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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2001
Join Date: December 21st, 2001
Posts: 3
Verminator is flying high
Angry BearShare sucks, LimeWire sucks, whatelse???


I've always been using BearShare and this servent is about to become real crap. Also the guys who are implementing it seem to have a slight problem with user requests and dealing with other people in general.

So I thought about LimeWire (since Java rules!!!) but reading the threads in their forums here makes me wonder if I really want to install that one. I mean who installs a virus on purpose? I already have IE on my machine (not that I installed that one on purpose ).


A real while ago I also tested ToadNode (which couldn't even handle more than one connect; caused a crash there) and Gnotella (which I couldn't consider a working program back then).

I've switched from NT to W2K as W2K seems to be more mainstream than NT (not just due to P2P ) and I'm really willing to install a Gnutella-program. But which?

Why is it so hard to write a decent P2P-proggy that actually does what it is supposed to do? Don't get me wrong here but to me the toughest part of it is the routing of the various inbound and outbound traffic and holding an internal buffer with all the information. Ever heard of OOP?

What started as a really good idea once has become commercialized like hell and (therefore!?) more and more is lacking of comfort and usability. So this evolution is going the wrong way. What's coming after Gnutella? I'm waiting already.

All I want is something that
- can download files with resume from more than one host at the same time
- remembers downloads across sessions
- allows me to collect files with different names and sizes into one on my machine
- handles push-routes in a smart way
- doesn't exclude the majority of other servents around
- doesn't install additional crap that noone needs
- queues pending uploads (like FServe in IRC)
- uses +,-," and regular expressions in searches
- multi-window searches not limited to 16

That's what at least BearShare 2.3.0 can't do. If you think it can do it I have the experience that it can't. No need for a whacky GUI or chat.

I had the idea to start writing my own servent but was asked to contribute my ideas to the comunity since there will be a few new proggies out there soon. Ok, my ideas are listed here. Where are the proggies? Will there be any program the suits me?

It's X-mas season and New Year's Eve is coming up. People keep making promises and paint pictures of a glorious future but you don't see me with sparkling eyes. May I make a wish?

I'm sorry for this posting if you find it disturbing. But I'm not in my best mood right now.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Hi Verminator!

I send you a PM!

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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The spyware issue with Limewire will be reworked! In future the versions will work without any spyware!

Just an info!

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2001
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cool, thanks for the Info
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2001
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Join Date: December 25th, 2001
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Trademark95 is flying high

I agree completely with Verminator. All I want is a simple P2P client that can search, get relevant results, and download them effectively. A simple user interface would be nice. If you want to make it look all colorful and fancy go for it, but offer an option to make it look like any other windows program for those people who don’t like skins.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2001
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cultiv8r is flying high

I agree about skins. All these apps, each with different skins, makes my screen look like the Las Vegas strip.

Also agree that things should be kept simple. People generally don't need to fiddle around with the number of connections, etc. Xolox did it very well, although there were some limitations IMO. I'll be taking that example in my client.

-- Mike
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2001
Posts: n/a

I say you give two options. The first being a simple napster/xolox style interface. And the other being a feature rich tweakable interface. That way you can satisfy everybody.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2001
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Join Date: December 25th, 2001
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Trademark95 is flying high

That last message was by me

I say you give two options. The first being a simple napster/xolox style interface. And the other being a feature rich tweakable interface. That way you can satisfy everybody.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old December 31st, 2001
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Originally posted by Trademark95
I agree completely with Verminator. All I want is a simple P2P client that can search, get relevant results, and download them effectively.

PHEX !!!!!!
Het algemeen gnutella forum in Nederlands

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old January 2nd, 2002
Posts: n/a
Post CPU time

The main reason I don't like skins is (and this is a new one) : CPU time

All these programers asume we all have the latest P4 and such .

Example : LW with it's unresponsive GUI and it's stupid skipping MP3 player

Who needs an MP3 player inside a P2P client anyway ?

What was wrong with that simple "launch" button ?

No , now we have a skipping CPU-eating MP3 PLayer with a scrolling interface .

Bandwidht complaints all over the boards everywhere !
But who cares about people's CPU's pulling all this useless **** ?

People with old P200's will !

I'm posting this rant because I know what working with slow CPU's means .

All these new PC's with speeds like 1.5 , 1.8 and 2.0 GHZ speeds don't even show a difference for the naked eye , you need a stopwatch to see the difference .

Altough I do work with a Dual P4 Xeon 2.0 GHZ now , I worked a long time with a P300 .
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