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Grantmann January 16th, 2005 01:40 PM

2 Topics: SLOW! downloads & 'Need More Sources'
I run OSX 10.3.5 and have LW 4.2.6. I have a DSL connection and have set my LW preferences to 3 stars or better. I usually try for T1 or DSL/Cable files, but still the majority of my downloads are 3-5KB/sec. Very few are above 25 KB/sec. I have had on occasion (very few) above 50 and even (surprisingly) occasionally over 100KB/sec, but most are down in the slower rates.

I've disabled ultrapeer and set my bandwidth to 100% thinking that may help. Still very slow. It's very frustrating.

Also, about 70% of what I search for comes back "Need More Sources" How can the files show in the search window but essentially be unavailable?

Any solutions to the above?


murasame January 18th, 2005 12:20 AM

(Usually I'd just search topics and post back the results but today I'm too lazy to do that.)

Need more sources may occur if you clicked for a download that had few sources to start and that the users hosting the download went offline or something like that.

Faster uploads...? Try this:

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