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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 7th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Angry Scandalous pedophile on gnutella network.

I was downloading some song when I saw a title who looked strange "Child porn 10 yr film 14_03 preteen *******.mpeg" I download it to see what it was exactly and I was horrified when I saw that was a real pedophile video. I come from Belgium and I find that so horrible. If there is some Hackers who could kill these computer, that could be fun.
If you want to receive Host number of people who put that **** on the Gnutella network please send me a e-mail ( I will send you back four Host number.

Internet is not a bin for ruined guys.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 7th, 2001
Join Date: March 26th, 2001
Posts: 15
Tomato is flying high

You cant avoid it completely.

I am searching for adult content, searching for keywords like "*******".

Then I mark randmomly about 100 files and go to work.

So I also received that kind of files. When I watch my files i kill them of course. But in meantime also on my computer are that kind of movies.

I agree to you that those people who spread this files should be punished (sent to jail as our laws do not allow harder punishments) but it isnt always that the computer you downloaded that file from is from a pedo.

I am NOT and believe me: Because of my logs i know that lots of persons downloaded those files.

I think it would be a big help if those clients start to include an automatic filter for preteen, kiddy, etc.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 8th, 2001
Posts: n/a

hi guys

this is exactly why I am looking for a tool that scans the messages shared with my peers. If I understood the principle of peer to peer correctly, all kind of search strings pass through my machine. If I could set up a filter for the keywords you mentioned (see "preteen" is #18 of all searched strings!) this would be all I could do - at least such downloads couldn't be initiated thanks to my being peer.

best regards
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 13th, 2001
Join Date: March 26th, 2001
Posts: 15
Tomato is flying high

well. thats a really GREAT IDEA!

perhaps we could win the LimeWare, Bearshare, etc. to do that!!!

but on the other way: isn't there the danger that those b*stards just use other keywords and just call it "teen" and you even got MORE of this stuff even if you do not want it?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 16th, 2001
Posts: n/a

I also think its a huge problem. When you mark say 100 filenames without looking, theres no telling what you end up with on your computer. And its really sad that people not looking for that kind, without consent at worst partisipate in sharing it.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2001
Posts: n/a


I've had a look at that myself (Of course, I deleted those files from my HD immediately) and had found that some of the JPGs don't actually contain childporn but a text that asks the users to stop distributing childporn.
As I think this is a good idea, I made a picture with the GIMP showing the following text:

"Please be aware that the possession of child porn is a crime and that you can be put into jail for it!
I know from a trustworthy source that the police are actually participating in the network and are doing IP-backtracking.
So, if you distribute/download such material over the net, you're in real danger!
For your own security: If you own such material, delete it!"

I then saved the file under a name that would assure the right persons to find it "worth downloading".

What do you think about this strategy?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2001
Join Date: March 31st, 2001
Posts: 34
ryan15575 is flying high
Default People aren't idiots

It's nearly impossible to block anything on gnutella. Not to mention, it's nearly impossible to prove anyone actually intended to share files like that... While the police can tell you to remove specific files, it's only if you don't that they have anything to prosecute you on.

Your idea of filtering search results is not a good one. It would only mean that searches to your own files would not reveal any of those files. Also, people have the freedom to use any client they want, and most being open source, anyone could remove a restriction such as that.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default Make them sick back

It was funny when I got a jpg that was "lolita preteen sex" (and a lot of other "normal" keywords so it downloaded), but it was a stick figure with boobs and a "bush" and missing teeth. I was ROTFLMAO for a hour! I have been sharing it back, it was too funny and it's fun seeing that others have uploaded it from me.

Another guy suggested blasting non sicko jpgs under the same sort of names. Good idea.

You could make thim really sick by uploading a mpg movie of yourself naked under those keywords. Being a old fart myself I know that would make anyone sick!

Revenge is yours!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2001
Posts: n/a

You guys all think that it's a good idea to post mislabeled stuff, but you all downloaded the file too. How would youj like it if you downloaded a file by "accident" as you say you have and you find some naked old man?
Mislabeled files are the last thing we need on Gnutella. That was one of the problems with Napster that made it suck so bad. Shame on you for your viglante censorship, you're as bad as they are.
I'm not an advocate of kiddy porn, but I also don't tell you how to run your life. Another above poster suggested that someone hack users who possess this file. Well, half of the posters on this thread possessed this file, whether by accident or not I don't know and I don't care. Should they be hacked too?
Just ignore the stuff you don't like and enjoy the stuff you do.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 29th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default Freaks & geeks

Originally posted by Unregistered
How would youj like it if you downloaded a file by "accident" as you say you have and you find some naked old man?
there are a lot of woman out there that would like that. so whats wrong with naked old men?
I think theay were saying they would use the same name as the real kiddy file so it replaces it eventualy. not a bad idea
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