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angie_osu February 17th, 2004 07:17 PM

ANYONE PLEASE HELP!!!!! about i-tunes and limewire!
On 02-14-04 i downloaded the updated version on limewire, and since then everytime i download a song it dosen't automatically open up into my i-tunes folder, so all my new songs aren't in my i-tunes folder. . What is going on?? I need them to get there so i can get them on my i-pod!! please help anyone!!! Thank you sooooooo much!! :)

mogzi February 18th, 2004 06:39 AM

i think i can help...?
hi, i saw your message and it mention my two fav programs. so i thought i might put in my 2 cents. becasue you know how to use the programs and have a ipod this night seem like a really obvious answer. but i don't usually get my mp3 files into itunes the same way you do ... i think. i guessing that you keep clicking on the download in itunes until it appears in itunes. have you tried just grabing the sound file and litterally dropping them into itunes? this is how i do it. you could drop it into the itunes library or even just drop it onto the itunes logo, but make sure it goes a darker shade to make sure you are putting the files into the program. when i say logo i mean the application logo. it's probably in your menu at the bottom of the screen with all you other programs, if your using OSX. i hope that works. macs are good like that, a lotof the time you can just drop stuff where you want it. they work in a litteral way, GOOD LUCK!!!


if that doesn't work reload them, or you might have clashing software?

murasame February 18th, 2004 07:39 AM

Guys, guys, relax.
Have both of you tried simply going to the Limewire preferences at the top of the screen? 'Cause if you didn't then you should know that there is a selection there marked iTunes and when you click it, you get a box that you can tick which will enable iTunes support, meaning that whenever new mp3s are downloaded thru Lime they automatically are ipmorted to a new Limewire playlist in iTunes, from which, of course, you can export them to your iPod and stuff.
Unfortunately, this only works for future downloads and you're gonna have to import the previous downloads yourselves.
Now, if you've already done that and still the downloads won't go to the iTunes playlist, THEN you may have a problem.

P.S.:You should know that it has been reported that sometimes the "iTunes support" box ticks itself off. If you notice that yo' songs aren't being imported anymore then check the preferences again.
Oh and this is from an OSX 10.2.8 user with 3.6.15 or 3.8.5 Lime (both work this way)

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