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Types of Membership? I wanted to know the different types of memberships? The Unlimited @ $34.95 the Standard @ $24.95 and the one year at $19.95 I signed up for the Standard but I would like to know what I got? Any help for the new girl?. |
There is no membership, only 6 months of free upgrades for 18.88 (pro version). Seems to me you have bought something at scam site:mad: Please say where you saw that, you've been had! Now be more conscious of your purchases next time... Ciao Edit: Prices as of 2008 are: Lime Wire » Download LimeWire _ Pro for 6 months support $21.95; _ Extended Pro support lasting 12 months for $34.95 |
Yes, Kforcat... Please come back and tell us what site you went to where the different 'membership' offers were sold... And, please mention what other, if any, filesharing programs were also offered... Thanks btw, if you just did that 'purchase' a very short time ago, do try to cancel the payment with your card company... As Soon As Possible... As in like Right Now ! |
Here I am - I printed the sign up sheet when I joined so here is what I see - It was at www.filesharingcenter.com/join2.php There were the 3 types of memberships I listed above. It is already processed on my card (like last month) not sure what I can do about that - I sure hope they don't charge me again!! It pretty much explained that to get limewire - I had to join to be able to get the download What have I done?? And where are most of you nice people from - the times of the posts are a little squirly ?? 11:02 p.m.? |
This site is a scam. What a bunch of you know what :mad: Hope you learned to be less naive next time, especially with the marketing they employed on their front page. Ciao |
Sorry, Kforcat... There isn't much that you can do... Well, more like nothing, actually... But, remember, in future do not pay for anything on the internet that you cannot first test for FREE... The site you visited where they cheated you is typical of this sort of deception... They take advantage of the people who hear about filesharing (and other computer related stuff such as games, etc., etc.) and try to rely on the 'newness' of people... Now, you are not so 'new' anymore, right ? ;) Oh... The weird time display ? You mean in this forum, right ? That is probably because you are not registered here...Yet ;) When/if you do register... FREE... than you will have settings to make about your time-zone and other stuff... |
don't forget about http://www.gnutellaforums.com/showth...threadid=24505 . . . and at least try to ask for a refund. |
Unfortunantely we have been hearing about many of these "information" sites recently. The only place to download the free version of LimeWire or to purchase the pro version is at www.limewire.com . As I suggest to anyone that buys the information, contact your credit card company and dispute the charge. Thanks, Adam Harris Business Developer Lime Wire, LLC. |
Cyclocide, the chief moderator here, has been blocking such ads on this site. Just PM Cyclocide with the site address and he can block their ads.. Can't LimeWire at least ask Google to block those sites that are misleadingly using LW's open source, or else ask those sites to clearly indicate where LW is freely available? You may not be able to block those sites, but surely you can ask them to be clear in their use of LW's name and logo. |
It is not exclusive to LimeWire, as I know you know, stief... It applies to all of the better clients and networks. I mention this now only to make it clear that it is not only LimeWire being used as a 'tease product' to encourage 'new users' into a trap. As others have said, read the fine print and you will see that these groups are 'legal' in the letter of the law. :rolleyes: |
I also have been drawn in by sharedmovies.com which I got off a sponsored link off a google search fortunatly I only paid the minimum subsciption but I was a bit confused that I had to download your software to start searching for movies. On a positive note they were recommending your software and I might not have found you without them. I did not make a note of my password or username with them and they have not e-mailed confirmation so I don't think I will be visiting there members pages again! Should I try and cancell the debit card transaction ? Look forward reading any replies :rolleyes: |
If you think there is any possibility of cancelling the transaction, than yes... Immediately try to stop payment... And, be certain to alert - IF possible - the card company as to the nature of the 'scamming' company trying to rip you off... |
Scammed I got the shaft for 39.95 at http://www.k-lite.tk didnt see it comming iether, all stand clear! |
Copyright © 2004 - All rights reserved This copyright notice without a copyright owner name is a sure sign that this is not a legitimate business! Look at the "privacy policy" link: it is not signed! Now look at "affiliates": a crap made by and for spammers stealing your money with multilevel (pyramidal) marketing schemes, or "get million dollars fast"! You will not see anywhere any legitimate and registered business name, no address, no phone or fax number, not even an email to contact... Now go to the bottom of the page: it's full of tiny invisible text, with links to various P2P programs. They are there just to feed some search engines with keywords... Now go to the "Terms of service". The contract is not qualified by a provable entity (its signed between "you" and "we, filesharing center", i.e. the trademark used to name the website, but not to designate the owner. There are so many other signs there that should indicate that this is a scam. Now you're educated. This site is stealing money, and if it distributes some software, it is certainly hacked to contain some stealthware (spamware, backdoors, spywares, keyloggers, credit card stealer...) Don't trust them: if they used your credit card, reclaim your money to your bank immediately. I'm sure that no company will manifest to your bank to justify the payment, so such opposition will push your bank to start a legal action and track the abuser that has stolen money at your bank! Bank robery is a crime! |
Filesharingfriends.com is Funny Filesharingfriends.com is funny because its also like TMD-Moviez.com and i bought membeship for 29.95 or something i forgot and i got refunded back cause they gave fake stuff like FREE P2P Software and they lie its really fast and alot of crap like they the owner of the p2p software but its a scam... well i got cancel but the MEMBERSHIP Still work anyone can try... TMD-Moviez.com username: bird password: flying SOMEONE SUE THEM PLEASE |
Get the bastards!!! I left a question re paying for Limewire and found out along with a lot of other people that I had been ripped off. I rang my bank who couldn't do anything about it. I then went to IBILLCS.COM and informed them of the situation. They refunded the money immediately. The rip off ***** are www.klitesite.com. |
I have done the same thing I Payed almost 60 bucks 4 limewire that im using This is the website that sent me where i found lime wire:mad:p2p file sharing software @comparisonshoponline.com//filesharesoftware.com |
Same outfit different name! I came across another one of theirs, Mp3 advanced.com. |
i got scam TOO!!!! I got scam by filesharingcenter.com toofor 19.95. I am fighting paypal to stop the tranfer of my funds to this Christopher Carson who is running this Scam. Here is the email his tech service sent me.The service we provide is much more than just P2P software, we provide users with the latest versions of the most popular P2P software in one page, as well with tutorials on how to use them and how the get the most off them. There are also utilities available for download in our site, and different useful subpages like the CD-Covers links, the spyware killers, etc. Also, a very important part of our service is that we offer the users the technical support in case they have a problem or just a concern with one of the programs or any other material listed in our members area. Since we do not host the files themselves, but the files for the programs that will let you download them, the transfer rate is dependent on the user or server sending the specified file (multiple users and servers are available for download at the same time). Most users find the service very helpful. HOW TO START: We are not a music/movie file server. To start, you have to download one of the programs to file share. You will find these programs in the download section.. The set up instructios for that program you will find in the "Help & FAQ" section. To burn CDs you will find different programs it the utility section. Take your time and read the info we provide at the different sections. This is the procedure. 1. Go to File Sharing center 2. Login 3. Go to Download Music/Movie Center. Choose a program.and download it. We recomend Morpheus or Limewire. 4. Go to FAQ which is below the program. 5. Go to Utility Section. and download the spyware killer and the pop up stoper and install them. 6. Install the P2P program..... you choose to download. 7. Choose a Song/Movie to down load. Using the steps in the FAQ. Please contact us if you are still having trouble I hope Paypal can help me Cyclone16 |
New Limewire scam site with a VERY similar web design as the official site, this is pure copy: http://www.limewiresoftware.com :rolleyes: |
Isn't the official LimeWire web site enough referenced in many download sites, and major search engines, or many MP3 sites? Does this scam affects too with other legitimate Gnutella servents (BearShare notably)? May be it's time to include in the downloadable installer a certificate which, when present, will avoid displaying alerts in search results. For any other installation of LimeWire, there would be some results that would immediately appear in searches, that would show a warning about the true download site of LimeWire. We need something to inform users in Gnutella, and a security feature bundled in the installer that would filter those administrative alerts. Of course this certificate would not be part of the open-source project. There's a need to collaborate with BearShare about something to detect abusive servents. One of the most useful thing would be really to create a Gnutella-promoted Chat system where users would interact and discuss directly, by adopting in the GDF some common IRC channels hosted by neutral IRC server. One advantage with IRC is that it can also work outside of Gnutella too from the web using one of the many IRC applets or ActiveX components. For now Gnutella users are too much isolated, and they are too much exposed to such threats, and there's a lack of education. Chatting was one of the effective reasons why the past P2P programs succeeded. The Chat option in LimeWire is too much basic, and limited to 1-to-1 without possibilities to create effective contacts between friends. |
Somebody just posted a similar story which should be listed here. ie: http://www.dcmoviez.com & http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff98935.htm Hope you don't mind me cross-linking the threads. |
the filesharing website? I know this post is old but I have a question about the website that was mentioned in this post..it was the www.filesharingcenter.com website..I was also suckered into purchasing the 19.95 package....It also listed 2 extra add on packages..For 9.95 per package, extra, you could download playstation 1 and 2 games and the other one was a program for buring your own dvd's...Can anyone give me any info on where I can download the ps games?..I dont want to be naive and pay the 9.95 extra for either of those.. |
paid membership i see i am not alone, happily i caught it fast, i purchased a one tear membership to lime wire yesterday from KAZAA LITE, DBA- <info@filesharingcenter.com> and today i surfed this forum and up jumped the devil ( gotcha ) boy did i feal like a rookie, but a fast 911 to my card company, and got them transaction BLOCKED canceled voided. i hope others will be as lucky and stop these slime balls. spread the word, and help us beginners as we learn to walk in this fast paced cyber world.remember the youths are the futute, let the elders protect, and guide. got to go before my soap box crashes-----wild------- |
Throwing My 2 Cents In I got suckered in a long time ago when I discovered Morpheus - I paid 18.00 for the privledge of a free list of P2P's. But I did get a 1 year "membership" for what I don't know. Once I upgraded my brain I did a whois and found the actual owner of the site and sued in small claims and got court and bank costs plus 3x my purchase price back because the judge said the guy was a parasite. So I wound up with about $145 and a lot of wasted time. The point is, learn from your mistake and don't let these guys slide. Complaining is okay but you have to do something to stop these folks -- I like the hacking idea - but I don't condone it (not that there is anything wrong with that {Seinfeld - reference}) |
Another thread 'Limewire clones' that probably fits in here also worth a mention. And there's a large list PLUS Shareaza clones. Clones is enough to trick people from getting what they may have been looking for. See: http://www.gnutellaforums.com/showth...threadid=27177 |
Scammed too www.mp3rox.com i freakin' paid $39 bucks for the lifetime membership. what memebership. lets make a list of all the scamers out there, and sue them all! beware - www.mp3rox.com |
Another bogus site... $1 a month or $29.95 for a lifetime Membership...payment to be payed through Paypal to My-Free-Music.com It's on the Amazon.com music pages... www.imusicSearch.com |
I am brand new to Limewire, but certainly not to the internet, but I too am a victim of one of these scams. The site scamming me for a lifetime membership for $29.95 is ezmp3s.com. I am very new to music sites as I just purchased an MP3 player, so this site looked very legitimate to me. I found it through my Norton Utilities bonus web sites. My story ends well though, as they used paypal for which I had not updated the info on for a valid credit card. Therefore, I have not been charged, and hopefully, when paypal becomes aware that I do not have a valid credit card with them, they will just cancel the order. I don't think ezmp3s can keep me from using limewire, since it is free anyway, unless you buy the pro version. Am I right? I would not have known that I had been scammed if I had not gone to this forum site, looking for what others had to say about limewire. So, many thanks to a very useful site, Lorna |
Remember the ONLY official web site to download LimeWire: http://www.limewire.com/ (also http://www.limewire.org/ for the open-sourced developement versions) The official package is fully open-sourced, and subject to the GPL licence requirement: this means that a derivated work is possible according to the licence, but the GPL requirement still applies, and LimeWire clones MUST provide their sources as well, along with a copy of the GPL licence and information about how to get the sources of their clone. The GPL licence also requires that the copyright notice must be kept. Scammers that steal the sources to sell a product under their own licence are infringing the GPL licence, and they steal your money. Also you won't get any support from this scammers that don't even show their official organisation name and street address. Compare this to what the LimeWire web site displays for you: a physical address in NYC, USA, and people names (and their photos!). Nobody should ever buy anything on the Internet without being able to identify precisely who is the reseller. Also some credit card processors should really be avoided for any online transaction: IBILLCS is a wellknown heaven for scammers and porn site spammers that steal your money: their identity verification is VERY weak (a "seller" can create an account with a fake identity in a few minutes with them, and they will immediately start collecting money; IBILLCS will refund those that complain, without taking any action against the scammer, that will continue to collect money). Serious credit card processors consider security more scrupulously and assist users legally: your national street banks, PayPal/eBay... There's nothing that LimeWire can do about these scammers if you have been stolen, except publishing information about known thieves, and learning you how to use Internet more securely, notably when performing online transactions. Users should know that thieves exist everywhere on the Internet under fake identities. Those that receive hundreds of spam each day from around the world know that fact. On the Internet you NEED to be PARANOID and not trust anyone for which you can't even verify basic identity information. LimeWire will also inform you about what you can do with the software and offers you a FREE try of the fully functional software, with the Basic version. If the Basic version works for you, be confident that the Pro version will also work for you; after your trial, that LimeWire thinks will be conclusive for you, you can then opt to support the LimeWire development project by buying a LimeWire Pro licence. Note that the LimeWire Pro licence is NOT limited in time (only the free upgrade and free support which are exclusive to the Pro licence, are limited in time). All serious Gnutella servent vendors offer you a free try of their software, even if they sell you licences to a Pro version to cover their development costs (this includes LimeWire.com, BearShare.com, GTKG), and they also have extensive online support areas, forums, and their developers are present in these forums, or in the Gnutella Developers Forum (GDF) on Yahoo Groups, where they discuss the protocol and help each other to detect possible bugs and quirks, or enhancements, and where they publish their own working or experimental specifications, to maximize interoperability. |
Speaking of Yahoo!, you do know I suppose that typing in Limewire as search keyword at Yahoo!.com returns as Sponsor results(!) scam sites. Man. And I was wondering how all those people got tricked. I see it now. You're new to the net. You've heard of Yahoo! (probably even used it once or twice before too). You've also heard of Limewire. So you look for it in Yahoo!.com and come up with the scam sites and get tricked because you're new... I took the trouble to send them feedback (at the bottom of the search results page), telling them that people are being tricked because of their "sponsor results". (I didn't mention that Google doesn't do that, but now that I think about it, maybe I should have). I don't think that one feedback like that will do something, but maybe if more people sent them feedback like that (yes, I'm talking about all of you in here. Those who got tricked and those who didn't altogether), then maybe, just maybe, they might decide to think it through. |
I never follow such sponsored links on any site, unless this was the site I really wanted to visit before making the search... Anyone can buy a placement on these services even for a poor and bogous product. There's no a-priori control, except for the payment itself. Of course if the sponsored link reveals to be a scam, Yahoo can make something after scrutiny, but only if the sponsor broke a Yahoo TOS policy, or if there's something illegal according to the US law. A link by itself is not illegal, unless the whole sponsored site is declared illegal. It will be easier to demonstrate a breach in the Yahoo TOS policy, if the sponsor uses its link on Yahoo to perform abusive operations such as spamming (the link alone shown on Yahoo results is not a spam), or abuse of a reserved trademark (if that link uses "LimeWire" in its domain name and describe its service without permission from Lime Wire LLC, NYC, USA). What can be done in this case is that LimeWire contacts Yahoo to claim its ownership on the registered trademark. This said, the first two "sponsored results" on Yahoo are not working now (domain name parked?): - www(dot)limewire-downloads(dot)com - www(dot)limewiresoftware(dot)com But the three others are still working: - mp3downloadhq(dot)com - www(dot)mp3sharing(dot)us - www(dot)mp3musiczone(dot)com The last three include the terms "with LimeWire" in their description, and this is an abuse of trademark. Additionally, none of these sites respect the GPL licence for the software copyright. Who will pay $1/month for these scammers that want you to pay to download a free software, modified with spywares and an illegal licence? |
I had a similar experience before I downloaded limewire. I paid 20.00 for a year of unlimited movie downloads, right after I downloaded the so called software and couldn't get the movie or contact any customer support. I got page cannot be displayed. I immediately called my bank and they stopped payment and took care of it. The name of the web site was unlimited movie downloads. I hope everyone who reads this message hasn't already been tricked by these scam artist. |
I PAID FOR LIMEWIRE TOO So having just read the above posts then I must have fallen for it too, I have just paid £34 for Lime Wire and additional movie searches!!!!! I was directed to this site which said you had to choose your provider, and the fee you pay is for quicker d/ls, more search results etc etc and more importantly no pop ups or ads (which is what I wanted), - when I went to upgrade to lime wire pro and it said 'if you have dowloaded limewire in the last 30 days click here for automatic upgrade - which I did, when I entered my email address - It could not be found in records! Is this because it doesn't exist? - What has happened here?? This was 8 days ago!! |
robbing sites Having just read a previous thread I have realised that I have been scammed. Before getting lime wire I typed in Kazza.com I was automatically taken to a billing site (check it out for yourself!) I foolishly typed in my card details thinking this was legitimate!!!!! and have subsequently been billed £33.50 ($58.63) the payee is CLKBANK*COM DOWNLOAD which my bank tell me are a registered software company!!!!!! Good news is that they are going to refund my money and investigate the claim!! PLEASE BEWARE, I am not new to the internet but this fooled me!!! Has anyone else had the same experience recently???????? |
Ask for a refund!!! in future download ONLY from the official Limewire site: http://www.limewire.com/ Morgwen |
I was scammed from http://www.limewiresoftware.com/ .. I am no stranger to the internet and I work in the IT industry. For anyone that think's it's all the naive and non tech people out there who has been scammed well this is not the case. It okay looking back and seeing all the tell tale signs - the first has to be their logo which has been compressed as a jpg instead of a gif. I got caught out simply because I was told of limewire by a freind and he suggested getting the registered version. I guess I done a global search and seen limewiresoftware so of course I registered my details with a simple click - although carelessly. It's only if you are aware of the whole scam that's networked around file sharing then you'd probably be on guard but in this case it was definately deception by what I'd consider a "spoofed" site. It also claims that it's ad free and spyware free yet in another description on the site they mention it HAS got spyware in it. The intention obviously is to con people by thinking "no adware, yup that's the correct version of software I want to purchase". They then send you details of what you have just purchased, which is basically.... wait for it..... a page on the internet! Yep, this is what you get for 30 USD.... http://www.limewiresoftware.com/succ.htm ... oh remember and bookmark it! What really annoys me is I don't pay for a product specifically for use of the program. In this case I feel it's a donation to support developers of the community as a whole. I quickly found out how these people operate and it's mainly being diverted through mis-spellings. That's how search engines and awareness are not effective at alerting people when they search. I thought the person who recommended limewire was saying linewire so I guess I searched that and thats how I ended up with this fu**krs page. I see other sites people have mentioned and they are more careful and actually have clear intepretations of what your paying for. In the instance of limewiresoftware, can that be considered as a fraudulant site giving various reasons as to me it clearly intended to decieve. If this IS actually legal and within the boundries of what standards we have then I guess there's no point - otherwise I will challenge the transaction. |
What are you talking about? Go to your bank and stop whatever transaction immediately. Then, go to www.limewire.com and download either the free version or the Pro version (around 20$ for download). They don't have adware/spyware. That site is selling something that isn't theirs. As someone (I think et voilą) said, it's as if you just gave them free money: the software isn't theirs. |
2) It was a visa transaction, it's already gone - I called them up but they said I need to wait until a few days (probably before it REALLY clears I bet) before I can report it as fraud. That's my question, is it worth the effort. 3) I already have the free version now. I could choose to download the PRO version also. My point is, I did not in particular, want to buy a product as such. It was recommended so on that basis I chose to support and donate to limewire and the money went elsewhere. Call me thick whatever, but without being familiar with limewire it's seems pretty easy to be mistaken with a web page which practically is claiming to be part of the limewire community. Put it another way, instead of me being ripped off you could also say the people directly involved with limewire were conned from this scammer. |
Of course they were conned: the money that should have gotten to them... |
There's only some text adds with a link displayed in the LimeWire window, and a dialog at startup proposing to buy the Pro version. And the next release will no longer have the optional "LimeShop" tab (that displays within the LimeWire window only a static HTML page.) The Pro version guarantees that even these small items will be absent, and adds some more connectivity for faster searches and some more connectivity and speed for swarmed downloads. You may use the CA tools or Spybots&D or Ad-aware to remove completely LimeWire 2.9.8 before installing a new version of LimeWire. After the installation, neither SpybotS&D or Ad-Aware will complain about anything in LimeWire Basic 3.x or 4.x. Note that Computer Associates will warn you about any LimeWire version or any other Gnutella or P2P program, because of the support of MAGNETs: LimeWire has a MAGNET URL handler, but this is NOT spyware or ad-ware as stated by Computer Associates. The CA database is outdated, bought from a company that ran out of business and has not maintained it to remove false alarms. If you run Computer Associates' tool, it will remove the support for Magnets in LimeWire as well as BearShare or other P2P programs, because it detects the Magnet support falsely as "WinMX", and WinMX is effectively a spyware and adware by itself and is active you use your regular HTML browser or email agent for something else than P2P activities... This tool does not check the target handler for this MAGNET URL-scheme support. Also the tool bases its data on old LimeWire 2.9.8 Basic, and does not check for the current versions of LimeWire. If you have had a bad experience in the past with LimeWire 2.9.8, try with at least a version 3.x or the current 4.x versions... You'll see the big difference in performance, and understand why LimeWire is now more than 60% of all Gnutella-compatible servents installed. |
I paid http://www.mymusicinc.com $30 for a lifetime membership and was connected up with limewire. Unfortunately I did this several months ago. The money is no longer retrievable. I have contacted them to find out what gives. Has anyone dealt with them? |
errrmmm its a bit simalar TMD-Moviez.com http://www.kazaalitesite.com/ http://www.filesharingcenter.com/join1_af.php? alll of these site are scams open them they have exactly the same interface ermmmm i think someone should report this. |
Don't feel bad I have been in the music business for 24 years and are well versed with the internet. Don't feel bad that you got scammed because I did as well. File sharing of music is illegal. Take for example Kaaza. They are still in court trying to resolve issues. Record companies and the DOJ are sill busting people for sharing music. Knowing this, and being a Kaaza and former Napster user for years, I searched the internet for P2P's that appeared "legal". That means they collect a fee that you believe they are going to pay ASCAP and BMI as music royalities. The site you signed up at as well as me led to you believe that the fees were paid and everything was legal. But we were taken. I did not realize till much later that Limewire is really no different than Kaaza regarding P2P. That you could download the program for free. I am as disappointed as you are becuae I need to be able to download a lot of songs for a radio station, and thinking I was doing the right thing got burned. It appears that the only real way to legally download is to pay for songs individually. Usually $1.00 a piece. |
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