written in a user-friendly style, which should allow everyone to
understand it without needing years of coding experience.

It should be technically correct, while not diving to deep into
technical issues.

I licensed it under the GFDL, the Gnu Free Documentations License, and
you are free to use it on your site to describe Gnutella, as long as
you name me as first author and give a backlink to it.

The document-format is a wiki, so you can correct errors and add new
information (but please stick to the non-technical style).

At the moment it is available in English and German.

You can get GnuFU via Bitzi, the GDF-file repository or from

I hope this proves useful to get people interested in Gnutella, who
stopped tracking it 3 years ago (and there are quite some of them).

If you'd send this document to newspapers, news-sites or portal-pages
you know I'd be most happy, because I want it to spread as far as

You can also make me happy by downloading it and putting it into your shared folder, because then it becomes more avaible on Gnutella.

arne_bab September 17th, 2005 06:54 PM

The files are avaible through: - english version

and - german version.

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