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  #31 (permalink)  
Old April 2nd, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: February 3rd, 2002
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mrgone4662 is flying high

Originally posted by Morgwen

He is on topic... he is talking about Vinnie! (I think so)

If you note the title of this thread, the topic is OpenSource P2P. If you want a BearShare debate maybe you should start another thread.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old April 2nd, 2002
Posts: n/a

On Zeropaid Adam Fisk wrote:
Contrary to popular belief, Vinnie and the Bearshare team have worked in close collaboration with the rest of the Gnutella community, and they have far from abused the Gnutella network. Quite the contrary -- Bearshare has contributed mightily to the technical innovations on Gnutella. The Gnutella developer community is a remarkably close-knit group compared with the rest of the industry, and there have never been any major schisms that have prevented us from working well together.

Views like this should really be taken with a grain of salt unless they come from within the developer community itself.


Adam Fisk

LimeWire LLC
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old April 2nd, 2002
Posts: n/a

>Bearshare has contributed mightily
to the lowest of lows in spyware.
People had to pull his teeth to get him to put a notice and option to not install the spamware.
The people on gnutella "contributed mightily" to keeping it free.
People had to jump all over him to stop spewing his spy packets all over the network. He finally was pressured into sending them TTL 1 or 2 only.
Again, the people on gnutella fought to keep it free.
Now again the people have to put pressure on him to stop. Why does he keep doing this?

The almighty buck $$$$

New strange headers, new encrypted messages to only BS clients, what's next?

>Views like this should really be taken with a grain of salt unless they come from within the developer community itself
There are more than the_gdf group of developers. And the other group doesn't seem to like the idea of greed on Gnutella.

Greed sucks. You can bet the other $$ clients will be thinking up new stuff to make a buck off of all this. Stop them now before it gets worse.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old April 3rd, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by plasticparadox at

Well said.

First I'd like to address your point about 'technical necessity'. What I was referring to, and perhaps should have made more clear, is that the examples you brought up of blocking were because of the technical limitations of the Internet. Example being that sending a file from Chile to Russia typically would result in a poor connection, because of poor infrastructure and dropped packets, so on and so forth. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to block nodes such as these. It is a totally different story to block Buddy from the north end of town because he uses LimeWire. See where I'm going with this?

Regarding your point about making a buck from your CPU, this is perhaps the strongest argument that can be made for the OpenSource p2p. And it is one that I can agree with. You're totally right; your CPU is contributing to the wealth of those who would manipulate the Gnutella network for their self-benefit.

That being said however, your CPU is being used for that purpose in a very indirect manner. You don't see ad banners popping up when Joe@BearShare downloads something from you. But yes, I know, it's the principle of the matter. While it is true that your CPU is contributing the wealth of these developers, your CPU is also contributing to the growth of Gnutella and the freedom to share information. And isn't that what it's all about?

How do they spam, spy, and use you? You use Gnucleus, am I right in presuming this?

They will never create their own closed network. It is important to their userbase that they be able to access all nodes, OpenSource or not. And by the definition of OpenSource, they would be able to do that.

My strongest argument on this topic is on the definition of OpenSource.

5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons.

Rationale: In order to get the maximum benefit from the process, the maximum diversity of persons and groups should be equally eligible to contribute to open sources. Therefore we forbid any open-source license from locking anybody out of the process.

Some countries, including the United States, have export restrictions for certain types of software. An OSD-conformant license may warn licensees of applicable restrictions and remind them that they are obliged to obey the law; however, it may not incorporate such restrictions itself.

6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not restrict the program from being used in a business, or from being used for genetic research.

Rationale: The major intention of this clause is to prohibit license traps that prevent open source from being used commercially. We want commercial users to join our community, not feel excluded from it.

Please refer to This is about as straight from the horse's mouth as you can get.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old April 3rd, 2002
Posts: n/a

> Originally posted by plasticparadox
> It is a totally different story to block Buddy from the north end of town because he uses LimeWire. See where I'm going with this?
People have been known to cancel uploads and block a IP of other users they don't like for one reason or another. This isn't that much different.

> your CPU is contributing to the wealth of those who would manipulate the Gnutella network for their self-benefit.
Very well said.

> your CPU is also contributing to the growth of Gnutella and the freedom to share information. And isn't that what it's all about?
And we can do that without the negative effects greed causes on the network. I want to know that my files and CPU cycles are only going to support ad free clients and not "the wealth of those who would manipulate the Gnutella network for their self-benefit", that's my choice and made possible by this software.

> How do they spam, spy, and use you? You use Gnucleus, am I right in presuming this?
They use us as support for their users, and thus we are supporting their spam. I don't support spyware or spammers. You should read some older threads about spyware, adware and so on.

> My strongest argument on this topic is on the definition of OpenSource.
The GPL license doesn't allow a author to restrict what user "type" uses open source programs, like business vs. personal use. It also makes sure the source code is open to all to modify.
I don't think it applies to what we are talking about.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old April 3rd, 2002
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Originally posted by mrgone4662
If you note the title of this thread, the topic is OpenSource P2P. If you want a BearShare debate maybe you should start another thread.
You should follow the discussion - this open source net is a result of bearshares clustering!

If you want A BEARSHARE ONLY thread start on own one!


Last edited by Morgwen; April 3rd, 2002 at 07:36 PM.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old April 3rd, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
[b]> your CPU is also contributing to the growth of Gnutella and the freedom to share information. And isn't that what it's all about?
And we can do that without the negative effects greed causes on the network. I want to know that my files and CPU cycles are only going to support ad free clients and not "the wealth of those who would manipulate the Gnutella network for their self-benefit", that's my choice and made possible by this software.
That is your choice, you're right. I'm merely suggesting that it's the wrong one. What it all boils down to is that by participating in the OpenSource p2p, you are hurting users' ability to share files. That fact is fairly clear, I'm sure.
> How do they spam, spy, and use you? You use Gnucleus, am I right in presuming this?
They use us as support for their users, and thus we are supporting their spam. I don't support spyware or spammers. You should read some older threads about spyware, adware and so on.
You didn't answer my first two questions. And again, they "use" you in a very indirect manner.
> My strongest argument on this topic is on the definition of OpenSource.
The GPL license doesn't allow a author to restrict what user "type" uses open source programs, like business vs. personal use. It also makes sure the source code is open to all to modify.
I don't think it applies to what we are talking about.
I wasn't discussing the politics of the license restrictions at all. What I wanted to make perfectly clear is that the OpenSource p2p Network's existence is contrary to the recognized standards of the OpenSource movement. I'm talking about whether or not you can apply a tag like "OpenSource" to a project such as this. For those just tuning in, those definitions can be found at

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  #38 (permalink)  
Old April 4th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by plasticparadox
> What it all boils down to is that by participating in the OpenSource p2p, you are hurting users' ability to share files. That fact is fairly clear, I'm sure.
I don't see it that way because there are too many good free clients out there they can switch to in a minute and keep on sharing. In the end we lose no one.

>You didn't answer my first two questions. And again, they "use" you in a very indirect manner.
Since they spy on other users and put adware in their programs, I choose to keep them off the network. I think it's bad to do that to your users, so I choose to block them and refuse to contribute to their product, even if it's "indirect".

All political change requires sacrifice.

It's my view that if Gnutella started off with a rule of no pay for clients (with hindsight), the free clients would have been at this point much sooner and more people would be using/supporting them. Now that the CPU cycle and file suport is going to enrich the pay for clients, they can advertise, hire people to spread the word, and so on which disadvantages the free clients.

> What I wanted to make perfectly clear is that the OpenSource p2p Network's existence is contrary to the recognized standards of the OpenSource movement.
I don't think it is. We couldn't modify this client to give people this choice without it being open source. And we give out the source of our modifications, and that would be considered under the GPL.
Open source & GPL is about the source code and how authors can restrict it's use, not user choice or what the program does.
You have the choice to use your open source word processor to create flyers trying to stop people from going to a particular store or business if you didn't like what that business does.
If you are talking about the name, the clients on the network are open source code and free to use, thus the name.
You could start your own network today that only allows movies or mp3s. It's now possible with the new software changes.

Blocking is also good for those who create a college network LAN that doesn't connect to the outside internet by accident. If a sysadmin sees too much outside traffic he may choose to block access completely.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old April 4th, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: February 3rd, 2002
Posts: 186
mrgone4662 is flying high

So time to get off the net (your ISP may be providing service to someone who uses BearShare, and by paying your ISP you are indirectly supporting BS.) Oh wait... time to take back the computer for a refund (BS users may be using parts from the same manufacturer, and you wouldn't want to support a company that helps BS.)

Come to think of it, you'd have to quit your job, stop paying bills, and stop spending money completely. All those things contribute to a global economy, without which there would be no BearShare.

When you think about it it is really amazing what you're indirectly supporting.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old April 4th, 2002
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I have no feelings on this subject one way or the other ,so plz forgive me for trolling,yet I find it ironic that over @ the OpenSource P2P website they have listed Bearshare.nets various host caches as an entry point into I missing something here?

Having said that though I wish you guys well in trying to achieve your goal,choice is a good thing to have.
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