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General Linux Support For questions regarding use of LimeWire or WireShare or related questions on the Linux operating system. This includes installation questions and answers. (Check the Stickies marked in Red at top of this section.)

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  #31 (permalink)  
Old September 24th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Which one do i download?

Im running Suse 8.0
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2002
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_eLeCtRiFyInG MeMbRr_
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nDiScReEt is flying high

Originally posted by vbp6us
Which one do i download?

Im running Suse 8.0
That depends on if you plan on doing development with java or not. If all you want to do is use java supported and ran programs, download the jre. If you are like me and do development with creating programs that run and use java, use the sdk. Since is a popular download site and you might find yourself waiting to get a turn on the server since it limits it's users to a maximum of 100 at any one time.

Be sure to follow the install guides for which ever one you choose (jre or sdk).
So that your browsers will use the latest java version on your system. I personally recommend using the jdk-1.4.1 versions as the latest limewire 2.5.5 and up utilize added features provided by java 1.4.1 that isn't present in java 1.3.1.

Here is the link for that one:


P.S. I also recommend that everyone use the sdk over the jre as you don't ever know when there is a source file for a java program that was custom made for you by a "friend" on the net and all you need to do is compile the program.

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  #33 (permalink)  
Old October 3rd, 2002
Posts: n/a

For those who are running Debian, this might help.

My system is running Debian unstable, with a freshly installed copy of J2SDK 1.4.1.

The install ran perfectly for me after I ran the following:
ln -s


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  #34 (permalink)  
Old October 4th, 2002
nDiScReEt's Avatar
_eLeCtRiFyInG MeMbRr_
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nDiScReEt is flying high

Originally posted by Unregistered
For those who are running Debian, this might help.

My system is running Debian unstable, with a freshly installed copy of J2SDK 1.4.1.

The install ran perfectly for me after I ran the following:
ln -s


That is certainly something to look into Rex as that is highly unrelated to a problem with LimeWire in general but a definitely problem for users of Suse for many other java-based applications.

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  #35 (permalink)  
Old October 11th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default launching after install

i am running mandrake 9.0
i got limewire to install after a fair bit of work. my problem is a rather cosmetic one
there is no executeable program to launch limewire.
i can get the program to run - and it works fine - by typing ./ in the LimeWire directory from a console window
i tried to add a menu entry so i could launch from my menu instead of opening a terminal and typing it everytime
using menudrake i made the menu entry with the launch command...
however it keeps giving me the error that it cannot find the program -- because the launcher is a shell script, i am assuming that the menu is looking for an executable
i tried making a symlink -- that didnt work either
any ideas how i can get limewire to launch from the menu ??
P.S - the ./ command is the only one that will launch the program --
LimeWire -- or any others that i have tried that are supposed to work will not launch it either
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old October 13th, 2002
nDiScReEt's Avatar
_eLeCtRiFyInG MeMbRr_
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nDiScReEt is flying high
Default Re: launching after install

Originally posted by Unregistered
i am running mandrake 9.0
i got limewire to install after a fair bit of work. my problem is a rather cosmetic one
there is no executeable program to launch limewire.
i can get the program to run - and it works fine - by typing ./ in the LimeWire directory from a console window
i tried to add a menu entry so i could launch from my menu instead of opening a terminal and typing it everytime
using menudrake i made the menu entry with the launch command...
however it keeps giving me the error that it cannot find the program -- because the launcher is a shell script, i am assuming that the menu is looking for an executable
i tried making a symlink -- that didnt work either
any ideas how i can get limewire to launch from the menu ??
P.S - the ./ command is the only one that will launch the program --
LimeWire -- or any others that i have tried that are supposed to work will not launch it either
This is an easy thing to create.

My instructions (always) will require the use of a terminal or console. I am explaining this for your benefit and more for the many newbies.

let us use "vi" since that type of editor is normally on a majority of *nix operating systems.


vi LimeTime

(You can substitute "LimeTime" for any other name that you prefer that won't conflict with any pre-existing programs)



to enable insert mode.

type all that follows:

sh $HOME/LimeWire/

(Substitute the path for your chosen absolute path to your installed LimeWire directory)



to end your editing/insert mode.



to save/write and quit.


chmod +x LimeTime

(Again substitute "LimeTime" for your preferred executable name)

Test it by typing:


Your program should work without any hitch provided you run it from your home directory.

There are other ways to create an executable using other commands but that will be discussed at a later time when the need arises for now.

I hope this is helpful for you.

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old October 13th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I tried what you said --
using vi i typed
sh $HOME/LimeWire/

then did

chmod +x LimeTime --( even used that file name lol )

this was the output when i tried to run it --- yes i was in the right directory

Exception in thread "main" No such file or directory
at Method)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(

any ideas ???
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old October 13th, 2002
Join Date: August 16th, 2002
Posts: 1
fmouse is flying high

Originally posted by Unregistered
For those who are running Debian, this might help.

My system is running Debian unstable, with a freshly installed copy of J2SDK 1.4.1.

The install ran perfectly for me after I ran the following:
ln -s


This is also a problem with Debian Woody. It's worth noting that on woody, at least, is itself a symlink to, so a better command, albeit possibly not as version-independent, would be

ln -s

And it should be noted, for people with possibly less experience, that either command should be preceeded by

cd /usr/lib

BTW, thanks so much for this! Getting limewire installed and running remotely for my son on his Linux box (he's in Maine, I'm in Texas) has been a PITA, but it looks like we're in the clear now!
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old October 14th, 2002
Posts: n/a

my previous message

I tried what you said --
using vi i typed
sh $HOME/LimeWire/

then did

chmod +x LimeTime --( even used that file name lol )

this was the output when i tried to run it --- yes i was in the right directory

Exception in thread "main" No such file or directory
at Method)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(

any ideas ???
no need to repsond.. i figured it out
i did a classpath statement -- just because i happened to come accross a java class error during this process.... and voila everything works perfect now... not only can i run limewire from the konsole... i can now launch it from a desktop icon...

thanks for the help
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old October 14th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Re: A First!!

Originally posted by nDiScReEt

***Special Note***

Only Blackdown uses .java_wrapper that I am aware of at this time. Any other java vm will not require symlinking this to /usr/bin as java.


1.) How familiar are you with linux console commands? You are saying that when you type this command:

rpm -qa | grep j2

You get no output?

Otherwise, it sounds like a typo somewhere.

If you do get an output, please post it here.

2.) I would like to know if you are using, Sun's, Blackdown's, or IBM's java VM. (This would be answered by your output from Question #1 if you are not certain yourself.

Eagerly awaiting your answers,

3.) You are using bash?

If there isn't any typo you might simply have to logout and then back in again to update your path. Otherwise, it will not work before unless you manually type the export commands directly on the command line and not in .bashrc or .bash_profile.

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