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arne_bab November 30th, 2003 08:06 AM

GnuFU: Gnutella For Users; a small documentation of the protocol changes

I created a small document, which describes Gnutella in the well known friend of a friend model, and documents the changes of the network over the past few years in the same easy-to-read-style.

It should be technically correct, while not diving to deep into technical issues.

The document-format is a wiki, so you can correct errors and add new information (but please stick to the non-technical style).

You can find it here:

Best Wishes!
Arne Bab.

stief November 30th, 2003 08:49 AM

Thanks arne--I especially liked the magnet description and appreciated the links. That must have taken a lot of work!

et voilà November 30th, 2003 09:45 AM

Superbe! Great work, idéal for gnutella users willing to understand how the actual Gnet works.


arne_bab December 1st, 2003 08:30 AM

Thanks for the nice feedback!

It took about one or two weeks. Every day I took the tram to work I wrote about 30min on a tiny sheet of scribble-paper. Then I typed it directly into my wiki (at least, the parts, which I could still read :-) ). helped me alot with that, because I could mark the changes there, before describing them.

If someone wants to translate the page, she, he or even it is free to do so. I'd be especially glad, if someone, who is more fluent in Esperanto, than I am, would make an Esperanta translation, but a french, italian or spanish translation would also be fantastic. I would also freely give the German-translation to anyone (But it's a wiki, there is nothing to give: It's free for all to write what they want, as long as they escape my editing :-) )

arne_bab December 31st, 2003 04:49 AM

Now with domain
I registered a domain name for GnuFU. You'll now find it at:

I already changed the first post to reflect this.

David Blouin January 1st, 2004 12:24 PM

Geez Gnutella as sure change since i last use it version 0.56 :D

Morgwen January 1st, 2004 12:43 PM


Originally posted by David Blouin
Geez Gnutella as sure change since i last use it version 0.56 :D
Don´t mix the "client" Gnutella with "protocol" Gnutella! ;)

The client is very long dead.


David Blouin January 1st, 2004 12:49 PM

So that's must be why i can't connect :p guess i'll have to download one of the big client that reminds me of kazaa :(

Morgwen January 1st, 2004 12:52 PM


Originally posted by David Blouin
So that's must be why i can't connect :p guess i'll have to download one of the big client that reminds me of kazaa :(
Hell yes! :D Gnutella 0.56 uses the old 0.4 protocol, its not supported by the other clients anymore. :)

If you need help with choosing a new client:


arne_bab January 10th, 2004 04:02 AM

GnuFU with QRP and Swarming
I finished the descriptions of intra-ultrapeer QRP and Swarming in GnuFU ( ). I hope, that it now contains most of the significant changes in Gnutella over the past few years.

Please tell me, if you find any errors in there, or if you feel, that something is missing.

If GnuFU lives up to your standard as a description of the Gnutella Network, please consider linking to it, or using it on your page to describe Gnutella.

-- Arne Bab. - Gnutella For Users

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