Error 95 problem investigation - join in As some of you of noticed, certain dmg files run into problems once we get them. You try to open them, and get a message saying "Error 95 was encountered - No mountable file system".
A solution was provided in another thread, but checking back at the original, it appears that it was only designed for cases where all dmgs get that error, and as only some of the Limewire downloads have this problem, it doesn't appear to work.
While discussing this, it occurred to me that putting together a listing of all files that have this problem might help to determine which files have it, which don't, and if everyone runs into it or just some of us.
I hope everyone will contribute, so we can solve this problem. Also, it'd be good to hear from anyone who found a functional workaround for this.
BTW, I suspect that compressing dmg files with Stuffit before making them available might help to reduce this problem. Then again, it might not - who knows? Worth a shot, though.
Anyway, here's my contribution - I've found this problem with ViaVoice (don't recall which one, might be 3), and Poser 5 OS X. A few others as well, but having tossed these a while ago, I don't recall which ones they were.
Last edited by Deacon Blues; October 19th, 2003 at 07:18 AM.