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  #11 (permalink)  
Old April 12th, 2003
91 is my age not my IQ!
Join Date: February 24th, 2003
Location: Singapore
Posts: 325
David91 is flying high
Default Cannot move to library

This has definitely become more common. It seems to arise in two quite different situations:

as a specific and immediate response to some hosts when a download connection is attempted (often, without going through the "connection" routine). It is more usually the first response but sometimes it comes when attempting subsequent downloads from a host following a browsing (in this latter case, I speculate that it is a reaction to exceeding the host's download limit since it cuts off all current downloads from that host). Once I get this response, no amount of fiddling will change the reaction — the source is forever "bad"; and

if I am cycling too quicky between kill and continue for stalled downloads — I speculate that the command to recall the incomplete file for continued downloading fails to reopen the incomplete file in time to accept new data (at least this problem can usually be cleared by refreshing the search).
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old April 13th, 2003
Alvyn Chypmonque
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down Confirming Problems V. 2.9.8 - 'Could Not Download'

This is to confirm that the apparently widespread observation of excessive "Cannot download..." events in the new 2.9.8 was immediately noticed here too, right after installing. Our experience was identical to the other descriptions herein, and after a few minutes we recieved a warning window instructing us to e-mail the displayed error message to bugs@limewir...etc. We got an automated response saying, basically, "Thanks for the report" and referring us to this forum for support. We hope moral support isn't the only kind they have.

The Network might want to look into this because it seems like a bug that impairs functionality, and by the time one discovers it, they've already blown-out their older, functional version (or have they? Is there a way to restore the uninstalled 2.8.6?).

Instant frustration cannot be good for voluntary network connectivity. The least they might do is temporarily re-offer the old, better software for download so people don't burn-out on using it: we're about to if we can't fix it.

Anyway, we have the same question: how do we get the old 2.8.6 software back?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old April 13th, 2003
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Join Date: September 21st, 2002
Location: Aachen
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trap_jaw is flying high

The "Could Not Download; Awaiting Sources" messages is not caused by a bug. It's the intended response to a failed download that replaced the "requery sent, waiting for results" message.

The upcoming LW 3.0 (and possibly all future versions) will behave similarly. Returning to LW 2.8.6 will not improve your situation on the long run, because it's not really compatible to the new search architecture.

LimeWire 2.8.6 will try to requery for failed downloads but those searches are now dropped by newer ultrapeers. So although you don't get the "Could Not Download" message, your situation will not have changed.
Morgens ess ich Cornflakes und abends ess ich Brot
Und wenn ich lang genug gelebt hab, dann sterb ich und bin tot

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old April 13th, 2003
Join Date: April 11th, 2003
Location: Boston
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gaffcre8tiv is flying high
Question Could Not Download ... whatever.

it may be a only 'name change', but since upgrading it's been happening more often.
i've never been dropped this much.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old April 13th, 2003
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Join Date: September 21st, 2002
Location: Aachen
Posts: 733
trap_jaw is flying high

it may be a only 'name change', but since upgrading it's been happening more often.
i've never been dropped this much.
Even if that was the case, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the new version itself.
Morgens ess ich Cornflakes und abends ess ich Brot
Und wenn ich lang genug gelebt hab, dann sterb ich und bin tot

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old April 13th, 2003
Join Date: December 22nd, 2002
Location: Minnesota, USA
Posts: 40
Go_Gophers is flying high
Default The link

You asked so here it is, LimeWire all downloads page.

Last edited by Go_Gophers; April 13th, 2003 at 09:00 AM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old April 15th, 2003
Posts: n/a

Thanx for the link.... I re-downloaded 2.9.6 and the difference is incredible..... 2.9.8 definitely has some compatability problems.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old April 15th, 2003
Join Date: April 15th, 2003
Location: L.A.
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spidermann420 is flying high
Unhappy could not download, awaiting sources

Well it's nice to see that I am not the only mac user with this problem, which I believe started once I upgraded to the newest version. The problem has, unfortunately, become worse, and I am now very rarely able to download anything. I currently have a 2% success rate. I have read the posting here and have become overwhelmed with the different opinions and justifications for the apparent degadation of the new version of LW.

I have only one question concerning this isue: How do I fix it?

Whether I should try to find an old version, re-install the new version or simply wait for LM 3 is a mystery to me.

If anyone has been able to overcome this, I would love to hear about your success.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old April 15th, 2003
91 is my age not my IQ!
Join Date: February 24th, 2003
Location: Singapore
Posts: 325
David91 is flying high
Default What Can I Do?

Hi Spidermann

Sadly, I don't think the remedy lies in any one person's hands. This does not appear to be a problem with Macs. It is a general traffic management problem in a network of interconnected machines in dynamic flux. All we need to do is to reduce the number of users accessing Gnutella, have everyone use the most recent software and then get everyone to act act with a sense of communal responsibility. As it is, the problem is apparently aggravated by the way Morpheus interrogates the network (I trust that postings in other forums on this topic are accurate) and by the habit of multiple searching. It may be that you will achieve a short-term advantage in going back to an earlier version but this relief can only be temporary. As each new upgrade comes along, more of the older versions will be cut out of the loop. So I think there are two morals to this story:

ain't no such thing as a free lunch (at some point, there has to be payment for results through the input of effort by each user); and

adapt or die — if you don't want to play with Gnutella anymore, give it up.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old April 15th, 2003
Join Date: April 15th, 2003
Location: L.A.
Posts: 2
spidermann420 is flying high
Thumbs up Wow, you make sense!

Dear david 91

Though the news does not appear to be promising, I truly appreciate your concise points in respone to my queries(more than I had hoped for). Your forthcoming responses have, in fact, helped me to realize the error of my ways.

But to this I say: The word quit is not in my vocabulary, I will adapt...then I'll have lunch.

Thank you.

P.S. How is the weather?
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