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kekeman December 30th, 2009 08:42 PM

Illegal Content
Hi I have one quick question that I hope you guys can answer.

Recently one of my computers reached a point where only the blue screen pops up (unfortunately after 6 months) So I decided to send it in, but before that I realized there might be some stuff on my computer that might be illegal such as music or streamed cached movies. I was wondering if companies can actually report me for these activities if I send in my laptop for repair.

..btw I'm sending it to Toshiba and I have a netbook NB205. Thank you!

Peerless December 30th, 2009 08:49 PM

to me, such content is not illegal (assuming your reference to movies are your typical garden variety flicks that you can buy anywhere)...I wouldn't think any tech would think so either...

kekeman December 30th, 2009 08:51 PM

what about the music i dl-ed off of limewire?

Peerless December 30th, 2009 09:58 PM

the same...I can't think of any music that's 'illegal'

Blackhorse 70V December 31st, 2009 04:52 AM

You're allowed to rip a copy of music that you bought; no way to know if you have the original CD sitting at your house.

I have heard of places (I think Best Buy is one) that will delete p-p programs when they repair computers (the fascists!).

Peerless December 31st, 2009 05:04 AM

Blackhorse makes a good point...if you have LW still installed on the machine that may cause issues, but I don't think of the type you are worried about..more along the type they may say that caused your problems and try to get out of the warranty and charge you for repairs...

ukbobboy01 December 31st, 2009 05:48 AM


Just to clarify a couple of points, possessing downloaded music and films, in most western countries, may be considered as a civil matter, and as such nothing to do with the repairer.

However, if your computer contains files (pictures, films, etc.) that suggest a criminal offence has been committed, i.e. possessing KP, then your repairer is obliged to report you to the authorities (police).

UK Bob

kekeman January 4th, 2010 08:27 PM

Ok, thank you!! Blackhorse does make a good point :) thank you all for the input!

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