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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 4th, 2004
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Default Poisoned?

There seems to be a new Mac client that also connects to Fasttrack: Poisoned. Has anyone tried it? I'd like to see a review.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 4th, 2004
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I'll be the pig I've been using it since it started (I love to try all competing programs ). It connects to openfastract (gift homebrew network), gnutella and fasttrack.
Pro: light memory usage, wonderful interface and VERY easy to use for a newbie
Cons: dowload speeds aren't great, the selection of files is worst than Limewire (for French and English stuff at least in both music, movies, programs etc...)

Bottom line: an alternative to LW for mac users but it is still an "hostage client" (it doesn't support UP and Fasttrack supernodes, so it rely on limited capacity of other vendors UP to survive, it can't be the numero uno client for a network for this reason). It also doesn't support all the latest protocol enhancements which affect its download speed and searh horizon. Great for newbies (easy to get going, intuitive) but not for power users.

I was using it mainly to dl LW couldn't find last year, but now there is 3 times the stuff on LW available than there is on Gift clients (Kceasy, poisoned, xforce and others).

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 4th, 2004
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It's been out for a while: Ursula will remember this thread

I tried a few weeks ago. Pretty smooth Aqua-like interface (much like Acquisition, Safari and Mail); easy to set up (instructions on the forum were clear).

But, most of my results were coming from gnutella--LW in particular. I tried several tests: LW on one machine, Poisoned on the other, and ran several searches at the same time. LW often found more results and consistently downloaded more, I recall. This wasn't a fair test as I have far more uptime and experience with LW, but after a day or so I didn't see enough to justify keeping it. I was impressed that it's an opensource project, but as far as I could tell, the gnutella core (LW? GTK?) was several versions behind. the giFT module gave results, but not many successful downloads.

So, I tentatively saw that it primarily relies on gnutella; LW is where the development is, and if the giFT plugin turns out to be legitimate, LW will add it.

Need more? I could try again this week and see how much has changed, and try to be a bit more exact.

Hey--does this mean you got a Mac Backmann? If so, welcome to the currently virus free world.

Peerless--glad to hear from you again.

oops---didn't see you posted first et voilà. Do you know where they get their gnutella plugin?

Last edited by stief; April 4th, 2004 at 09:16 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old April 5th, 2004
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old April 5th, 2004
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Poisoned isn't really a new client and the project is in effect dead. My latest info is that their lead developer/maintainer (Ashton) left the project and started his own project called XFactor ( and the leftover developers decided to start from scratch.


giFT has its own Gnutella plugin. But nobody knowns why they actually added it as the target of giFT is/was to write an OpenFT and FT client. Well, mybe 'cuz FT didn't worked at the beginning, OpenFT didn't scaled at the beginning and they had to attract some ppl for their software? Hmm...!? says:


A plugin shrouded in mystery and intringue included in the standard distribution to torment and confuse new giFT users. Err uhh, I mean I don't know much about it's implementation or specific details of the Gnutella network, so I will leave this as a sort of TODO element for hipnod to complete at his discretion.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old April 5th, 2004
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Originally posted by stief
Hey--does this mean you got a Mac Backmann? If so, welcome to the currently virus free world.
I'm afraid not... it's not very practical to have a Mac over here.... at least not for what I use it for.

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