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lucx May 30th, 2001 04:42 PM

Steps to install LimeWire uner Mac OS X...
For those that may be having a hard time installing LimeWire under Mac OS X:

1. d/l the file
2. open terminal window, and go to path of where file was d/l'ed
3. type "sh" (remember...unix is *Case Sensitive*)
4. message appears saying "Preparing to install..." (this will take a few minutes ...*be patient and let it run*...
5. window will appear...choose install folder/path
6. once completed...navigate from command line to LimeWire directory....
7. once in LimeWire directory...type "./LimeWire"
8. again, *wait a few minutes*...and the nice graphical interface of LimeWire will appear...the application is simply "java" as far as the finder is concerned...

Hope that helps...

Cheers :)

Kirby May 31st, 2001 08:17 AM

This is easier...
You know, this way is a lot easier then all that system stuff. Download the special OSX installer at:
I've never liked the complicated stuff, so if you can avoid it, you should.
As always, if <u>everything</U> fails, you should mail

:cool: Kirby

robsta March 5th, 2010 10:50 PM

ur url is wrong buddy

Lord of the Rings March 6th, 2010 04:52 AM

With a 9 year old thread & post .. that site may have moved address or is no longer existing. ;)

redhot1 July 28th, 2010 07:20 PM

Have downloaded Limewire OSX.dmg version 5.5.10 and it will not open.
This is the error message that comes up when I try.
" The following disk images failed to mount, LimewireOSX.dmg - reason ( not recognized)

I have a Mac Powerbook G4 with 10.5.8 with a PC Processor.
Memory 1.25 GB
Disk Space available 5.86 GB
Connection -- Airport Extreme Wireless
Modem Model - Jump
Router 2 Wire Gateway ATT 2701HG-B
Connecting at Home
No Firewall

Thank You, Red

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