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Sorcy November 26th, 2001 09:16 AM

Anyone up for segmented downloads???
Since Xolox doesn't seem to like my new Athlon XP 1600+ (it actually eats up more processor time then on my old PII/400) I'd like to know if in the meantime any other gnutella servant has been updated with the abillity to download a file from several people at once.

I heard that gnotella does, but according to their homepage it does not - anyone knows of a servant which is up to the challenge?

Morgwen November 26th, 2001 09:24 AM

Xolox is actually the only gnet client with this ability!

But bearshare (defender!) and Limewire (supernode!) will follow soon...


Sorcy November 26th, 2001 09:43 AM

How soon? :D

Gnutelled Man November 26th, 2001 10:05 AM

Next year? Meanwhile use Morpheus, sad but true.

Gnutelled Cat November 26th, 2001 10:12 AM

Morgwen November 26th, 2001 11:50 AM

The beta tests for the new bearshare version will start in the next few days... so a release in december is possible!


Sorcy November 26th, 2001 02:58 PM

Hm... not sure if such a short betaphase would be a good thing.
I'm trying edonkey at the moment ... cute little program. If only they would have taken german t-online users into account. If I set my upload to higher then 10 KB I can't get anything downloaded ...

I've not programmed my own gnutella servant (yet), but is it really SO hard to program it so that outgoing requests have priority before outgoing replies? Ah well...

Morgwen November 26th, 2001 03:07 PM

Hi Sorcy!

If you want to visit us:


Sorcy November 26th, 2001 03:12 PM

Ah, Morgwen ... I think there will be quite some time before I get around to programming my own gnutella servant. I'm not even sure it would be possible in the environment I have in mind...

Morgwen November 26th, 2001 03:15 PM

But you can discuss with us?

May be you have some good ideas!


guido November 28th, 2001 12:01 PM

The author of Qtella said he would want to introduce segmented downloads in versions >0.3.3.

Also, Phex offers some kind of 'lite' segmented downloads: It can download different parts of the same file from different hosts in a completely automated manner, but not simultaneously.


tristian November 28th, 2001 02:23 PM

You can try Ziga

It has support for swarmed downloads.

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