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  #31 (permalink)  
Old March 24th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Watch out for the Vinnie factor. Something like this will focus him.

He has gone back in his cave and is probably working on something to assure his market share.

Just my 2 cents.
  #32 (permalink)  
Old March 24th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Well, 2 days and no answer from Morgwen.
I see no other method but to use blocking to stop the greed before it takes over like everything else commercial. Talk is over it's time to do something.
  #33 (permalink)  
Old March 25th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
Well, 2 days and no answer from Morgwen.
I see no other method but to use blocking to stop the greed before it takes over like everything else commercial. Talk is over it's time to do something.
My idea is to create a new protocol with terms that donīt allow adware! But the problem is that they are still many developers who donīt care! A few do!

Perhaps you want to visit us!

  #34 (permalink)  
Old March 25th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
I see no other method but to use blocking
Sounds like you're feeling a little ****.

Last edited by KathW; March 31st, 2002 at 04:44 AM.
  #35 (permalink)  
Old March 25th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Morgwen
My idea is to create a new protocol with terms that donīt allow adware! But the problem is that they are still many developers who donīt care! A few do!
Isn't that the same thing as OpenSource P2P? And it exists now, no talk, no waiting for "developers". What are you waiting for?

Gnutella is dead, it was killed by commercialism. There are only three networks for you to get on:

1. OpenSource P2P Net
2. LimeWire Net
3. BearShare Net

Originally posted by mrgone4662
Sounds like you're feeling a little ****.
Is that all you can come up with? Sheesh... Deal with emotions and you get everywhere. Lose any money lately? How's your P2P stock price doing?

Last edited by KathW; March 31st, 2002 at 04:45 AM.
  #36 (permalink)  
Old March 26th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered

Gnutella is dead, it was killed by commercialism.
Gnutella is what it is today by commerical programs. In fact "unregistered" gnutella would probably be dead today if it werent for commerical programs gnutella would be dead.. Before the first real commerical programs the total number of hosts on gnutella was around 2500 hosts for the entire network... Almost all the protocol proposals come from commerical companies or interests.

Look you can bitch and complain all you want about spyware, adware and etc. But some programs on the network arent commerical like gnucleus and no one is forcing you to use a commerical program..

If you dont like commerical programs then dont use them its that simple. People are not stupid others will use whatever program they want to. No one is forcing you to use a specific program why should you be allowed to tell others what programs they "should" be using..

As for the fact that bearshare and limewire clump there programs together what does that matter, they arent cut off from gnutella you can still download off of them and if you dont use them then it really shouldnt matter. They dont clump 100% together either.. Dont like it then have the noncommerical programs become better and compete with the commerical ones to get users to use them, not flame commerical programs and create new networks which doesnt solve anything..

Adware doesnt make host connection, nor does it make downloads or uploads slower.. In fact it has nothing to do with the protocol at all. Its not a gnutella issue , its a personal preference.

I think that people are overreacting and trying to come up with solutions to a problem that doesnt exist and doesnt affect the network.

Note: I expect to get flamed and called immature lame insults but i dont care.. If some want to blame me and pass off my posts with some excuse then all i can say is good luck with the 2nd gnutella network the old one will still be here and will stay for a long time.
  #37 (permalink)  
Old March 26th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Sephiroth
Gnutella is what it is today by commerical programs. In fact "unregistered" gnutella would probably be dead today
BS is not helping Gnutella, BS helps only BS and claims to help Gnutella.
  #38 (permalink)  
Old March 26th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered

BS is not helping Gnutella, BS helps only BS and claims to help Gnutella.
Finger pointing and accusations again accomplish nothing, really strays from the topic and in the end is really what doesnt help gnutella.

Why do you assume im talking about just one servent? There are many different programs and other outside commerical interests and others working together to improve the network. Its up to each indivdual developer to improve there own program. How developers go about doing that is really there choice because its their program and a open network.

Gnutella shouldnt be another fasttrack where every program does the same exact thing they just have different names/logos...
  #39 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Sephiroth
Gnutella is what it is today by commerical programs. In fact "unregistered" gnutella would probably be dead today if it werent for commerical programs gnutella would be dead..
Yea, I remember when a certain commercial developer starting with a "V" screwed up his code and because of his total control over his program forced everyone to upgrade then that took down a big part of the existing network and people started to say "Gnutella can't scale", that's how that got started.
Then Napster shut down, you think that might have been a factor in growth?
Gnutella was able to scale just fine, as it does now. Morpheus isn't using any "Ultrapeers" and seems to be doing fine with 200,000+ nodes. So Gnutella would be just about as big as it is today without the help of greed leeching off our resources and spaming us with ads and spyware.
You see, these people can't seem to stop themselves, they need to make a buck or lose their jobs. So they spam, spam, spam.
Protocol proposals came from everyone invloved, not just the commercial interests. Greed prevented some from getting used because it might not be in the best interest of profit, or controling the network/market share.

Besides, the size of the network doesn't matter after a few hundred nodes, it's the attitude of those who share. If people know their efforts arn't going to make thrid parties rich they might want to put more work into providing new and better quality content. Others may join in to add more features to the code.
If you dont like commerical programs then dont use them its that simple.
I don't use them but I also don't want to contribute my computer time or network resources that I pay for to third party commercial interests' pockets. I just want a choice not to.
  #40 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2002
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Originally posted by Sephiroth
Finger pointing and accusations again accomplish nothing, really strays from the topic and in the end is really what doesnt help gnutella.
Distributung Bearshare propaganda and tell everyone to shut up who sees the commercial aggresive/destructive aspects, really strays from the topic and in the end is really what doesnt help gnutella.

How developers go about doing that is really there choice because its their program and a open network.
Not, Vinnie sees Gnutella since month as his own proprietary battlegound where he behaves aggresive and with lies against opponents.

Gnutella shouldnt be another fasttrack where every program does the same exact thing they just have different names/logos... [/B]
Only your opinion, a common protocol is what you fear, where every client is equal and lives in fair competition. Also Fasttrack had a better technology for months, learn from it, don't bitch against it. Oh I forgit Vinnie doesn't own Fasttrack, so it must be bad... yes we worship Vinnie. May I send him chocolates and cookies to thank him for his holly work?
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