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johnyboy April 6th, 2006 07:43 AM

"could not move to library" in lw 4.2.6 in os x.
"could not move to library" in lw 4.2.6 in os x.

i've been using that version for some time and never seen "could not move to library" ever before. now within the space of about three days i see it twice.

after it has occured downloads.dat a downloads.bak are gone, rendering all my partial downloads useless: hours of dowloading time wasted -- something lw's good at doing. does anyone know what's going on with that?

what on earth would make it suddenly start doing that? the first time it happened i deleted all lw pref files.

Lord of the Rings April 13th, 2006 08:07 AM

I don't know why, but that is an old version of LW. At least the files LW couldn't move to Library are complete. So you can use them.

My guess is LW's been running for a long time & used up a massive amount of virtual memory. And as a result, you've run out of HDD space whilst LW was open or LW simply stopped functioning properly due to the VM build up.

It might be an idea to clean out some of your incompletes anyway as that will put much less pressure & stress & demand less VM on LW; Tip: Purge the Downloads Queue!

johnyboy April 14th, 2006 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings
At least the files LW couldn't move to Library are complete. So you can use them.

i can say confidently that is not the case. the files marked "could not move to library" were definetely not complete -- they were all well under the size that they should have been


My guess is LW's been running for a long time & used up a massive amount of virtual memory. And as a result, you've run out of HDD space whilst LW was open or LW simply stopped functioning properly due to the VM build up.
nope, i was using the computer at the time it happened once and there's no way that happened -- unless it was very quickly filled up and then very quickly emptied again but i really doubt that. i had at least 15GB spear anyway. i would have noticed that being filled up.

seems very odd. i searched for "could not move to library" and it seemed to be a serious problem some time ago for windows users. i didn't notice it saying that the downloads.dat and downloads.bak files were gone/missing/deleted which is actually the really serious part.


It might be an idea to clean out some of your incompletes anyway as that will put much less pressure & stress & demand less VM on LW; Tip: Purge the Downloads Queue!
the second time lw had already well and truly purged the downloads que for me -- all gone. and i threw away the prefs. hardly any things were in the incompletes folder and hardly any things were in lw's downloads list -- maybe 20 max the second time it happened. i don't think there was that many the first time either.

nope, i appreciate your answer but i don't think it's right at all. maybe i'm paranoid, no i'm being silly.. is there anyway something like that could be induced by someone -- another lw user? i'm probably way off there myself. it just seems a odd. months and months of use, nothing like it. then twice in space of a few days it happens -- all partially dl'ed files useless (i haven't used it since.) i might try and update and try using lw again.

i'm thinking of making a little app myself that every 30 seconds or so copies / backs up the downloads.dat file, because the loss of that has been my main problem with lw throughout my use of it over the years. some previous versions to what i'm using now were terrible because that happened regularly and now it's happening again, although in a very different and odd way. it's very annoying because it wastes so much dl time (and when you're on a modem/dial up that's more valuable i think).

a utility that could remake a downloads.dat file from the partially downloaded files would be truly fantastic app from my point of view.

johnyboy April 14th, 2006 12:22 PM

just to add to this bit:


i can say confidently that is not the case. the files marked "could not move to library" were definetely not complete -- they were all well under the size that they should have been
in fact one of the files that was marked "can't move to library" is gone -- and i didn't delete it.

Lord of the Rings April 14th, 2006 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by johnyboy
i'm thinking of making a little app myself that every 30 seconds or so copies / backs up the downloads.dat file, because the loss of that has been my main problem with lw throughout my use of it over the years. some previous versions to what i'm using now were terrible because that happened regularly and now it's happening again, although in a very different and odd way. it's very annoying because it wastes so much dl time (and when you're on a modem/dial up that's more valuable i think).

Hmm I'm not sure if an apple script could do this. If you know how to use apple script it might be handy. In any case, it might be an idea to backup the downloads.dat & .bak files every day or few hours. I do keep backups for when I run different versions of LW. Since changing backward in versions can corrupt the downld prefs. Keep that in mind!

I know what you mean with the much earlier versions of LW the downld prefs did seem to corrupt very easily. A total PIA b/c I was also on dial up.

Yes it's possble the issue is with LW 4.2.x I also recall there was such an issue with an earlier version. I also recall LW 4.2 had problems. Whether it was the same I can't remember. I think the earliest 4.9 version had this issue in the extreme. LW 4.8.1 was much better than LW 4.2 so if you update & have problems, let us know & I can send you a copy of an earlier version. But it'd also be good to try to solve the issues of any new version 1st. BTW which OS version are you running?

johnyboy April 14th, 2006 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings
Hmm I'm not sure if an apple script could do this. If you know how to use apple script it might be handy.

i should think a.s. could do it but i don't know it at all. i know cocoa/objective-c to a certain extent and backing up the downloads.dat/bak files at regular intervals would be very easy, at least in a rudimentary way. it would need a bit of extra cleverness though i think to try and make sure having made a good backup, then the downloads.dat file gets mangled not to backup the mangled version (over the good backup) -- check it hasn't reduced in size significantly since the last back up for example, although it reduces in size in correct use i think as it finishes downloads but if it goes from say 600k to 4k in one jump that's probably a good sign there's a problem with it. so to do it completely correctly/thoroughly might be a little bit more tricky but even a most basic a version would have saved me in the last two dissaster situations i think.


In any case, it might be an idea to backup the downloads.dat & .bak files every day or few hours.
i used to do that but also used to also forget to do that, and haven't had the necessity with the current version i'm using until this new problem that is.


I do keep backups for when I run different versions of LW. Since changing backward in versions can corrupt the downld prefs. Keep that in mind!

I know what you mean with the much earlier versions of LW the downld prefs did seem to corrupt very easily. A total PIA b/c I was also on dial up.
it was terrible.


Yes it's possble the issue is with LW 4.2.x I also recall there was such an issue with an earlier version. I also recall LW 4.2 had problems. Whether it was the same I can't remember. I think the earliest 4.9 version had this issue in the extreme. LW 4.8.1 was much better than LW 4.2 so if you update & have problems, let us know & I can send you a copy of an earlier version. But it'd also be good to try to solve the issues of any new version 1st.
ok thanks. i haven't made up my mind weather to make the bu utility thing (i probably will because i don't think it'll take long) and/or upgrade (not sure, as lw is so temperomental and this version has been not too bad so apart from this new recent problem i'm loathed to fix something that isn't broken, because that can easily break it (!) if you see what i mean, although this version is now broken for me it would seem.)

maybe i'll try a complete reinstall of this version after having deleted everything related to lw first (as well as making my bu utility thing) and see how that goes. if it happens again, upgrade.


BTW which OS version are you running?
10.2.8 with whatever the latest version of java is possible with that (i think -- at least apple isn't making a newer version available through software update to me).

Lord of the Rings April 14th, 2006 02:50 PM

In Jaguar (OS 10.2), there is an issue with a couple of skins with the new version. So if you do try the new version & see a blank window, change skins to solve it. Unfortunately this is a Java issue. It can't be solved unless you upgrade your OSX. But changing skins is easier & you can downld extra skins anytime anyway.

I can assure you LW 4.8.1 was a far better version than 4.2.x
From my experience in OSX, LW 4.9 was not so great. But LW 4.10+ seems to be very good for the extra additions & pleasing search improvements. Also a dynamic "learning" junk filter. I've been using LW 4.10 or 4.11 beta happily. The only complaints I've had were ... well it's documented in the beta section ... but these gladly haven't been permanent problems. But except for that, there's dramatic improvements that made me come out of my 4.8.1 cave to use the recent version full time. IMHO only. But as I said, if you have issues then I can help you out in solving them or going back in versions to at least 4.8.1

johnyboy April 15th, 2006 05:57 AM

ok, thanks a lot

johnyboy April 15th, 2006 05:51 PM

i've upgraded to lw 4.10.9 *and* written my little utility (it copies both downloads.dat & .bak every two minutes if and only if each dl file is the same size or larger as the backups the utility has already made) and all seems well so far although too early to tell yet really.


Lord of the Rings April 15th, 2006 06:21 PM

Well done! I don't suppose you could share the utility? ;) There's bound to be others keen to use such a utility. I wouldn't mind it myself.

I hope all goes well anyway. :)

johnyboy April 16th, 2006 03:59 AM

yes i'd be quite happy to share the utility. it's got the location of my 'incomplete' folder hard coded into it and a few other specific things like that hardcoded at the moment so i'd have to make those specifyable somehow. i'll see if i can change that in the next day or two.

is the incompletes folder always called "Incomplete"?

Lord of the Rings April 16th, 2006 04:27 AM

Yes it always has the same name. That would be good if you could do that. :)

johnyboy April 16th, 2006 06:13 PM

at the moment if the downloads.dat file say, goes smaller than it was a few minutes ago, the utility will not make a back up until the downloads file reaches the same size or goes larger than it was. the thinking being if it drops in size that's likely to be a problem so don't back it up. but it does drop in size in correct use as things are finished downloading i think (that's right isn't it?). so i'm not sure how to handle that. what are the characteristics of a corrupt downloads file? disappeared/gone obviously. going back to a size of 4k was a very common one i remember (a fresh empty downloads.dat file which is actually probably a smaller than 4k but that's the smallest block size on a drive). do corrupt files ever have a larger size than 4k generally? i suspect the utility might be better continually making backups so long as there is a downloads.dat file that is greater than 4k in size (or maybe a 10k to be safe) regardless of if it's got smaller or not. any thoughts?

et voilą April 17th, 2006 05:53 AM

Salut all, the downloads.dat or downloads.bak (the backup of downloads.dat) will erase data of an incomplete file that just completed (maybe if the file is deleted from LW library also), so its normal to decrease in size. Your utility should backup on a time course more than size growth of the file.

Maybe your utility should also backup the incomplete files also if you have enough disk space.

Suggestion: leave 10.2.8 and find a copy of 10.3 or 10.4 on ebay. They just perform much better wheter you use a G3 or G4. Do yourself that favor!

johnyboy April 17th, 2006 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by et voilą
Salut all, the downloads.dat or downloads.bak (the backup of downloads.dat) will erase data of an incomplete file that just completed (maybe if the file is deleted from LW library also), so its normal to decrease in size. Your utility should backup on a time course more than size growth of the file.

the danger is that if the downloads.dat file becomes corrupt (and later dated), the corrupt version will be backed up over a good back up that my utility has made making the whole thing useless. i think i've got the logic of it sussed now. every x number of minutes it does the following:


if original downloads file is same size or larger than the backup:
    copy original -> backup
if original downloads file is smaller
    rename backup to a dated/timed named permenent backup
    copy original -> backup


Maybe your utility should also backup the incomplete files also if you have enough disk space.
maybe. the loss of the downloads.dat/bak file has been my main problem with lw, not so much with loss or currupt partial files (although who knows -- maybe i get that aswell without knowing because once the downloads.dat/bak file has gone the partials are as good as useless). i'll see how this goes first.


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