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Law&Order August 10th, 2006 10:17 PM

Sure Wish I LW would open...
If anyone can help me, I'd REALLY appreciate it. I've lurked on this board for probably 3 months on and off, since around early May when LW just stopped working out of the blue. I've tried every fix I can find (fresh installs, safe boots, deleting QT updates--and eventually QT altogether, lol!, deleting the receipts, java updates, everything), but still Limewire won't open on my PwrBk G4 (running 10.3.9). Everytime I try to open the program, the dialog box opens like it's going to start up, gets to the "Loading HTML Engine" point, then the box promptly disappears, and nothing more.

Does anyone know what's up w/ LW (or my Mac)? It's been buggin' me for months now, and I thought that the new LW would maybe "fix" the problem, but no dice. I even gave up & tried Poison, but it just isn't the same as my LW good-ol-days....:(

I need Limewire Back!!


Lord of the Rings August 10th, 2006 10:22 PM

Just as an experiment, try the nightly build from here & tell us how it goes. No installation necessary. Just copy (drag & drop) it from the dmg to your app folder.

Law&Order August 10th, 2006 10:43 PM

I'll try that. But first, should I get rid of LW that's installed now, or just install over it? Does it matter?

(Thanks for such a quick response, btw!!)


Lord of the Rings August 10th, 2006 10:48 PM

No installation necessary .... as said, once you downld the dmg file, simply drag & drop the LW program from it into your apps folder. ;) I've had that version plus more versions of LW on my computer at the same time ... though that's generally not recommended.

Law&Order August 10th, 2006 11:02 PM

Thanks Lord of the Rings, but it's still not launching (all the way). Actually, all it does is give me the "echo" open, like it's about to launch, and then nothing. Maybe I didn't get the right file? I dloaded LimeWire 4.12.4jum20060810230001 OS X.dmg 10-Aug-2006 23:08 15M...was that the right one?

Lord of the Rings August 10th, 2006 11:44 PM

Well ... it sounds like a java or permissions problem. Reinstalling Java using the Offline Standalone installer is prolly the best bet. The problem is knowing which Java to reinstall.

Law&Order August 11th, 2006 12:56 AM

I tried that once, but...

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings
Well ... it sounds like a java or permissions problem. Reinstalling Java using the Offline Standalone installer is prolly the best bet. The problem is knowing which Java to reinstall.

...perhaps you're right and I didn't have the right one. Do u know a link to more than one? At this point, I'll just try them all one by one till I find which works! lol


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