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Bbeboi October 30th, 2007 05:05 PM

Pissed off with Limewire and sick ppl who use it
I'm a fairly new user to limewire, but I've used other P2P programs in the past. But recently I've been disgusted by the volume of Kiddie Porn and **** Porn popping up on my search results. What really ****** me off is when your downloading a video file with a name like ******* and other such files. AND IT"S NOT WHAT IT IS! I had one incident, just today, when I was downloading a ******* Episode and I pressed preview it wasn't a ******* Episode. It was a beginning of some sort of a **** Porn. I quickly stopped the download and used my shedder program to erase from my computer. Unfortunately I wasn't able to write down the ISP number. But It's these kinds of situations that really ****** me off. Is there anything Limewire can do about these individuals who share these kind of files. I know there's been other forums discussing about this issue of KP and RP. But as users P2P programs can't we demand limewire and other P2P program admin's to create some sort of blocks or screening of these types of files. Come on people

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Warez, copyright violation, or any other illegal activity may NOT be linked or expressed in any form.

pain289 October 30th, 2007 05:08 PM

deal with it asswhole

Remoc October 30th, 2007 06:32 PM

In response to this unjust Rant against Limewire, I have laugh at you because you don’t have a clue at what your doing.
I have used Limewire for almost 2 years, and I have never, ever, ever, downloaded something that I didn’t expect to get. If you would have taken the amount of time it took you to right this post and did a little research, you to would know how and what to look for when downloading video files from a P2P Network.
Ever heard of a little site called BITZI ?? Probably NOT.
Do you even know what P2P really is ??

I first entered these Forums and read anything and everything for quite a long time, and learned and am still learning things everyday. With that said, stop your whining and take some time to figure out what your doing or go somewhere else. No one is to blame but yourself. :cry:

Bbeboi October 31st, 2007 09:49 AM

It's not a unjust rant! I've known people who have downloaded things that aren't what there supposed to be, and they've gotten in serious trouble with the law. And after doing a little bit more research on this site and other forums, I've come to the conclusion that this situation is more common than people expect. In my opinion this is a serious matter, but other people might not think so. To answer you question I know what P2P is, like I said I've used other P2P program in the past. I've even studied P2P in school. But just consider that some people might used a different name for something that really isn't what it is. I'm not whining, I'm just concerned for kids who might come across these files thinking its an episode of there favourite shows.

But I respect everyones view and opinions on this matter.

ursula November 2nd, 2007 10:25 AM


Hiya, and thanks for an amazingly calm and cogent follow-up post ! ;)

Here in Gnutellaforums there are some of us who actually do try to warn others about some of the 'dangers' of p2p... Real p2p, that is... Meaning 'us' normal p2p participants... AND guide them... Guide them by suggesting where dangerous zones may be and how a lack of discipline can invite a genuine sh*tstorm...

Many of us are continuously trying to warn about problem sites and files and apparent 'failures' in downloaded files...

We hope that you will carry on here with your warnings and concerns.

Further, remember that LimeWire is NOT the only Gnutella Network client out here for now...
It is also not necessarily the most deserving p2p client worthy of your attention. ;)

Remoc November 2nd, 2007 05:08 PM


Bbeboi November 2nd, 2007 07:33 PM

Remoc, whatever. seriously

Remoc November 3rd, 2007 12:06 AM

Bbeboi, First off, I want to offer my most sincere apologies. I was a jerk in my first post only because I feel that LW is always pointed to as the cause of all evil.

I think there are a high percentage of users that don’t understand how P2P actually works and how files are put on the network. These files that you are referring to are in part put on the network by anti P2P companies, paid by the RIAA and the MPAA to deter the use of P2P. There is also the Freak factor.

I, myself have spent countless hours on these Forums trying to help out when and where I can. Like I said previously, I have done my research and read for hours on end to help avoid these kinds of problems. I just wish that other members would also take the time to do so before condemning LW.

Again, my apologies

Lord of the Rings November 3rd, 2007 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Remoc (Post 295241)
I just wish that other members would also take the time to do so before condemning LW.

I think Bbeboi pointed out they had done so, but yes some people tend to not do any research before or after coming to the forums.

An interesting point Quality of Content on the Network (click on link)

Some of the groups professionally 'sponsored' to spam gnutella & other p2p networks include:
1. Overpeers, __ 2. MediaSentry, __ 3. Mediadefender (who were recently tripped up)

What to do about them. Well these things will at least help: 1. Problems with the search, & 2.

pain289 November 8th, 2007 04:57 PM

dude, one more time deal with it **** happens man so dont get your panties in a twist every time you get somthing that you dont like. and if LW ****** you off so much just dont use it we dont want to hear you whine

techgeek November 10th, 2007 06:27 PM

I agree. If you annoy us so much, then delete your frigging account and never come here again! It was too an unjust rant!
I think I have made my point.

Lord of the Rings November 11th, 2007 01:17 AM

Cool down guys!!!!!

Yes we do occasionally get ranters here .. but in this case I don't think Bbeboi is really falling into exactly the same category. She/he seems to have a lot of maturity some others seem to lack. Think carefully about that now won't you. ;)

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