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  #161 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Posts: n/a

We are defending ourselfs only.

Now whine and criticize at Vinnies's place, he started it. Yes, the origin is responsible, especially if older than eight years. So stop your groundless accusations, kid.
  #162 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
We are defending ourselfs only.

Now whine and criticize at Vinnies's place, he started it. Yes, the origin is responsible, especially if older than eight years. So stop your groundless accusations, kid.
Actually I haven't seen any proof that BearShare has cut off anyone. You guys have reinforced it by your constant desire to block those connections.
  #163 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
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Mrgone, you won't see what is happening, eighter you don't understand or you do dont want to understand? We had many threads here on Gnutellaforums about this issue: Vinnie is turning Gnutella into a proprietary BS network since months (proprietary Gnutella packages, proprietary v0.6 headers, clustering BS clients, prefering BS clients, changing host caches without notice, blocking v0.4 clients without technical reasons, e.g. Xolox). He is sucking knowledge away from the GDF, but new features have been implemented closed for others, without giving back something equivalent. Still ignoring the truth and distributing propaganda is a joke IMHO, on IRC you did speak different to what you say here.

This time prove what you say and prove Vinnie is NOT clustering/blocking and NOT destroying, plundering free Gnutella and that the little guys will NOT have fewer connections. Congratulations developers, you gave Vinnie a free card for plundering. Didn't I hear voices when one vendor starts blocking others, he will be kicked out of the community?

This "sectioning/seperating/clustering" are only beautiful words: As a matter of fact it is a kind of blocking, it looks different but has 90% the same effect as blocking. It's the first step to a full proprietary Bearshare network, loosly based on Gnutella protocol. Just wait some months, Vinnie will introduce more features to increase his domination, now that he manged the first step (and nearly nobody complained).

I was making compromises, tolerated Bearshare/Limewire selfish commercial politics, being nice and friendly, helping newcomers and developers.... for months... but after all I don't believe in it anymore... Vinnie's agressive politics has won. He turned the face of Gnutella for ever! *sigh* Think about it. Gnutella was an open protocol for everyone with a variety of equal client, but this ended on March 2002. Today we have a BS network, a LW network, some clients arround. These other client will be eighter sucked into spyware paid BS/LW network in future (with lots of loud marketing).... or the remaining users regroup into something that is not BS/LW controlled. My advice: Do not cooperate or support BS/LW anymore!
The openP2P network maybe one alternative. Seperating from BS in only a matter of defense, I won't feed Vinnie's BS network with my files anymore. I'm sorry to say... Vinnie started to block other clients, now he should be prepared to get blocked from these clients he disadvantages, he can not abuse others for his Bearshare network.
The better idea: Vinnie should have the honour and the truth and let Gnutella alone, call his network Bearshare network and does not touch Gnutella anymore. If his Bearshare is such better, he should leave (but he needs the Gnutella userbase and first wanna grab a bigger userbase and then take them away + he needs the knowledge/ideas of the other GDF developers to improve his client). It would be also healthy for Gnutella, I see currently no client that has such heavy freeloading support as Bearshare has (and we know busy slots are the biggest pain on Gnutella still). If he leaves, then nobody needs to block someone, users and development could be friendly and efficient and Gnutella could be free again. *dreaming*

Greets, Moak

PS: If you want to see what's a really good proprietary network, then test eDonkey2000 (use Adaware to get rid of the Spyware). eDonkey is many times faster then Gnutella (no empty promises, try and you will see).
PPS: Mrgone, this time you prove your words. Don't ask questions, answer them.
Your criticize-always-the-other tactic doesn't work, explain your own position detailed instead.

Last edited by Moak; March 30th, 2002 at 08:20 AM.
  #164 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: February 3rd, 2002
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Originally posted by Moak
(proprietary packages, clustering BS clients, prefering BS clients, blocking v0,4 clients without technical reasons, e.g. Xolox)
All of that is true except for blocking 0.4 clients. Vinnie had implemented that earilier and has since removed it.

This time proof what you say and proof Vinnie is NOT clustering/blocking and destroying free Gnutella and that the little guys will NOT have fewer connections.

Greets, Moak
If he was blocking your connections you would have no need to block his. There would be no BearShare connections for you to block.
  #165 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
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Originally posted by Moak

This "clustering" is only an beautiful word, as a matter of fact it means 90% the same what blocking is. It's the first step to a proprietary Bearshare network, loosly based on Gnutella.
You complain that BS is headed in this direction and yet you support Openp2p doing it.

How do you resolve your hypocrisy?
  #166 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
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Originally posted by mrgone4662

You complain that BS is headed in this direction and yet you support Openp2p doing it.

How do you resolve your hypocrisy?
Im wondering that myself..

Moak you claim to be supporting for a fair and open gnutella. Yet your doing and supporting the exact opposite. The fact that you want to go back to finger pointing, blaming others programs for pretty much everything with baseless accusations, exgerations and speculation which you have zero proof.

Like i said a few posts ago your the ones wanting change so its up to you to provide the proof something more than empty promises and accusations..

It just shows that your the one who doesnt understand...
  #167 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Make Bearshare a fair client and nobody needs to defend against your Bearshare abuse. You started it, now don't whine.
  #168 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
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Seph, your definition of a fair and open gnutella means Bearshare is the only glory and can plunder Gnutella aggresive without reaction? We are only defending ourselfs, that's what fairness contains. I'm sorry too, but please complain at Vinnie's table. If Bearshare wants to be treated as a fair Gnutella client again, okay, then follow the rules and treat other clients equal again. Gnutella is not a two class community where Bearshare is the master and all others are minors.

As for me telling about "baseless accusations", "exgerations" and "speculations", I feel those are terms much better suited to the closed and proprietary world of Bearshare. Here again what are facts: Bearshare comes with proprietary Gnutella packages, proprietary v0.6 headers, clustering BS clients, prefering BS clients, changing host caches without notice, blocking v0.4 clients without technical reasons, e.g. Xolox. Ask the GDF if something is not understood or not true in your eyes, they will confirm it. Well, perhaps I forgot some of the newest Bearshare Gnutella plundering additions.


Nothing is regulated, what is not fairly regulated

Last edited by Moak; March 30th, 2002 at 07:06 AM.
  #169 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Posts: n/a

think about this, we are doing vinnie a favor by saving him from all the flames he would have got when he cut off from gnutella to make his own private network now he can do it and no one will notice!
  #170 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2002
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Originally posted by Sephiroth

The fact that you want to go back to finger pointing, blaming others programs for pretty much everything with baseless accusations, exgerations and speculation which you have zero proof.
Baseless accusations???

I will search for the links which I posted on all VIPs (including you) said it is a lie until Vinnie confirmed it (in his words)!

There are also many posts from the GDF - the most people here have no yahoo account so I will search them in a free database...

but Sephiroth than I will "SEE" some arguements from you not just this are accusations etc.



@ mrgone and unregistered

Stop your insults and flames or I will close this thread!
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