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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 14th, 2005
Posts: n/a
Default Bad Files or very Questional files

I did a search on waltz no. 1 in E. I got tons of files all the same except the size differes. ELLIOTT SMITH - XO - 19 WALTZ #2 (XO) or XO - 19 - ELLIOTT SMITH - WALTZ #2 (XO). I have seen this before from a T3 or higher speed. I did a search on Elliott Smith and have all good files and none of these mentioned. I don't trust the mentioned files and would not download them. I can not browse this site.

I have seen this several times with other searches.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 14th, 2005
Posts: n/a
Default Bad MP3 Downloaded Files

I have downloaded numerous MP3 files and get about 10 % defective files. I determine they are defective because they do not play. I expand the shared folder to show bits and duration and these defective files do not have any entry for bites and duration. I found I can run MP3RepairTool on them and 99.9% can be fixed. Is there any way to get GOOD Downloaed files or is this a fact of life. I don't recall this problem in older versions. I have the current version.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 14th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

See these for some pointers: 1. T3 Spammers 2. Quality of Content on the Network 3. Fake Movies & Why

My advice is related to point 1. Check bit-rate versus file size. If you can't do this, then if it's from a T3 source I'd be a little skeptical. You'll notice this happens with only the most popular (& generally newer files - particularly those that have been top of the charts.) Cable or modem sources ae usually quite reliable. T3's are not necessarily faster than cable/dsl. It depends on their upld bandwidth offerings & how many sources you can latch onto.

I've heard of another utility which can repair many also.

I think the emphasis the riaa/music industry has been placing on the gnutella network recently is becoming obvious with the much larger amounts of corrupt music files. There seems to be even more T3 sources now that do this. Be more-so diligent in your downlding I think is becoming a fact of life now dare I say it.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 23rd, 2005
Posts: n/a

I'm having the same problem. I was looking for a song named What you waiting for from Gwen Stefani, but every time I got a corrupt version of it. Is there someone with a correct version of it? Please reply.
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