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  #41 (permalink)  
Old November 14th, 2002
Join Date: November 9th, 2002
Posts: 5
AngelusExodus is flying high
Default limewire.props we're all looking for you!

/users/(your home dir)/library/preferences/.limewire/limewire.props
this ^ is the location of the dir, I downloaded a copy of 2.7.3 my first copy of limewire ever and installed it. I kept having the lost preferences so I read all I could on the fourm and found a chap that tried to import he's old settings (from an earlier version) cause he was having the same problem so I started poking around where he said the preference stuff was. I started looking for the limewire.props file that was supposed to hold the prefs and found a dir by that name, sooo I deleted it, (i figured whats the worst thing that could happen, I'd have to reinstall? lol) and it solved the problem. thats pretty much how it happened, then I posted on the forum so others could benefit from my old school dos-style recklessness, forget file permissions delete now ask questions later lol.

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  #42 (permalink)  
Old November 14th, 2002
Software Developer
Join Date: November 4th, 2002
Location: New York
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sberlin is flying high

do you think it could be the installer that's creating the directory?

try uninstalling limewire (not sure if mac's have a way of uninstalling programs), deleting the .limewire folder from your preferences, and then reinstalling. see if afterwards a limewire.props directory is made, instead of a limewire.props file.

or if it does make the file, try restarting and seeing if it's somehow converted to a folder.

or if nothing even is made there, try starting limewire the first time and keep an eye on the .limewire folder, seeing what's added to it -- a folder or a file.

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  #43 (permalink)  
Old November 14th, 2002
Join Date: November 7th, 2002
Posts: 10
recherchemp3 is flying high

It is clear: limewire.props is a file in the directory .limewire.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old November 15th, 2002
Join Date: November 9th, 2002
Posts: 5
AngelusExodus is flying high

sberlin and recherchemp3, hi I'm not too concerned with how or why that folder is created, I was just posting those questions & answers to mr. fisk, one of the developers thats helping to sort this thing out from the development end. If you came here looking for a solution because your having this forgetfulness in your limewire app, look back in the posts for a post titled "I found an answer for me!!" I posted it before I registered, it describes a fix for osx users. A few people posted it worked when they tryed it and one said it didn't, so try at your own risk, but it worked for me. I dunno are you both using osx 10.1.5/10.2 or another os? maybe its just a problem when they compile the program for the mac. anyway the fix basicly is you delete the directory named limewire.props so the program can make its prefs file named limewire.props I don't know what the folder does other then mess up the apps ability to remember the prefs, I deleted it and now my app works fine. It remembers all prefs and seems to have no side effects. My guess is that someone had a compiler option checked that shouldn't have been or they were supposed to have the limewire.props file in a directory named limewire.props but forgot to change the bit of source code that writes/access the limewire.props file to reflect the new prefs storage scheme, those are just my guesses though, an app like limewire is way out of my league but maybe my ideas are some things the developers can check on or at least maybe it will help them to look at the problem from a diffrent angle, more eyes are always better to see things with.
oh and if your questions and ideas were also directed to our developer friends and not ideas/answers to my last post please ignore all my chatter, I just assumed you guys/girls thought I was confused and were trying to help me sort out my limewire, well I am confused but my app works good. but thanks either way for speaking up to help (me or the developers).

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  #45 (permalink)  
Old November 15th, 2002
Software Developer
Join Date: November 4th, 2002
Location: New York
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sberlin is flying high

my question was an attempt to pin down exactly where the problem is. in order for adam to fix it, he needs to know what's causing it. if you can find out exactly when it is that the folder is created (in the installer, in the program itself, etc..), then that's a really big step in solving it.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old November 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default props directory/folder

After installing OS 10.2, I had these same problem with the setup wizard and losing all my preferences once every two or three times that I opened LimeWire. After reading the solution described above, I removed the questionable directory/folder using my tinkertool and was able to use LW for several days without experiencing any problems. Today, however, when I opened LimeWire, there was the setup wizard again. Shoot!
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old November 16th, 2002
Join Date: November 9th, 2002
Posts: 5
AngelusExodus is flying high
Default Masa?

Masa, are you using limewire from the same account all the time?

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  #48 (permalink)  
Old November 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default reply from Masa

Yes, I only have it installed in one account. There is another user but it is not installed on that account.
Do you think downloading the new 6.7.7 version will solve it?
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old November 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Masa

Sorry, I meant 2.7.7
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old November 16th, 2002
Join Date: November 3rd, 2002
Posts: 21
d28boy is flying high
Thumbs up 2.7.7 fixes

i have been using limewire since the preference problem appeared and used the tinkertool fix way back on version 2.7.4 (or so, lol)...since then with each new update, i have used the setupwizard once and it is keeping my prefs. i don't know if that is because the folder is not being recreated or if the new version has fixed it...
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