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General Gnutella / Gnutella Network Discussion For general discussion about Gnutella and the Gnutella network.
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  #151 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Moak's Avatar
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Moak is flying high

Anonnn, great work & thx!

PS: Mrgone *plonk*

Last edited by Moak; March 29th, 2002 at 10:33 AM.
  #152 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: May 28th, 2001
Posts: 56
Sephiroth is flying high

That is the worst thing ive ever seen..

Your allowing people to favor servents over another on gnutella which is horrible because your program no only affects the one user on the network but everyone else's horizon as well..

I dont think you fully understand what your doing much less how it affects gnutella. You want to divide up gnutella based on a non-network issue like commerical programs then fine go ahead with your openp2pnet.

Dont interefere with the current gnutella network by adding things like blocking of servents and some other "features" which dont seem to be in the best interest of gnutella..

Users should allowed to be able to use whatever program they want to and they shouldnt be affected on the network by programs like yours which blocks others programs and limits users freedom by punishing users who choose to use a commerical program instead of an open source one.. Which you or anyone else does not have the right to do.

Really it just sad that people would launch there little assults against me and mrgone for not agreeing with this. Just shows once again that it seems that people are acting without thinking of the potential conquences of there actions...

Originally posted by Anonnn
You now have a choice!


* Connects to the OpenSource P2P Net by default
* Still works as a Gnutella client, with or without blocking
* You control all aspects of blocking, it's your choice!
* Network type, name and blocking settings are all via the GUI
* Move around the network to find rare files!
* Selectively block clients that are causing problems
* Selectively block clients to move around the clustered net
* Block all for profit clients with one push of a button
* Find out for yourself that you don't need commercial clients to share files!
* Change from OpenSource P2P Net to Gnutella from the GUI
* Create a custom network name, start your own private network!
* Avoid your sys-admin if packet sniffers are looking for "GNUTELLA"
* Default lists of clients included to help select blocking
* All this and it's free! No Greed!

* Static host catchers now reload properly with delay
* Internal host cache is now larger so it's harder to run dry

Checked with the latest norton antivirus.
Just replace the Gnucleus.exe file in your Programs-Gnucleus folder.

Please be patient with the new OpenSource P2P Net, it will take
a little while to develop more nodes on the network. You can help
by running yours 24/7 or as long as possible. Enable for profit
client blocking and you will still be able to get/share files
with all the non profit clients!

This was about 40+ hours of work & testing.
Kudos to whoever put up a static IP server at
very handy! Thanks!
And thanks to Simeon for providing a Linux version!
  #153 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Posts: n/a

> people are acting without thinking of the potential conquences of there actions

You mean:
1. Vinnie, seeing only $$$$
2. LimeWire, seeing only investment $$$$
3. Greed, RIAA pissing off it's customers
4. Clustering, AKA Vinnie again

It's time to cluster back!
Clustering already "cut you off". Why aren't you over on BearShare "Labs" getting mad? (I would call it more a place to think up new sneaky ways to get more market share, not a lab)
Won't affect my filesharing a bit. Lots of files on those other clients. I just got a whole bunch of search returns, with full blocking on! Doesn't look much different then when it was off.
Had to wait a bit for all those BS clustered IPs to clear out of my cache though
  #154 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Vinnie started this, now don't complain if people fight back for their freedom.

You started it, now don't whine if people do not want to be ruled by Bearshare, you splitted gnutella, you started it. Now go to your litlle proprietary Bearshare network and confess your fault, but do not whine.
  #155 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: February 3rd, 2002
Posts: 186
mrgone4662 is flying high

Originally posted by Unregistered
Vinnie started this, now don't complain if people fight back for their freedom.
How has Vinnie interfered with your freedom?

You started it, now don't whine if people do not want to be ruled by Bearshare, you splitted gnutella, you started it. Now go to your litlle proprietary Bearshare network and confess your fault, but do not whine.
You complain that BearShare uses clustering. You claim that BearShare clustering split gnutella. And yet you defend Openp2p in doing so?

If BearShare is running on a proprietary network where is the need to block them?

Originally posted by Unregistered
Clustering already "cut you off".
If clustering already "cut you off" then where is there the need to block connections from them? If you were really cut off there would be no connections to block.
  #156 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Posts: n/a

go to, Vinnie can better explain how clusterig and blocking works. he will give you also a VIP status and you can meet nice friends on your emotional level.
  #157 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: February 3rd, 2002
Posts: 186
mrgone4662 is flying high

Originally posted by Iamnacho

maybe not constructive, but from what i see it appears to be the truth
Of course it is, I already admitted to mixing things up here. Of course you probably only read the parts you wanted to see. In which case you missed the intent of this.

It's not just that I may disagree with such a silly partisan position that has been presented here, but that I've asked you all to think about it critically.

If you can't think about your position without being offended maybe you should change your position.
  #158 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Posts: n/a

your person is the only offending. not what you say, hum did you say something... I have seen you criticize, bitching and question everything. you have given no answers, help, solutions, opportunies or understanding.

Silly partisan hm, we do not have as much money and aggresive ideas as Viniie, but we have the right to defend us and build our own beasrhare free network. Complain to Vinnie, he started it, don't complain about us.
  #159 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Posts: n/a

'silly partisan', pfft arrogant blender
  #160 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: February 3rd, 2002
Posts: 186
mrgone4662 is flying high

Originally posted by Unregistered
Complain to Vinnie, he started it, don't complain about us.
Considering what your doing is blocking clients you have no room to bitch if anyone else is doing it.

"But he started it!" is an argument made by eight year olds.
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