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  #61 (permalink)  
Old January 29th, 2005
Join Date: January 17th, 2005
Location: Michigan
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coolgranny is flying high
Default bouncing icon

I think there is no simple answer. I tried a few of the suggestions, and got stymied on the reinstalling java. Don't know where to find that and I refuse to reinstall Panther. It is ridiculous that a user should be compelled to perform technical sommersaults in order to use a program. We are not all techie geniuses. If the bug is Apple's fault, and Gnutella programmers can't figure a way around it, then...oh well, goodbye to Limewire for the Mac. It was fun while it lasted.
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old January 30th, 2005
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Goodbye coolgranny glad you enjoyed it whilst it lasted. I've used LW for several years but not had these issues. So ... why are you having these problems. It doesn't matter now does it! Updating over the internet has been known to have problems. That is why we suggest people use the standalone installers. Everything is contained within the installer & not installed over the net where anything might have happened to that data. Particularly if the person was impatient & used the net or their computer for other purposes simultaneously. The Java standalone is here: Glad to see you were 'patient enough' to search for it. It is listed (or links to it) more than once in this thread alone. doh
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old January 30th, 2005
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coolgranny is flying high
Default Bouncing icon

Thanks! Downloading the java installer worked. Hurray. I just need a push in the right direction.
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old February 14th, 2005
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Downloading and installing the standalone Java update Java142update2 fixed the issue for me - thanks everyone!
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old February 16th, 2005
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devon is flying high
Default Can't find <string>prelude<string>

I did everything as you said...
but in text edit i couldn't find the line with string prelude string...

is prelude what is says or is it just a space???
i do have Lime wire Pro 4.0.8...
is there no way i can download and updated version, or must i pay extra???
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old February 16th, 2005
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Devon: You didn't specify which OSX version you're running. If you're running OS 10.2 or later did you install Java using the Standalone Java installer as suggested?

If that doesn't work, go to icon bouncing in dock & try the Jum build (suggestion no.8.) It's based on the Pro version.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; February 16th, 2005 at 03:00 AM.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2005
Join Date: February 18th, 2005
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Dickybran is flying high
Default Limewire only works in new account...

I am running 10.3.8 and have not been able to open Limewire. I set up another account and it works. So there must be something in my setting that has changed, does anyone know what it might be?
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2005
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Hi Dickybran

LOTR asked me to suggest some ideas, so here they are (nice clear post btw--thanks).

The most likely suspects in the original account would be a corrupted installer (clearing the Safari cache would be the best bet here before downloading a new installer) or the LimeWire folder inside the Home/Library/Preferences folder.

Move any installlers and the LW Prefs folder somewhere else and try again to see if they are the culprits.

If not, then the other less likely files would be any LW Dock icon(drag off dock to "pouff" it) or the Install LimeWire.pkg file in the hard drive's Library/Receipts folder.

If neither of these fix the original home account's LW install, then you'd have to look for another java application that is interfering.

Cheers--let us know what you find.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2005
Join Date: February 18th, 2005
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Dickybran is flying high
Default Reply for Stief...

Hi Stief,

thanks for the advice. I tried most of what you said but still no joy. I found some of what you said a bit difficult to understand, so I'm not sure I did the right things.

I tried deleting everything LW related, but I know there are always lots of LW files spread out over the system, so I might not have removed them all. I cleared the Safari cache and downloaded LW again, but still no luck.

Could you tell me exactly which files/folders and where they are please?

I really appreciate your help!

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  #70 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2005
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Hi Rich--sorry for the confusion.

Was the "Library" part the problem? (OS X creates a Library for each account, plus has a master Library that you can see when you double click the hard drive). So you have at least three Libraries on your machine. Lets call them master, Rich, and Richnewadmin.

LW is OK in Richnewadmin, so leave that Library alone.

The master Library contains the Receipts folder, and is the only one which has the file called "Install LimeWire.pkg" . You can delete this file.

When logged into the Rich account, use the Go menu to choose the Home acount. Find the Library here, open it to see the Preferences folder, then trash the LimeWire folder you find there.

You should also see a "com.limegroup.gnutella.plist" file. Go ahead and trash that too.

Use the Go menu to open the Applications folder, and drag the LimeWire folder to the trash too.

You *might* get a warning message to "Authenticate" (since it was probably installed under the "Richnewadmin" account). Go ahead and enter the password if required.

So, with no other installers lying around, you should be ready for a clean install again.

If LW still won't install in the "Rich" account, then you can be pretty sure there's something besides LimeWire in the "Rich" account that's causing the problem

use my PM button if this is still unclear, but do keep us posted on what you find.

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