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  #351 (permalink)  
Old May 13th, 2010
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Just adding this news story from the BBC: BBC News - Child abuse 'big business online'

UK Bob
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  #352 (permalink)  
Old May 13th, 2010
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An important quote from that report: "Although internet usage and the volume of content continue to rise globally, we are not seeing a proportionate rise in commercial child sexual abuse material which instead appears to have remained fairly static over recent years," said Peter Robbins, chief executive of the IWF.

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  #353 (permalink)  
Old July 29th, 2010
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Ok, about a year ago I was downloading porn from Limewire on my computer. first was regular porn then I saw LS models. I downloaded them some of them, deleted most of them from Limewire almost as soon as I downloaded them. Some I had on there maybe a couple of minutes or an hr. Hopefully not much longer. But, I dont know if anyone uploaded them from me. But i had them on my hard drive for a couple days. I honestly deleted them a couple of days later. Some I kept a little longer but not much because my concious was weighing heavily on me. My guilty concious was kicking in and I was realizing the true nature of what I was doing. But that is all it seems its gonna take to send me away for 20 years of my life. Stupidest thing I have ever done. So I have deleted them all from my computer. Bought Wipedrive for 40 bucks and cleaned my computer twice. Will never make that mistake again. I hopefully have deleted ANY evidence of me having them. I downloaded them around a year ago and have been waiting for that knock to wake me up in the morning to take my computer and all my dads computer stuff. He would KILL me if I did that to him. Im soo scared, even to this minute im scared they are coming after me. Im waiting for that knock on my door. What got me going latelywas an article in the paper about how up to 800 people are downloading CP at any given minute in our city and that they are, seemingly cracking down on them! But it takes time and money, and they are behind like 16 to 18 months or something. I brazenly downloaded CP around a year ago and have been scared straight ever since. I dont want to go to prison for this and I dont want to keep worrying like I am. I seriously because of this, take in moments of my life as they happen and just try to soak them in, such as the love of my father to me, or having a good time with my friends. But then realize that this all could be wiped away by this. Stupid downloads. Im going back to college in the fall, starting a good job, but this is almost to much to bear on my mind. Its almost worse then getting caught because then it wouldnt feel like I was running from something. But the clock keeps ticking till when i get that knock. I wish that there was a way to somehow clear yourself for stupidy. Like, admit your wrong doing and do like 50 hrs of community service or something, to help clear your concious and let you get on with your life. I know what I did was wrong, now, anyway and to be honest, at the time of downloading them I thought of it as like no big deal of what I was doing. I even got some weird one too that had pics of inmates, scary ones, and some writing. I dont remember really what it was but I was scared instantaneously and thought my life was ruined. I still do. I dont know WHAT I was doing when i did this but thought that i couldnt get caught. I feel I could write a book about this but it doesnt matter. All that matters is I could do BIG time and people will have no remorse for my actions.
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  #354 (permalink)  
Old July 30th, 2010
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Originally Posted by arne_bab View Post
An important quote from that report: "Although internet usage and the volume of content continue to rise globally, we are not seeing a proportionate rise in commercial child sexual abuse material which instead appears to have remained fairly static over recent years," said Peter Robbins, chief executive of the IWF.
I'm going to speculate that when this stuff originally became available the word got out quickly among the addicts who then flocked to this new technology. Now its just down to replacements, i.e. some die off and are replaced by others therefore holding the demand steady.

That plus the continuing education of people as to the consequences of supporting this industry as is being done right here and numerous other sites.
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  #355 (permalink)  
Old July 31st, 2010
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Default All this worrying will kill you


You said:
What got me going lately was an article in the paper about how up to 800 people are downloading CP at any given minute in our city and that they are, seemingly cracking down on them! But it takes time and money, and they are behind like 16 to 18 months or something.
Well, newspapers lie, twist and spin the truth in order to sell newspapers. Even if they were telling the (whole) truth there is a little thing called evidence that law enforcement authorities need before making any arrests.

I've got a couple of suggestions:

1) If you and your Dad use the same computer then get yourself your own PC and delete all traces of LW from the family's machine. So in the unlikely event that someone (law enforcement) comes in and demand the computer give them yours.

2) Go and see a therapist or psychiatrist, making sure that everything you say is strictly confidential, and unburden yourself. Because if you continue to worry you will end up with ulcers, have a nervous breakdown or a heart attack, the human body can only take so much stress before it breaks down.

UK Bob
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  #356 (permalink)  
Old September 9th, 2010
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Default Anon you're free and clear.

Anon you've gotten rid of that stuff as if you had burned the PC's down to piles of ash.

Go to bed, sleep calmly and sin no more.
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  #357 (permalink)  
Old December 19th, 2011
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I know of no "tags" that have become illegal in the past few years, or ever. If the "tags" (file descriptions?) you mention include references to child porn, well, they haven't changed, either.

I suggest you read and follow the suggestions from UKBobby and Orange County, above your post. Then you should stay away from p2p. And you can tell the RIAA/MPA that you've done your job.
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  #358 (permalink)  
Old April 22nd, 2012
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Question Written child pornography?

If there are no pictures of child pornography, but merely an accounting in writing of these relationships, is this type a type of exploitation punishable under the law? I refer to fictitious stories/ novel.

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  #359 (permalink)  
Old April 22nd, 2012
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AFAIK the law in the US prohibits photos, drawings, and paintings depicting child porn (one of the few restrictions on our freedom of expression); you can read/write all the child porn you wish. However, I am sure that I am not the only one here who wonders why you would want to.
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  #360 (permalink)  
Old April 22nd, 2012
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Originally Posted by Blackhorse 70V View Post
AFAIK the law in the US prohibits photos, drawings, and paintings depicting child porn (one of the few restrictions on our freedom of expression)
A lot of art has since been hidden away. Both due to these laws forcing them to be so and due to risk of art being misinterpreted .. or did I already say that.

I remember a newspaper photo of a young girl in Vietnam, I think her village had been bombed, her family killed, she was a refugee, she had nothing, no clothes, but this photo represented the desperate state of many people in Vietnam of the time. In those times, such a picture was freely used in newspapers and television to represent what was happening. This was an expression of desperation and told of a story of what war does to *real* people that said so much in just a simple photo. Such a photo would not be allowed now. But this photo was a form of art. The photo itself told a deep story. This was not about nudity or pornography.

Do not get me wrong, I am not pro underage pornography, but when art is used to represent something to speak a special message. uh .. art is something many people would not understand so I will not even attempt to try. But I do not generally like the concept of children being used .. but has been used so effectively in art to tell a story, perhaps of innocence or of the pains and struggles of the young as they grow into society or a multi-million other potential meanings. This is totally different to the concept of child pornography where young ignorant children are 'forced' or coerced into the pornography scene. Such photos are intended for sexual stimulation whereas Art is not unless it is obviously set to be so. Nudity in art does not represent sexual stimulation unless the artist intended it to be so. If a person who views art with any nudity sees it as sexually stimulating then they may even see a drawing of two kittens playfully wrestling as being sexually stimulating/intended. (duh what century was I born in)
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