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General Gnutella / Gnutella Network Discussion For general discussion about Gnutella and the Gnutella network.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2002
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: March 14th, 2002
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Smilin' Joe Fission is flying high

Originally posted by Morgwen
Nobody wants to distance from the GNUTELLA network... they try to distance from the bearshare and Limewire network!!! And they are using the GNUTELLA protocol so in my eyes it is OK if they disucss it here!
If that's the case, then explain to me why the OpensourceP2P client uses "OPENSOURCE CONNECT" rather than "GNUTELLA CONNECT" as a handshake (which means they are NOT using the Gnutella protocol... they're using a variant of it, but it's NOT the Gnutella protocol anymore if it's modified not to have any mention of Gnutella in it at all)... if they just wanted to distance themselves from Bearshare and LimeWire, they would just block those clients and continue participate on the Gnutella network. But instead they are participating on a WHOLE NEW network. Sounds blatantly like distancing themselves from the Gnutella network to me!
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2002
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Originally posted by Smilin' Joe Fission
If that's the case, then explain to me why the OpensourceP2P client uses "OPENSOURCE CONNECT" rather than "GNUTELLA CONNECT" as a handshake (which means they are NOT using the Gnutella protocol...
There are still compatible to the Gnutella network!

Perhaps the creator of this network want to add something?

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  #33 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2002
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Smilin' Joe Fission is flying high

Oh I have no doubt it's compatible with the Gnutella network. Aside from a few wording changes, the protocol is darn near the same. It would be rather unusual, however, after taking the initiative to start their own network because of the proposed problems they see in the Gnutella network, that they would care to make sure their clients were still compatible with the Gnutella network. As of yet, there doesn't seem to be a bridge between the two networks and I'm sure the originators of the OpensourceP2P network would like to keep it that way. After all, bridging the two networks would once again open up their network to the problems they were seeking to avoid to begin with! So, in other words, it sounds to me like they're gone and not coming back. Hence my question as to why they're still continuing to use the Gnutella Forums as their forums as well.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2002
Posts: n/a

joe..... another bearshare lover
why does bearshare still use the gnutella network when everything on their site says its the bearshare network?
why does bearshare try to hide the other clients names on the screen? wouldn't want you to know that there were free, no spam clients out there now would we?
why do university networks not let normal gnutella clients connect within their private lan?
bearshare has its own forums, maybe you should stay over there
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2002
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Smilin' Joe Fission is flying high

Great answer! I question why the OpensourceP2P folks are posting here rather than creating their own forums seeing as they don't seem to be part of the Gnutella network anymore and I'm suddenly accused of being in league with Bearshare. Impeccable logic! Hey bud, here's a tip... Get your facts straight before you start typing. Thanks.

I've tried Bearshare before, but it only crashed my machine, so I deleted it.... I've never touched it since. I mainly use Gnucleus and, at times, LimeWire Pro.... depends on what I feel like at the time.

So much for your "Bearshare lover" theory.

Of course, now that I've admitted I use LimeWire Pro, I'll probably be accused of being a LimeWire lover now too (regardless of whether I said I also use mainly Gnucleus).

Last edited by Smilin' Joe Fission; April 19th, 2002 at 03:37 PM.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Opensource P2P uses the Gnutella protocol to communicate, and if you missed it the modified clients can be used on both networks and can be used to create your own custom network.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old April 20th, 2002
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Originally posted by an idiot
joe..... another bearshare lover
Please send someone out to fetch the troll! (Yeah, better watch out for that evil Bearshare conspiracy)

IMHO, though, I don't have any problem with using this forum to talk about OSP2P (what a long-winded name!). It sparks interest in the Gnutella community, and besides, I'm not sure if they have enough support to start their own forum.

I'd post my IP, but I'm behind a b---ard router from Hell, and its owner will not be happy if I redirect a port.

Last edited by Ashitaka; April 20th, 2002 at 08:57 AM.
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