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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 25th, 2006
Join Date: February 23rd, 2006
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kmac518 is flying high
Default sometimes songs don't appear in itunes folder

Please help! I have been reading posts trying to figure out how to move songs from my LW library to my itunes library with no luck!!! sometimes the songs I download automatically go in itunes files, and sometimes they don't. It seems like when songs don't move into itunes, it is an entire group that I downloaded in the same day, so I don't think it is a single song error, some days it works, and some days it doesn't. Please Help!! How do I move songs to itunes without trying to redownload the song with my fingers crossed?!!! I have OSX 10.3.9 ibook G4 but other than that, I don't have a clue about technical stuff.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2006
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Kmac518, welcome to Gnutella Forums.
Even if I have the "Enable iTunes support" checked (in Preferences/iTunes) - which theoritically will force all downloaded songs to go into iTunes-, sometimes downloaded song does not go in my Limewire playlist of iTunes

I would say than 10% of downloaded songs are in this case.

Half of these songs are in fact in the global iTunes' library but not in the Limewire playlist. So, in this case a search will show them and I can move them to the right playlist

The other half are not present: so, for these, in the lower pane of the LW window (where the current downloads are listed), I double-click on the finished songs which seem no to appear in iTunes; doing this, they are re-imported in the main iTunes' library and I have to move them to the correct playlist.

I never found any solution for this issue: neither on my old G3 10.3.x, neither on my G5 Tiger where the phenomenon still exists.

For me, it is not a important problem, since, on the contrary to some other fellows, double-cliking missing songs (as described above) always put them back in iTunes.

Of course, my explanation are valid for songs that iTunes can handled (mp3, aac, ..); for other codecs (wma, ..), I have no idea: I never download them

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2006
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I agree with phillipes post .All my downloads go into my iTunes folder .. and yes .. some don't load into iTunes. I find it tends to happen when LW has been running at full sretch for a long time. With Macs an occasionall reboot seems to help things run more smothly..
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2006
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Just as an extension on what Only A Hobo said, closing & re-opening LW will normally do the trick.

I don't normally use the LW Playlist on iTunes so I'm not sure how well this updates.

iTunes will not import songs that are already in the library with identical characteristics; ie: same title, same size, same id3 tag. But it will import same title if the id3 tag has differences.

Be aware that iTunes will not import mp3pro files. You can import Ogg Vorbis files "if" you acquire a special plug in. See the Sticky at the top of this section which has a posting about iTunes & iPod. There's some useful tips & links there.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2006
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Default can't move songs to itunes folder

I thank you for your responses, but I can't get the songs to move to itunes. I tried double clicking on them, that made them start playing, but didn't put them in itunes. I said I wasn't good at the tech stuff, is there a step by step I could follow? Maybe I am in the wrong window when I try to move the songs. I have tried 'add to library' too with no luck. Please help, I have quite a few songs that didn't move over, and I would hate to re-download them all with a chance they won't move over again. Thanks for your patience with my lack of knowledge, I have only had my mac a year, and although I love it, it is taking some getting used to.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 27th, 2006
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Sounds like you didn't check the Sticky as suggested. How to transfer music to my iPod (& iTunes) for mac users. Double-check the songs aren't already in the iTunes Library. They might not have proper id3 tags which means they'll probably be at the bottom of the library list. Another "Quick" way to check is go to iTunes Edit menu -> View options & tick option to show Date Added. Then find that column & click on the top of the column. This will arrange the songs with the most recent at the very top of the library list. This way you'll know for sure whether your songs have been added. Perhaps the id3 tag is different to what you expected or doesn't have one so is normally arranged by file-title instead of by artist (which as I suggested normally puts them at the bottom of the list.)

I would also recommend getting Audion (free) as to check the songs play properly just in case there's problems with any of the files. Audion "can" play mp3pro format. If you have any in mp3pro format, you can use Audion to convert to AIFF. Then import to iTunes & convert to apple lossless or mp3 or m4a.
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sometimes songs don't appear in itunes folder-itunes-org-date-added.gif  
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 28th, 2006
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Smile getting songs into itunes folder

Hi !
Go to the "shared" folder in your Mac's "Finder" (where limewire 1st downloads the songs onto your comp), then just drag 'em directly to your itunes folder (I put the songs in the limewire folder where they were supposed to go - from there they were propagated to the main library). Let me know if that works for you.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old March 2nd, 2006
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kmac518 is flying high
Default can't move songs to itunes folder

I would like to thank you all for trying to help me but I have not been able to get any of your suggestions to work. I have to admit that I am lacking in mac knowledge, most everything you are telling me sounds like Greek. I am not giving up though, I will keep trying. I wish there were forums like this that answered questions about basic mac knowledge. You all have been a great help.
Thanks again!!!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old March 2nd, 2006
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kmac518 is flying high

Hey jackflash, could you send me exact directions to your suggestion? I am not very knowledgeable with my mac yet, and I couldn't figure out what you were telling me to do. I couldn't find a 'shared' folder in my 'finder'. Could you be more specific? I can usually figure stuff out on my own, but I find myself a little lost with my mac. I have tried every kind of drag and drop, or 'add to' that I can think of and nothing works. I am a little frustrated. thanks a bunch!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old March 3rd, 2006
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kmac518 did you look at the link I gave above? You need to click on the link to find the instructions. And that link leads to other links which give explanations of how to find your downlds & how to add songs to iTunes. The answer is much easier than what you may think. Here's an example For fast & easy access, go to your LW Library window, select Saved Files folder & press the Explore button. Sample image here: Using Library Explore button to access downld folder (click on link) & the folder will open up for you. You can also use Command & comma (⌘ ,) to access your LW prererences which will show you the directory location of your Downld folder.
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