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  #11 (permalink)  
Old December 20th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Morgwen is flying high


The doors of gnutellaforums are open for you!

Thanks "god" that there are some normal people left on!

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old December 21st, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Vinnie my firend!

Now you closed your poll...

why? what do you fear?

Yes your trolls have give up the fight, and you are a coward!

King of!

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old December 25th, 2001
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Default Another tale for Gnutella's history

It was indeed interesting to watch the whole story.

The Morgy tale

There is a loyal Bearshare user, let's call him Morgy, who did support Bearshare for many months. Morgy was a nice guy who spend his free time to help many other users and to build up a friendly community. This friendly community was far away from the programmers home land. Let's call this programmer talent Vinnie. As a loyal user Morgy ignored all rumours about Vinnie's bad behaviour in the home land, about dissing everything that is not Bearshare, e.g. how bad Morpheus, Xolox or their features allegedly are. Morgy used to say "Vinnie isn't Bearshare" and "Bearshare itself is a great product". Morgy believed in Bearshare overwheeling power and Bearshare is indeed quite nice, perhaps a new version is needed.

Then Morgy did start to talk with Vinnie. A big mistake, as we will find out. Morgy was curious about a awaited new Bearshare version, features or a new beta version for testing. Vinnie didn't want to tell the truth about his so called "defender project", perhaps he couldn't. Also Vinnie didn't react the friendly way on any further questions. Critic on his type to proceed, even friendly or constructive, is something this programmer doesn't want to hear. The brawl begun. Vinnie did attack Morgwen, Morgy itself started to speak back with the same loudness, critic became more personal and finally both are yelling personally against each other... southern temper from both. Nothing bad, somtimes it's helpfull to make things clear and then continue to work together again.
Hmm not in this case, Vinnie didn't want to talk with Morgy anymore and don't forget Vinnie's other loyal VIPs (and some orks and trolls). They came quickly, bitched and fight together against nobel Morgy, to intimidate him and make him silent. No, this is not a side story of 'Lord of The Rings', Vinnie isn't Sauron. However I don't want to repeat the stupid and tastless offenses from both sides. Rumours say there have been some evil mutated Nazi trolls raping Elbes, but this is just a horrible tale to scare children as far as I know. Now we are here and see this poll about kicking Morgy, deleting all his posts. What a quick fall from a loyal user to a kicked and fallen angel! And free speech is usually one of the first victim. *sigh*

But is this a sad story? No not for Morgy. Meanwhile he does not believe anymore in Bearshares advantages and he uses a few other Gnutella client (the for Bearshare believers so unholly Xolox). Together with other P2P trading systems, like Kazaa and eDonkey he is again meeting more friendly people, downloading more files, learned more about filesharing technology and is now sharing on three networks.
It might be a sad story for Bearshare and Vinnie. He lost a friendly, loyal and highly skilled user and moderator. Perhaps more will follow. The bad rumours about Vinnie and his home land are brought to a wider public...

Hope you like this tale and share your files!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old December 27th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Hi Moak!

Did you post this tale on zeropaid too?

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old December 27th, 2001
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No. I think who is interested in Gnutella or Vinnie can find it. Perhaps it's better to write a new tale about what happened in the past, about attacks against other gnutella clients, against Morpheus, plans about braking Gnutella into parts, etc.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old December 28th, 2001
Join Date: November 21st, 2001
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creosote is flying high

Originally posted by Morgwen
I edited my link because I donīt want to continue this senseless discussion in this forum here!

If you are intereseted to post a comment visit!

Oh, that's just lovely. Let's not mess up the nice, upstanding Gnutella forums with this crap, but tell everyone to go on over to Real Mature.
I don't have a problem with you, Morgwen, or Vinnie. If you two became freinds (or associates or whatever), it was through PMs E-mails, or some other Forum that i don't frequent. In any case, the falling out should stay there as well!
It's a private issue and truly ignorant to drag across 2 public forums. (You and Vinnie)
I also have to say, there are some decent people on and your grouping us all together as some lower life forms speaks volumes about you.
Bearshare is still a gnutella client, and not 1/2 as bad as you suddenly make it out to be. (It works better than any other on my machine) I am no a VIP on bearshare, I don't work for freepears, frankly, i don't give a rat's *** about Vincent Falco personally. But I think it's sad that retracting your help for innocent users isn't have to actively subvert people from BS. (If I hadn't tried BS, i would have given up on Gnutella completely for the way the other clients ran on my PC)
Anyway, Thanks for all the help you offered before you let a personal grudge get in the way....Sorry if you got hurt.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2001
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Originally posted by creosote

Oh, that's just lovely. Let's not mess up the nice, upstanding Gnutella forums with this crap, but tell everyone to go on over to Real Mature.
Yes, lets not mess up nice, upstanding Gnutella forums. The community needs someplace where we can all work together. is already an ugly fragfest, so better for the battle to continue there than here. Supposedly, a Quake level is even being developed.
It's a private issue and truly ignorant to drag across 2 public forums. (You and Vinnie)
No, it's been a public issue since Vinnie started flaming anyone whose postings didn't meet with his approval. Want examples? Look at or at These temper tantrums are from last May, and continue to this day. What kind of response does he expect?
I also have to say, there are some decent people on and your grouping us all together as some lower life forms speaks volumes about you.
The significant contributions Morgwen has made to gnet is what really speaks volumes about him. Granted, he did say ppl on were stupid. Morgwen, perhaps you should have said "some of the people on are stupid". There are also decent people there, many of whom support you.
But I think it's sad that retracting your help for innocent users isn't have to actively subvert people from BS.
Innocent users? As opposed to guilty users? Vinnie's bad attitude has done far more to push people away from BS than anything else. It is unreasonable to expect anyone, including Morgwen, to tolerate his abusive behavior. You don't see other developers acting this way, do you?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Originally posted by creosote

Oh, that's just lovely. Let's not mess up the nice, upstanding Gnutella forums with this crap, but tell everyone to go on over to Real Mature.
I don't have a problem with you, Morgwen, or Vinnie. If you two became freinds (or associates or whatever), it was through PMs E-mails, or some other Forum that i don't frequent. In any case, the falling out should stay there as well!
It's a private issue and truly ignorant to drag across 2 public forums. (You and Vinnie)
volumes about you.

If you donīt want to read it ignore it! My post are in the brawl forum, not in the support forums! And I tried to continue this discussion in private but Vinnie set me on his ignore list! And he started to make this a public discussion not me, I continue "his" work...

And about bearshare, I write my opinion about bearshare... you donīt have to agree... but I wonder why only positive comments are allowed???


Last edited by Morgwen; December 29th, 2001 at 07:30 AM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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The significant contributions Morgwen has made to gnet is what really speaks volumes about him. Granted, he did say ppl on were stupid. Morgwen, perhaps you should have said "some of the people on are stupid". There are also decent people there, many of whom support you.


I canīt remember that I called all people there stupid!

I called Vinnie and his trolls stupid... all people who defend him without knowing the whole story...

I said that I donīt fight against the users only against Vinnie!

Yes, I know many of them support me... thanks to all of them!

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2001
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creosote is flying high
Default OK Morgwen...

Point Taken.
Thanks for the reply....alot of people are seeing little bits of this mess and not the whole story...

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