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General Gnutella / Gnutella Network Discussion For general discussion about Gnutella and the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 5th, 2002
Join Date: December 30th, 2001
Location: US
Posts: 2
7.62 is flying high
Default ClickTillUWin Article on
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 6th, 2002
Join Date: August 9th, 2001
Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA
Posts: 358
cultiv8r is flying high

I was pointed out to the following link:

ClickTillUWin Privacy Terms

At section 19, it clearly details how to remove this adware, now dubbed as a trojan by many prominent anti-virus companies.

What worries me, is when companies such as LimeWire are saying they were (quoted from CNN) "led to believe the program did no more than link to a game". That means they have NEVER read the privacy terms of this particular 3rd party application. If they did, they would have known it wasn't just linking.

Whether this happened through Cydoor or one of ClickTillUWin's partners (, Kazaa, Grokster, etc.) This kind of thing shouldn't have happened in the first place.

And it makes me wonder now: If they're not reading the privacy terms of 3rd party software included, are they really concerned with your privacy or what is installed on your system?

-- Mike
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 6th, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: February 18th, 2001
Posts: 207
gbildson is flying high
Default Hindsight is 20/20


Cut us some slack. We only started working with third-party bundled software in October, 2001. There are others in this field that have much longer experience and were taken in. We have learned our lesson and will be more vigalent going forward.

LimeWire has a long history of altruistic behavior that you seem to disregard. We have worked long and hard to improve the Gnutella network and we continue to do so. We have only the best interests of Gnutella and our users in mind.
As a developer of a Gnutella client yourself, perhaps you should show some restraint in your assumptions and accusations about other developers. Better yet, release your client and take on the challenges and risks of client development directly.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 6th, 2002
Join Date: August 9th, 2001
Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA
Posts: 358
cultiv8r is flying high


I am giving plenty of slack. I've told you this too: Been there, done that. It is not that I have had a perfect track record in the years I've been doing business.

I've lost hundreds of users when I included advertising software that a month later was, whilst unfounded, dubbed as 'spyware' by S. Gibson & Co. I'm reminded of that even today.

But, LimeWire's altruistic past has been replaced by avarice. Unless you plan to pay the bill with hot air.

-- Mike
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 11th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Hindsight is 20/20

Originally posted by gbildson

Cut us some slack. We only started working with third-party bundled software in October, 2001. There are others in this field that have much longer experience and were taken in. We have learned our lesson and will be more vigalent going forward.

LimeWire has a long history of altruistic behavior that you seem to disregard. We have worked long and hard to improve the Gnutella network and we continue to do so. We have only the best interests of Gnutella and our users in mind.
As a developer of a Gnutella client yourself, perhaps you should show some restraint in your assumptions and accusations about other developers. Better yet, release your client and take on the challenges and risks of client development directly.

Somehow you weren't so negative about feedback when there were bugs to squash. We can't say anything because we don't write our own client ? Then I'm sure you've never been to a movie and said it was boring, since you aren't yourself in the movie bussiness. Or watched a sitcom and said it wasn't funny, since you don't work in television. Or complained about AOL or MS since you haven't written a single line of code for any of those companies. Or VOTED, since you're not in politics.

The 'do it yourself before you critisize' is the most retarded argument in the history of rhetorics. It doesn't work that way, 'Limewire developper'.
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