November 7th, 2001
Howdy all Just wanted to stop in and say Hi!
This is vawlk. I was the creator of the first (atleast i think it was the first) host caching system for gnutella, GnuCache. It's really great what everyone has done and I am sorry that I couldn't hang around longer than I did.
Never did I know that my first internet application would be so widely accepted and posted on so many shareware sites. I had offers to talk at P2P conferences, showed up in a few news articles here and there.
My last count, before i "retired" had me connecting over 5 million people to the gNet. This doesn't count the other people who ran GnuCache.
It was a fun ride, and I am still an active gnutella user. Keep up the good work!
vawlk (Bob Schmidt) |