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Cyclone16 July 11th, 2004 01:08 PM

i got scam TOO!!!!
I got scam by toofor 19.95. I am fighting paypal to stop the tranfer of my funds to this Christopher Carson who is running this Scam.
Here is the email his tech service sent me.The service we provide is much more than just P2P software, we provide
with the latest versions of the most popular P2P software in one page,
well with tutorials on how to use them and how the get the most off
There are also utilities available for download in our site, and
useful subpages like the CD-Covers links, the spyware killers, etc.
Also, a
very important part of our service is that we offer the users the
support in case they have a problem or just a concern with one of the
programs or any other material listed in our members area.

Since we do not host the files themselves, but the files for the
that will let you download them, the transfer rate is dependent on the
or server sending the specified file (multiple users and servers are
available for download at the same time).

Most users find the service very helpful.

We are not a music/movie file server. To start, you have to download one
the programs to file share.
You will find these programs in the download section..
The set up instructios for that program you will find in the "Help &
To burn CDs you will find different programs it the utility section.
Take your time and read the info we provide at the different sections.

This is the procedure.

1. Go to File Sharing center
2. Login
3. Go to Download Music/Movie Center. Choose a program.and download it.
recomend Morpheus or Limewire.
4. Go to FAQ which is below the program.
5. Go to Utility Section. and download the spyware killer and the pop up
stoper and install them.
6. Install the P2P program..... you choose to download.
7. Choose a Song/Movie to down load. Using the steps in the FAQ.

Please contact us if you are still having trouble

I hope Paypal can help me


et voilą July 11th, 2004 01:56 PM

New Limewire scam site with a VERY similar web design as the official site, this is pure copy:


verdyp July 12th, 2004 07:24 AM


Originally posted by et voilą
New Limewire scam site with a VERY similar web design as the official site, this is pure copy:

Same thief as before, they abuse the copyright of LimeWire and the GPL licence. How can people buy a software from a site that does not even show any street address and no people name at all?
Isn't the official LimeWire web site enough referenced in many download sites, and major search engines, or many MP3 sites?
Does this scam affects too with other legitimate Gnutella servents (BearShare notably)?
May be it's time to include in the downloadable installer a certificate which, when present, will avoid displaying alerts in search results.
For any other installation of LimeWire, there would be some results that would immediately appear in searches, that would show a warning about the true download site of LimeWire.
We need something to inform users in Gnutella, and a security feature bundled in the installer that would filter those administrative alerts.
Of course this certificate would not be part of the open-source project. There's a need to collaborate with BearShare about something to detect abusive servents.
One of the most useful thing would be really to create a Gnutella-promoted Chat system where users would interact and discuss directly, by adopting in the GDF some common IRC channels hosted by neutral IRC server.
One advantage with IRC is that it can also work outside of Gnutella too from the web using one of the many IRC applets or ActiveX components.
For now Gnutella users are too much isolated, and they are too much exposed to such threats, and there's a lack of education.
Chatting was one of the effective reasons why the past P2P programs succeeded. The Chat option in LimeWire is too much basic, and limited to 1-to-1 without possibilities to create effective contacts between friends.

Lord of the Rings July 23rd, 2004 08:23 AM

Somebody just posted a similar story which should be listed here. ie: & Hope you don't mind me cross-linking the threads.

mikenandrea July 25th, 2004 03:11 PM

the filesharing website?
I know this post is old but I have a question about the website that was mentioned in this was the website..I was also suckered into purchasing the 19.95 package....It also listed 2 extra add on packages..For 9.95 per package, extra, you could download playstation 1 and 2 games and the other one was a program for buring your own dvd's...Can anyone give me any info on where I can download the ps games?..I dont want to be naive and pay the 9.95 extra for either of those..

motorwild July 28th, 2004 10:14 AM

paid membership
i see i am not alone, happily i caught it fast, i purchased a one tear membership to lime wire yesterday from KAZAA LITE, DBA- <> and today i surfed this forum and up jumped the devil ( gotcha ) boy did i feal like a rookie, but a fast 911 to my card company, and got them transaction BLOCKED canceled voided. i hope others will be as lucky and stop these slime balls. spread the word, and help us beginners as we learn to walk in this fast paced cyber world.remember the youths are the futute, let the elders protect, and guide. got to go before my soap box crashes-----wild-------

chicagojohn August 9th, 2004 08:24 PM

Throwing My 2 Cents In
I got suckered in a long time ago when I discovered Morpheus - I paid 18.00 for the privledge of a free list of P2P's. But I did get a 1 year "membership" for what I don't know. Once I upgraded my brain I did a whois and found the actual owner of the site and sued in small claims and got court and bank costs plus 3x my purchase price back because the judge said the guy was a parasite. So I wound up with about $145 and a lot of wasted time. The point is, learn from your mistake and don't let these guys slide. Complaining is okay but you have to do something to stop these folks -- I like the hacking idea - but I don't condone it (not that there is anything wrong with that {Seinfeld - reference})

Lord of the Rings August 10th, 2004 09:58 AM

Another thread 'Limewire clones' that probably fits in here also worth a mention. And there's a large list PLUS Shareaza clones. Clones is enough to trick people from getting what they may have been looking for. See:

djlance August 10th, 2004 01:06 PM

Scammed too

i freakin' paid $39 bucks for the lifetime membership. what memebership. lets make a list of all the scamers out there, and sue them all!

beware -

shootz66 August 12th, 2004 08:29 PM

Count me in as well!


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