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General Mac OSX Support For general issues regarding Mac OS X users

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old May 18th, 2003
Join Date: May 18th, 2003
Posts: 7
KandacewithaK is flying high

I'm not sure if they are partitioned or not. I got my Mac about 6 months ago, and it came with OSX. I think I had to download the older version to use a program somewhere along the line.

I'm fairly certain I downloaded Pro for X. The icon on my desktop says Limewire Alias. Does that ring a bell? I purchased/downloaded it online last month.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old May 18th, 2003
Posts: n/a

If you highlight the alias icon and do a command i, you should get some info for that. What happens when you try it?

Normally, if you are in 10, you see a blue Apple in the upper left corner. When LimeWire is running, does the Apple stay blue or is it the multi colored Apple?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old May 18th, 2003
Posts: n/a

If you have one of the gray hard drive icons on your desktop, sometimes named MacintoshHD, then you probably have no partitions. Mine show up as two distinct gray drives on my desktop, even though they are not literally physical drives. That's the way Apple does it.

Your alias should point you to the original file by doing the get info thing.

In case you return later, here's a synopsis for you. You want to install the newest version of LimeWire for OS 10 into your Applications folder and do the install while booted into 10. Then, when you run LimeWire in the future, your completed downloads will go into the Shared folder inside of the LimeWire folder inside of the applications folder inside of the hard drive icon.

Don't try to work with files within the LimeWire window. That will only add to your confusion. The files reside in the Shared folder. That's where you should be able to work with them.
Normally, in OS 10 and with iTunes 4, merely double clicking on a new mp3 file automatically adds it into your Library, and via the iTunes preferences, you can decide if it makes a copy for the iTunes Music folder, a handy thing to do. Then, if you throw things away in your shared folder, you haven't affected the Library, only the original download.

I'll check back, but maybe someone else will come by with additional perspective, ie, something I've missed, or erred on.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old May 19th, 2003
Join Date: May 18th, 2003
Posts: 7
KandacewithaK is flying high

Thanks SO much. Really. I tried LWs email-a-question approach, and the answer I got from one of the "Pros" was that I knew nothing and that I should go to Mac for product support.

I think Im going to go with your suggestion & reload the version for 10. We'll give it one more try.

I'll post back with my success. Thanks again!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old May 20th, 2003
Posts: n/a


I tried to avoid going this route, out of deference to LimeWire, but if a reinstall doesn't fix it, and LimeWire support leaves you hung out to dry, and nobody else comes along to help, then try this:

The program I am using is called Acquisition. You download it and run it right from the desktop. No installation necessary. You need to be running at least OS 10.2 to use it.
The beauty of it is that the developer has added an iTunes preference, which allows you to automatically add downloaded songs to your Library, and play them if desired.

(They have a great forum too!)

A side note: A few people ( I am one unfortunately) are having problems running the newest version. Many others are not. You'll know if it crashes repeatedly. But it is worth a try in my opinion. Before this minor bug, which will be fixed soon, I was able to run the program for weeks without any trouble. I had to revert to a previous version, .9 as a workaround. But that will not be an option for you, as I don't think it can be downloaded any longer.

And please, whatever tidbits you learn, come back and share so others may learn, and I and others will know how you fared.

Good luck.

I'll be gone a couple of days. In case I don't respond, that is the reason.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old May 20th, 2003
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Join Date: January 11th, 2003
Location: Canada
Posts: 4,613
stief has a spectacular aura about

K--clueless is right about Acq and its forum, but sounds like you have two versions of iTunes installed. Just click on one of your mp3's in the Shared folder from the Finder (not in the limewire library pane) and Get Info (cmd-I) like he said. You'll see an option to "Open with", and browse to your OS 10 iTunes. Looks like the Get Info is mapped to "Open With" your OS 9 iTunes.

Secondly, do you know about "Safe Boot" and "Repair Permissions"? Here's a link for general OSX troubleshooting. If you've only had your Mac for a few months, you should still be eligible for free phone support.

(ps clueless--if Acq .9* is crashing for you, was it the version based on 2.9.10 or 2.9.8? One of those LW cores crashed pretty often for me uless I ran as a leaf).
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old May 20th, 2003
Posts: n/a

I'm back, thanks for helping Stief.

Acq .9.1 would crash. I sent the logs to Dave, and he said it was a random bug he was trying to track down. I didn't bother with .9.2 as I don't think he addressed it in that version. I figured I would wait until he gets back and give the next one a try.
I tried both as an ultrapeer and with it disabled. My network went up to 32 peers and 25 leaves before crashing. With the ultrapeer disabled, I got to my normal
"5 active" and shortly thereafter it crashed as well.

re Kandace's problem: I think I've used Classic about 3 times in 2 years, and I only boot into OS 9 to run DiskWarrior and PlusOptimizer on OS 10. So when her problem expanded into that netherland, it really taxed my memory bank. I had to try and visualize her scenario from the rear view mirror, so to speak. I had wanted to get to the 'get info' windoid to look at that 'open with', but we never got that far.
This is one of those situations where I'd love to have a remote desktop application to see what her setup looks like.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old May 21st, 2003
A reader, not an expert
Join Date: January 11th, 2003
Location: Canada
Posts: 4,613
stief has a spectacular aura about

glad you're back. btw, if you're using 2.9.11, would you watch (or log) the connections in stats, under advanced. 4 times this weekend I caught a big spike claiming 60-197 outgoing connections at once. Maybe that's the "random" bug, because it knocks out the connection and is unpredicable so far.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old May 21st, 2003
Posts: n/a

hi stief:
I haven't installed LW yet. I was waiting to use the big new 3, if and when it arrives, or for you guys to tell me it's safe again to use .

I am running Acq 9.1.3 right now. So far no crashes, (kiss of death for proclaiming that?), but I read that for some, switching from the search pane to the download pane would cause it to consistently happen for them. Dave is back again, so hopefully he susses it out soon. I was going to try to recreate it on my system by clicking on everything, but I'm too chicken. Plus there are many uploaders uploading and waiting to upload, so I figured I'd wait till traffic dies down a bit.
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