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drobie July 19th, 2004 06:04 PM

Something's creating virus like files
Hi There; I joined this p2p network yesterday,and Have been experiencing some funny activities during some searches tonite.I was getting messages telling me I was being firewalled and set my router to the desired port,and when I do some searches in Programs tab I get 2 or 3 files that cannot be checked by bitzi web checkup for info,and when I hilite and try to download I get a message it may contain a virus,but funny thing if I do another search of the same program I'm looking for ,the filesize and description may change slightly to disquise the previous search.I 've done this with 2 different proggie searches.Anyone report similar activity and should I disallow port access to that port 6346.Thanks.

backmann July 20th, 2004 05:07 PM

What kind of files were they?

In the dark we make a brighter light

drobie July 21st, 2004 10:02 AM

Doesn't matter if I searched for exe files or audio files,at least 2 or 3 of the searches were like this.

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