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stief November 7th, 2004 10:53 AM

Champagne time--gnutella hits 1 meeeellion hosts
Congrats to all--gnutella hit the million hosts mark sometime in the past few hours. See the Rolling Host count at

You devs must be pleased to see all your work being used so successfully.

Thanks guys--from one happy user :)

et voilą November 7th, 2004 11:17 AM

No!!! More users = more attention from RIAA et al. One million is a sweet spot, let's stay there (I'm mi-serious about that). :D I, for one, feel it's a victory of gnutella over G2 and over Gnet haters. Go Gnutella, may innovation wins over copying and mediocrity!


stief November 7th, 2004 12:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)

I won't worry-- will downplay this milestone (see below), and bury the news praising some other network.

Besides--there's too much legitimate content being distributed via gnutella :)

This really reinforces gnutella's posiiton of being open, collaborative, and sustainable: it's a nice balance between a commercial and opensource project. Even the g2 conflicts seem to have dissipated away.

et voilą November 7th, 2004 12:21 PM

Last week downloads (not representative of maket share at all and omitting Kazaa, eMule and other P2P not referring to when you dl them)

1) 455 447 LW windows english
2) 338 785 Bearshare
3) 329 123 iMesh
4) 198 378 eDonkey
5) 171 509 Morpheus
6) 149 388 Warez
7) 115 503 Ares Galaxy
8) 101 452 BitComet
9) 91 700 LW windows international
10) 44 504 LW mac os x

5 of them are connecting to Gnet, 1 of those 5 is a leech (guess who?)


Risky November 8th, 2004 12:10 PM


Originally posted by et voilą
5 of them are connecting to Gnet, 1 of those 5 is a leech (guess who?)

:D [/B]
So because GnucDNA had a bug that wasn't in Morpheus that caused it not to respond to Limewire, Morpheus is a leech client? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you found that issue in a version of GnucDNA that was still in the testing phase (ie. not in Morpheus). I don't remember you posting about any other specific transfer issues, but you still just assert Morpheus leeches...

Vampmon November 8th, 2004 12:34 PM

I dont remember him posting anything either, but he's a troll you see, yet calls everyone else just that....

et voilą November 8th, 2004 12:39 PM

Risky, I also Pmed you the bug reports I sent to Swabby. GnucDNA in morph450 leeches, reread my PM :rolleyes:

Troll (Vampmon): :o

stief November 8th, 2004 12:39 PM

leave guys. I have nothing to do with Morpheus (OS X user), but am getting increasingly tired of your trolls. et voilą is the only one here I trust, so the more you post flames, the less reputable Morpheus seems.

trap_jaw4 November 9th, 2004 01:22 AM

Well, a while ago, when there still was a substantial number of Morpheus hosts in the search horizon of any LimeWire user, the amount of results coming from Morpheus hosts, or rather the lack thereof, was quite obvious. I think Greg Bildson dubbed it the "Morpheus black hole", but today it is almost impossible to tell whether Morpheus works or not from the perspective of a LimeWire user. If you don't see any Morpheus results, it may be because there are too few Morpheus hosts in your horizon.

et voilą November 9th, 2004 03:06 AM

Trap_Jaw: :rolleyes:


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