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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 4th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Angry Why we are not winning

Gnutella is worthless. Just like ultimate frisbee, the concept is an excellent one, but is controlled and dominated by people too weak-willed to weild it properly. The pervading social atmosphere in both areas is the same: the masses turn on anyone who attempts to profit from the brilliance that the group has concieved. You know why Napster was a success? Not because its programming was superior, or because it existed in an environement free from those who would squelch file-sharing endevours, but because Shawn Fanning is a greedy mother****er. I don't want gnutella to work because I want to share with the world; I want gnutella to work so I can get free ****. The future of file-sharing software is not, as its past was, in allowing hippie programmers to share little bits of code with each other in their microcommunes. The future of file sharing is in providing so much free porn, movies, music and games that the average computer user will never have to leave his room again for any reason. You hemp-smoking commies out there out there need read some Ayn Rand, sack it up, write some decent software and **** over as many people as you can in creating a superior product. The one of you pathetic worms that triumphs will have fame, fortune and power enough to alleviate any moral qualms that such a rise to power might bring on.


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 4th, 2001
Join Date: October 1st, 2001
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Iamnacho is flying high

Maybe its just me, but it seems this guy has some mental instabilities......
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 4th, 2001
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gerardm is flying high
Smile We ?

That too, but is he talking for me, is he talking for you, He says WE. (I feel all alone, snif snif)

have fun
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old December 5th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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You don´t like Gnutella so leave us nobody is forced to stay...

especially such trolls as you...

And the next time if you are whining about Gnutella write down some arguments not just flames or I will delete your post...

we are not on

Viva la contra revolución!

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old December 5th, 2001
Join Date: November 4th, 2001
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Chiana is flying high

Preach it to the back row, Quincy!
Power to the people and all that.

Quincy's right though - - if the Gnutella community doesn't get its collective rear in gear, the RIAA and the other alphabet soup agencies will just roll right over the top of us.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old December 6th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Originally posted by Chiana
Preach it to the back row, Quincy!
Power to the people and all that.

Quincy's right though - - if the Gnutella community doesn't get its collective rear in gear, the RIAA and the other alphabet soup agencies will just roll right over the top of us.
If he is right or not it doesn´t matter in this case...

because he didn´t use arguments just flames, this is no way for discussions!

Let me repeat this is not

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old December 7th, 2001
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well, quincy does have sort of a point... the "shoot first, ask questions later" approach is much more successful than trying to sneak onto the scene without stepping on any feet.

but gnutella IS being actively developed, and people ARE getting in trouble for it. at least fanning had some financial backing, compared to a few ads and popups to defray hosting costs for some of these clients.

fanning's idea was brilliant, but the record companies missed the boat on it. so, they killed it. gnutella is plan B: where napster was the elephant, gnutella is the ant. pretty powerful for its size but too small, too hardy, and too plentiful to successfully kill.

ease up on coders, though- don't think for a second they arent after the same things you are, quincy. if you're dissatisfied, feel free to write your own...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old December 15th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Wink Gnutella works for me!

What's this guy talking about? I have nearly 40 CDs worth of files I have downloaded from gnutella! And yes, I give back.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old December 18th, 2001
Gnutella Jewel
Join Date: March 8th, 2001
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milhouse_ph is flying high

Do people actually believe that Gnutella has problems??? I have trouble with that... gnutella provides us all with a wonderful filesharing community... why push it too hard... it works now... it should grow slowly... gnutella in a sense is more of a parrallel to the internet than to napster... gnutella is a protocol... it allows people to connect to one another... the internet didn't pop out of nowhere overnight it took years to develop to where it is... and it continues to grow... explosive growth will, IMO, over time only cripple the network... if someone from gnutella attempts to break off and "take" over the network, people will leave and the whole network would shrink into subnetworks... and besides most of the people that will leave are the ones that share... Quincy, you just want free ****, that's fine but who do you think allows you to get this free stuff... the other people who share... this is a give and take community... unless there are some people who have this crazy "hemp-smoking" attitude then you'd never get files... and you'd have to go else where... Napster thrived for two reasons (1) the greed of some (2) the generosity of others... those files are hosted by people like you and me... if everyone was greedy then there would be no network and we'd all have nothing... and as Fist put it, if you don't like what's out there code your own client... gnutella's protocol is open source so it's not like you have any excuses...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old December 18th, 2001
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gnutella in a sense is more of a parrallel to the internet than to napster... gnutella is a protocol... it allows people to connect to one another... the internet didn't pop out of nowhere overnight it took years to develop to where it is... and it continues to grow...
Yes, I agree. Remember what Internet was like six years ago and look at what it is now. I think than within a few years Gnutella will have evolved enormously. Old websites were dull and buggy, and now websites are amazingly built. The same thing will happen to Gnutella. (I'm not saying Gnutella clients are buggy and dull ).

"In the dark we make a brighter light"
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