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  #11 (permalink)  
Old January 17th, 2004
Morgwen's Avatar
lazy dragon - retired mod
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Morgwen is flying high

Originally posted by sleepey
mm just wundering when the prob whith the code hapens becuse it must to have bean a big prob or it wudent have bean ternd off just wunderd befor i try it dose the prob only start after a whyel or strat away or when
This isnīt really a problem. Java is runnning slower than other languages like C++, sberlin suggested how to increase the speed of it.

I'd answer your question, sleepey, but I'm afraid I only understand English.
He wants to know when this problem starts and if this happens always.

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old February 19th, 2004
Join Date: February 19th, 2004
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kimnjerry is flying high
Default I don't have that information in .lax


I'm using Limewire 3.4.5 on an iMac 233. I located the limewire.lax text document, but cannot locate the line you mentioned in order to make the suggeted modification. The text I located begins with "# LaunchAnywhere (tm) Executable Properties File - Zero G Software, Inc."

Are you referring to a different version of Limewire, or am I doing something wrong?

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old February 19th, 2004
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sberlin is flying high

Download 3.8.5. I _think_ we let the JIT on again in that release.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old February 19th, 2004
Join Date: February 19th, 2004
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kimnjerry is flying high
Default Slow running

I downloaded the newer version, as you suggested, and made the recommended change to the .lax file. It then took 3 minutes to open the 3.8.6 version of the program. Is that normal?

I am running 0S 9.2 on a 233 iMac.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old May 19th, 2004
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Pissed Off Rihanha is flying high

I'm using the new LW 4.0.3 on Mac OS 9.2.2, tell me where to look for the line to change to, I can't find it, even with a word search. And my downloads are slow as molasses on this.

This is my limewire.lax file.

# LaunchAnywhere (tm) Executable Properties File - Zero G Software, Inc.

# --------------------
# the default name of this executable -- do not edit

# --------------
# the Java classpath necessary to run this application
# Can be separated by colons (Mac OS/Unix) or semicolons (Windows)

lax.class.path=MessagesBundles.jar:jl011.jar:swing .jar:xerces.jar:LimeWire.jar:logicrypto.jar:collec tions.jar:themes.jar:ProgressTabs.jar:mp3sp14.jar: icu4j.jar:i18n.jar:commons-logging.jar:commons-httpclient.jar:id3v2.jar:lax.jar

# ---------------------
# what will be passed to the main method -- be sure to quote arguments with spaces in them


# -------
# path to directory holding LaunchAnywhere's native launcher

lax.dir=/Macintosh HD/Applications (Mac OS 9)/LimeWire/

# --------------
# the class that contains the main method for the application


# ---------------
# the method in the main class that will be invoked


# -----------------
# the VM to use for the next launch

# -------------------------------
# main class of LaunchAnywhere's java launcher -- do not adjust

# --------------------------------
# main method of LaunchAnywhere's java launcher -- do not adjust

# -----------------------------
# Java command-line arguments added verbatim to the command line. .logging.impl.NoOpLog -Djava.endorsed.dirs=

# --------------------------------------
# Set the Java stack size to 64K

# --------------------
# a string containing one or more of [ ALL JDK JRE J1 J2 JRE_J1 JDK_J1 JRE_J2 JDK_J2 MSJ MRJ ]
# delimited by spaces or commas. If the native launcher cannot find the current vm,
# it will search for ones in this list JDK_J2 MRJ

# ------------------------------------
# The minimum version of Microsoft's VM this application will run against

# --------------------
# path to the installdir magic folder

lax.root.install.dir=/Macintosh HD/Applications (Mac OS 9)/LimeWire

# -------------------
# leave blank for no input, "console" to read from the console window,
# and any path to a file to read from that file


# ------------------
# leave blank for no input, "console" to read from the console window,
# and any path to a file to read from that file


# -------------------
# leave blank for no input, "console" to read from the console window,
# and any path to a file to read from that file


# ------------
# left blank, this property will cause the native launcher to not
# alter the platform default behavior for setting the user dir.
# To override this you may set this property to a relative or absolute path.
# Relative paths are relative to the launcher.


# -----------
# version of LaunchAnywhere that created this properties file

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2004
Posts: n/a
Angry zzz


Oh... I just downloaded the newest version of Limwire Pro, wich is 4.0.2. for the OS.x. nice touch putting in the message about freezing the classic version at 4.0 AFTER paying, especially since that annoying pop-up tells me I can get a newer version...

I could swear i had 4.0.7 before, I'm not sure, but that kinda sucks.

Anyways, I cant find that line of code where I'm supposed to put in the "#" to fix the JIT problem. Do I have to download an older version?

I'm really pleased to have paid another 18 bucks for a useless 30 seconds laggin' limewire. Woohoo!

Angry Xmas Gnome
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old January 12th, 2005
Join Date: January 12th, 2005
Location: Firenze, Italy
Posts: 3
Pilla is flying high
Default slow slow running

I definitely agree with Rent-A-Ninja: just downloaded Limewire Pro 4.5 is running on a G4, 450 Mhz, with 640 Mb Ram... (MacOs 9.2.2) and it is so slow...!
I can't find that line of code where I'm supposed to put in the "#" to fix the JIT problem in the LimeWire.lax document.
Can someone help???
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old January 12th, 2005
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Umm ... I think you'll find it somewhere in the thread called 'For those who can't connect' in the connections section. It's 37 pages long but I'm sure it's within the 1st 25 pages somewhere. that's the last place I can remember seeing it. Have a look from p1 anyway. You might pick up some hints!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old January 13th, 2005
Join Date: January 12th, 2005
Location: Firenze, Italy
Posts: 3
Pilla is flying high

Have a look from p1 anyway. You might pick up some hints!
What do you mean with p1???
Anyway thanks!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old January 17th, 2005
Join Date: January 12th, 2005
Location: Firenze, Italy
Posts: 3
Pilla is flying high
Default so so slow... (part 2)

Hi, can somebody understand what's going on???
As I said in a previous post I bought LW Pro 4 (no 4.5) for Mac Os 9, and it was extremely slow.
As you suggested I started reading the forum on connections - where I lost myself, but found the tip to get faster response from the software (declicking auto connect at startup). The first time it got really better, but a second time never happened again... The software got stuck up at "Connecting..." for hours...
After several days, several other installations - always without success - today I tried to remove everything from my hard disk, and download again LW BASIC, and it works!!!

In the meantime I found that in LW Pro:
1. the uninstaller actually leaves some files on the hard disk
2. the file err.txt says what follows, maybe it is of some interest for you:
Exception occurred during event dispatching:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/limegroup/gnutella/settings/StartupSettings
at com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.TipOfTheDayMediator.con structDialog(
at com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.TipOfTheDayMediator.<in it>(
at com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.TipOfTheDayMediator.ins tance(
at com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.GUIMediator.closeStartu pDialogs(
at com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.GUIMediator.showInterna lError(
at com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.ErrorHandler$
at javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities.processRunna bleEvent(Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities$RunnableTarg et.processEvent(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Compiled Code)
And now... good night!
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