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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 17th, 2006
Join Date: February 17th, 2006
Location: Laredo. Texas
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luckeylaredo is flying high
Default Not Sharing

I constantly have people downloading from me and they refuse to share their work. Especially Bearshare. How do I put a stop to this. It isn't fair to those of us that do share. Is there something that I can do?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2006
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This is not as simple a subject as it might seem, and it is for instance difficult if not impossible(I forget which) to browse Bearshare from Limewire. Firewall set ups, router use by hosts, and the fact that they may download on one machine and share from another, are the sort of things that make it virtually impossible to see who is not sharing (or "freeloading") and who is.

Browsing hosts is not a perfect science

If you use the search button above right and look for freeloader you will find many threads on the subject.

Certainly there are a lot of freeloaders out there, and the only way you can really tell who they are is by intuition, and even that will probably not be much use.

I hope this sort of answers your question. There is a freelader filter in Limewire, but opinions vary as to whether it works atall
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Last edited by Only A Hobo; February 18th, 2006 at 05:10 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2006
Join Date: February 17th, 2006
Location: Laredo. Texas
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luckeylaredo is flying high
Default Thank You

Thank you Hobo for the feedback. Your right it seems like I have the problem with Bearshare only. When I did the LimewirePro I put down no freeloaders. I wonder iof by chance Leechammer works on the Limewire? Guess I have to live with it. When I do look at their music it says can't browse or just kill upload. Oh well what the hell. Thanks again Hobo.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2006
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BearShare users are definitely not easy to browse. The later the version, the more chance you have. But it also depends on many other factors such as whether you & they have free upload & downld slots & bandwidth & whether you can get a decent connection with them without interference in between. There's prolly other factors. I always keep my chat enabled, as that at least makes it easier for people to browse me. Whether it has any effect the other way around I don't know.

I have browsed bs before but it took a long time happening. I think my 1st time was about a year ago.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2006
Join Date: February 17th, 2006
Location: Laredo. Texas
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luckeylaredo is flying high
Default Thanks lord

When I used Winmx I used Leechhammer to stop them from getting the music if they didn't share with others and it worked well. Haven't tried with Limewire > Have you heard anything about that yet?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 19th, 2006
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I never used winmx but heard it had an efficient leech filter as do some other programs on other networks. However, the way Gnutella is set up it's not so easy to incorporate.

If you wanted to strictly stop BS or another client from connecting to you, there is a way I believe but I'm not sure how this is done. I think it has something to do with preference settings. Others would know more about this. stief & et voilą would know the ins & outs about this.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 19th, 2006
Join Date: February 17th, 2006
Location: Laredo. Texas
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luckeylaredo is flying high
Default Thanks Lord

Thank you for the feedback. Maybe the ones you told me about might read this. If not I guess I will just let it go. I was just conmcerned because those opf you who do share, it is not fair for those who don't.
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