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General Gnutella / Gnutella Network Discussion For general discussion about Gnutella and the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 30th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default sharing across clients.

I'm not quite sure how to word this, so forgive me if it rambles a bit.
I use Bearshare a large % of the time. I inadvertantly shared all 33 movies currently on my hard drive. (I usually pick a few and put them in the shared folder, since I only leave 2 upload slots open to give them more bandwith - the uploads are long enough as it is) Anyway a few hours later, I come back and look at my uploads. They are being absolutely hammered by XoloX (which I have used myself to get these large files) At least 80% of the requests are coming from XoloX. So now i'm wondering and I get to searching. I searched for many different files names. out of some 4000 search results - not one from XoloX. ( A couple have nothing in the version column) Every other client was well represented.
OK I understand that XoloX will continually seek out people sharing the file your trying to get, so i can see why so many of the requests were from there. But what's up with the sharing. You can't tell me noone on XoloX shares movies. Or is someone going to tell me it was just an odd occurance that night?

just curious....
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 30th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
Join Date: October 14th, 2001
Location: Germany
Posts: 2,927
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This is one of the secrets you should ask Vinnie!

Everybody who used Xolox know you cannot download without sharing...

Xolox is not bearshare, bearshare support freeloaders Xolox donīt...

So ask Vinnie!

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