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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 6th, 2002
Join Date: April 6th, 2002
Posts: 12
mercedes is flying high
Default help!! used limewire.sent playlist to itunes library and now..

have had this new imac osx less than 28 hours...saved a small playlist of music in itunes and now when I try to open itunes I get a message
itunes cannot be read becuz of an unknown error (-39) occurred..!!! now what????...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 8th, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: March 1st, 2002
Posts: 190
zbell is flying high

try deleting that playlist in itunes and creating another one, by dragging the music files into the iTunes window.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 12th, 2002
Join Date: April 6th, 2002
Posts: 12
mercedes is flying high
Default that worked, ..but

thanks zbell...that did work..but I cant open itunes now due to error-208 !!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old April 12th, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: March 1st, 2002
Posts: 190
zbell is flying high

i'm not sure why - since you just purchased your iMac, what version of iTunes do you have? there is a recent update available, that you can get from Software Update - go to System Preferences in the Apple Menu, and choose Software Update.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old April 13th, 2002
Join Date: April 6th, 2002
Posts: 12
mercedes is flying high
Default itunes v2.0.4 and repeated errors

zbell, its confusing..I think if I understood the basic machinations of what is happening between downloading music off the internet ie. limewire and what relationship it has with itunes Id be able to figure things out better , tho by the sound of some of these threads..even the best of them are stymied..
I have itunes 2.0.4....and what im finding is that at some point while im downloading music from limewire and putting it into my limewire playlist then saving it (maybe I dont need to save it..maybe it transfers automaticly into itunes..//) whatever..when I try to open itunes I get an error type -39 or -208...and I end up having to throw out the itunes library and in prefrences I have to throw out the .plist then I can click on itunes and it starts up as if for the first time..and I have go thru this process of dragging everything back into seems tho that I have mp3s in a share folder and a music folder..which folder is the safest place to hold my mp3s in these cases of errors??
well...thanks for your time..
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old April 13th, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: March 1st, 2002
Posts: 190
zbell is flying high

okay, in simple terms: LimeWire and iTunes aren't related. you use LimeWire to download files of any type; you use iTunes to play music files. LimeWire's Library is not a "playlist", it's a basic file manager, and LimeWire is not a music-management application. iTunes uses playlists to manage music files. when you download files through LimeWire, they get saved in a Shared folder; after that, you can do whatever you want to with the files.

to make things even simpler for you, in order to play an mp3 file in iTunes, just drag it ANYWHERE in the iTunes window, then click on the play button. that's it. you can drag more than one file onto the window at the same time, if you wish, to create a bigger playlist.

you really should get familiar with your operating system and its applications, so you can better understand how things work, and what they do.

good luck!

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old April 13th, 2002
Join Date: April 6th, 2002
Posts: 12
mercedes is flying high
Default do I avoid those errors -208?

ok, ..that was very bascily what ever I do in limewire goes to the share folder...
*where do others on limewire upload music from me?? it only when Im on line? with limewire?..(boy that must sound like a dumb question..but gotta know to understand..) *or are they sharing from my "share " folder?
*what about the music folder that has some songs in it?
*which can I safely delete with out losing the songs???I would imagin the music folder?
*in limewire once songs are in playlist column and the options are to "save" .."open" or remove...what am I doing when i save them? ..are they not already being saved in the share folder?
and last but not least( for now...:-)
* where is the safest place to keep copies of my mp3s so that when itunes errors, I dont lose them all togeather..?
thanks soo much for your time....eventually Ill get good at this ..and hopefully Ill be able to help others instead of asking redundant questions...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old April 13th, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: March 1st, 2002
Posts: 190
zbell is flying high

treate the LimeWire Shared folder like you would any other folder - delete files, and they're gone. it's as simple as that. move them, copy them, trash them if you wish. they're just files. if you delete anything from the LimeWire Library (which you MUST remeber is NOT a playlist), the file will really be deleted, because the Library is a file manager.

the files you see in your Library are the files that are in the Shared folder - the Library is just a reference to those files, and lets you know what's in your Shared folder, without you having to actually go into the folder. you don't have to press Save or anything else; they are already there. you're just creating extra work and extra confusion for yourself.

it does not matter where you save files. if you are having problems with iTunes, you have to figure out why, and stop relating the application to LimeWire. if you are unfamiliar with iTunes, you have to learn how to use it first (actually, it's very simple), before you can figure out how to troubleshoot it. check out Apple's website; they should have some information.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old April 13th, 2002
Join Date: April 6th, 2002
Posts: 12
mercedes is flying high
Default thanks zbell

fair enough...alittle bit of knowledges is sometimes worse than none, but you have been very helpful, .Ill take your advice and hopefuly iron out these dilemmas! txs again, mer
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