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  #211 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2002
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Originally posted by mrgone4662
Please tell us why it is okay for one client to block people from the network and bad for a different client to do it.
NOBODY said that it is good that ONE client block an other...

but if one client starts seperating, I think its FAIR that other can do the same!!!

As I said I donīt agree that we block a client but when Vinnie is more and more seperating he donīt need to wonder that other go the same way!

  #212 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2002
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Originally posted by mrgone4662

So far all I have seen is people complaining that Vinnie makes money. There is nothing wrong with someone making a living. And this doesn't resolve the hypocrisy.
Of course he can make money...

even if I think its bad to do it with spyware but he CAN make money!!!

But it is GOOD to seperate and try to make more money with it???

If this is OK... where is your problem that other users donīt want to be a part of this Gnutella/ only a part of Gnutella?

I think this is a free choice and FULLY legal!!!

So where is the problem?

Let Vinnie make his bucks let him create his own network...

but let others do the same!!!

  #213 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by mrgone4662
So far all I have seen is people complaining that Vinnie makes money. There is nothing wrong with someone making a living. And this doesn't resolve the hypocrisy.
you don't read this thread, you only flood, don't you? Once again for you:

Originally posted by Moak
The problem is not closed sourced software or making money with a protocol. I like
money too. :-) The problem is the unacceptable politics of some vendors and some of us
will not contribute rescources and knowledge to the benefit of a single vendor.
There is no hypocrisy, you try to create one because you read only what you like, not what the people explain to you. Okay, I got it: You see people are right here, but you have no arguments to prove your point, so you flood. cheap trick!
  #214 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2002
Gnutella Muse
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mrgone4662 is flying high

Well, not everyone agrees with your political stance on the subject. And for you to try to diminish the quality of service for these people is an abuse of the gnutella network.
  #215 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2002
Gnutella Admirer
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Originally posted by Moak

The problem is the unacceptable politics of some vendors and some of us
will not contribute rescources and knowledge to the benefit of a single vendor
So what is acceptable? Blocking programs and demanding that they leave the network which is an open network even though no other developer has a problem with them on gnutella..

In any case i dont think its a good reason because you do not contribute resources to the benifit of a single vendor if you do not use that program. The resources arguement doesnt hold because its P2P. You have just as much access to "resources" as other people do well it used to be that way until some people decided to block others.

There is still no good reason why blocking servents on gnutella is a good idea much less accomplish anything.

In the end it seems people here want to spilt apart the network just to please there own selfish needs. But in the end none of their ideals help gnutella or is fair to other users in fact they are doing everything that they are complaining about. Spiltting the network apart, unfair practices like blocking and not respecting the network as an open network by saying that selective programs should be kicked off gnutella..
  #216 (permalink)  
Old March 31st, 2002
Posts: n/a

Mrgone, guess what? IT'S DONE! Blocking is here, people have a choice and you can't stop it!

>What's the matter, can you not provide evidence supporting your conspiracy theory?
Grabbing at straws and trolling to support your position won't work! It's over, it's done, get over it! You lost $$, oh well, bad investment.

>So your intention is to force people to use a different client. You're trying to impose restrictions on an individual's freedom to choose what software they wish to use.
>And for you to try to diminish the quality of service for these people
Twisting words like a attorney won't work either! We are forcing the greedy spamware client to leave the network! It's easy for people to find a free client!
Why should we be forced to provide computer network resources to corporations?
Now we have a choice!

Are you saying people are too stupid to figure out corporations are sucking off their resources? Are you saying they are too stupid to choose not to give their resources? Are you saying they are too stupid that they can't find a free client?
See, I can do that too.

>So stop hiding under "Unregistered" and post under a registered name.
But that's my real name!

>Morg, is this an indication that you don't want me posting here anymore?
Can you limit your posts to something like two a day please? Troll bait!

>Please tell us why it is okay for one client to block people from the network and bad for a different client to do it.
Already answered over and over. We know your point of view, we know, we know, and you are RIGHT! in your own demented mind that is. So stop asking the same questions and think up something new because you are getting booooooring.

>There is nothing wrong with someone making a living.
Not when that someone uses my network resources to do it! Let him pay for his own network and deveop his own client base.

>If that were the case then there would be no bearshare connections for you to block.
If there were no connections to block, people wouldn't block it, so there must be something to block and a reson to block it, so they block it because they now have a way and choice to do it. Been there, answered that. If we repete the answers fourty times will that be enough?
Please click on each of these links and read all the posts in each one and then it may sink in.

Sephiroth >you do not contribute resources to the benifit of a single vendor if you do not use that program
Not true because that client connects to ME! It can go off to it's own paid for name brand network. As the official BearShare representitive here we know your position and what motivates you.
So as a official BS representitive can you tell us when this BS network that is talked about all over the BS home page will be working?
  #217 (permalink)  
Old March 31st, 2002
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Default Re: Enough!

Originally posted by KathW
Feel free to start a new thread

But without repeating over and over, please!

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