Linux RedHat 7.2 Installation:
Check your java version by opening terminal and typing "java -version", if you don't meet the minimum version (jre1.3.1) then start at step 1.
1) Download "Java Runtime Environment" from .
2) Follow the installation instructions for installation of JRE here: .
3) Log in to your terminal as super user (su -), after your logged on as SU "cd /usr/bin" and "mv java java.old" this will rename your java file.
4) Remain in terminal as SU and type the following: "PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jre1.3.1_04/bin ; export PATH"
the type "echo $PATH" to see if that directory added above was added to the PATH list (each directory will be separated by a semi-colon).
5) Now your ready to install LimeWireLinux.bin (you have download it...Right?). Still as SU
type "sh ./LimeWireLinux.bin" . I installed mine in the following directory, but you can install yours anywhere "/usr/share/LimeWire".
You can run it from any "run terminal" or a "file manager", just remember the path where you installed it, "example: /usr/share/LimeWire/LimeWire".
I haven't been able to add it to the Gnome Panel and have it execute properly yet, so if you have any input on how to do that E-Mail me at