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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 16th, 2004
Join Date: August 16th, 2004
Posts: 5
Leoli is flying high

Another bogus site...

$1 a month or $29.95 for a lifetime Membership...payment to be payed through Paypal to

It's on the music pages...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 23rd, 2004
Join Date: August 23rd, 2004
Posts: 5
Lornakins is flying high

I am brand new to Limewire, but certainly not to the internet, but I too am a victim of one of these scams. The site scamming me for a lifetime membership for $29.95 is I am very new to music sites as I just purchased an MP3 player, so this site looked very legitimate to me. I found it through my Norton Utilities bonus web sites. My story ends well though, as they used paypal for which I had not updated the info on for a valid credit card. Therefore, I have not been charged, and hopefully, when paypal becomes aware that I do not have a valid credit card with them, they will just cancel the order. I don't think ezmp3s can keep me from using limewire, since it is free anyway, unless you buy the pro version. Am I right? I would not have known that I had been scammed if I had not gone to this forum site, looking for what others had to say about limewire. So, many thanks to a very useful site, Lorna
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 1st, 2004
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gotjava is flying high

Originally posted by et voilą
There is no membership, only 6 months of free upgrades for 18.88 (pro version). Seems to me you have bought something at scam site Please say where you saw that, you've been had! Now be more conscious of your purchases next time...

Is the 18.88/PRO version for only 6 months and is it a scam, too? I bought it but haven't received anything, and got no replys from LimeWire CSR about my upgrade.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 24th, 2005
Join Date: October 12th, 2004
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
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beenz75 is flying high

Hi the exact same has happened to me

I signed up for the $19.99 standard package at and that installed the Limewire on my home computer. I re-installed it to another computer and that installed Etomi which looks the exact same as Limewire. Shame we only find sites like these after this sort of thing has happened. I would never have expected them to have given this software out on a free
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2004
Join Date: October 22nd, 2004
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iwasscammed is flying high

I was scammed from .. I am no stranger to the internet and I work in the IT industry.

For anyone that think's it's all the naive and non tech people out there who has been scammed well this is not the case.

It okay looking back and seeing all the tell tale signs - the first has to be their logo which has been compressed as a jpg instead of a gif.

I got caught out simply because I was told of limewire by a freind and he suggested getting the registered version. I guess I done a global search and seen limewiresoftware so of course I registered my details with a simple click - although carelessly. It's only if you are aware of the whole scam that's networked around file sharing then you'd probably be on guard but in this case it was definately deception by what I'd consider a "spoofed" site.

It also claims that it's ad free and spyware free yet in another description on the site they mention it HAS got spyware in it. The intention obviously is to con people by thinking "no adware, yup that's the correct version of software I want to purchase".

They then send you details of what you have just purchased, which is basically.... wait for it..... a page on the internet! Yep, this is what you get for 30 USD.... ... oh remember and bookmark it!

What really annoys me is I don't pay for a product specifically for use of the program. In this case I feel it's a donation to support developers of the community as a whole.

I quickly found out how these people operate and it's mainly being diverted through mis-spellings. That's how search engines and awareness are not effective at alerting people when they search. I thought the person who recommended limewire was saying linewire so I guess I searched that and thats how I ended up with this fu**krs page.

I see other sites people have mentioned and they are more careful and actually have clear intepretations of what your paying for. In the instance of limewiresoftware, can that be considered as a fraudulant site giving various reasons as to me it clearly intended to decieve. If this IS actually legal and within the boundries of what standards we have then I guess there's no point - otherwise I will challenge the transaction.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2004
Join Date: October 22nd, 2004
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iwasscammed is flying high

Originally posted by murasame
What are you talking about? Go to your bank and stop whatever transaction immediately. Then, go to and download either the free version or the Pro version (around 20$ for download). They don't have adware/spyware.
That site is selling something that isn't theirs. As someone (I think et voilą) said, it's as if you just gave them free money: the software isn't theirs.
1) The basic version does say it has ad-ware in it.

2) It was a visa transaction, it's already gone - I called them up but they said I need to wait until a few days (probably before it REALLY clears I bet) before I can report it as fraud. That's my question, is it worth the effort.

3) I already have the free version now. I could choose to download the PRO version also. My point is, I did not in particular, want to buy a product as such. It was recommended so on that basis I chose to support and donate to limewire and the money went elsewhere. Call me thick whatever, but without being familiar with limewire it's seems pretty easy to be mistaken with a web page which practically is claiming to be part of the limewire community.

Put it another way, instead of me being ripped off you could also say the people directly involved with limewire were conned from this scammer.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 19th, 2005
Join Date: November 5th, 2004
Posts: 7
ynotc2001 is flying high
Default scam

There's another scam site:

They list all the p2p as being "new" and their own for which you pay them to download.

Can Cyclocide block them out - or maybe a kindly hacker.....
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old December 13th, 2004
Join Date: December 13th, 2004
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jrwaits47 is flying high

I paid $30 for a lifetime membership and was connected up with limewire. Unfortunately I did this several months ago. The money is no longer retrievable. I have contacted them to find out what gives. Has anyone dealt with them?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old February 3rd, 2005
Join Date: February 3rd, 2005
Location: Glasgow, UK
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mgoof95 is flying high
Angry Scammed by ""

I was scammed by also, just like the guy who posted above. It really sickens me that I have basically given them $23.44 in exchange for a link to limewire. I have contacted BBC's watchdog to file a complaint with the company. I have also contacted the online bank the I used to pay, ClickBank. I was scammed once before, by, so I really should have known better!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2005
Join Date: February 3rd, 2005
Location: Glasgow, UK
Posts: 11
mgoof95 is flying high

If your payment to this other company was processed by CilckBank, maybe they wil give you a refund for your money. They gave me a refund after I explained to them that I had been scammed.
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