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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2007
Join Date: March 13th, 2007
Posts: 6
Lulli17 is flying high
Default log of downoaded files? filter protection?

I know you cannot do much to protect kids from porn materials and other garbage, but I wonder if it were possible

1) to have a regular log of the files downloaded and
2) to protect the filter setting from any modifications.

That way we (adults) could at least have an eye on the use of Limewire and let the kids downloads the songs they want.

Any ideas? help?
I posted this same request in the introduction forum. No reply in weeks. Let's see if Mac users are more supportive/Knowledgable ... (Mac G5 and others +OS10.4.08)

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2007
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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1. I know for OS 9 & earlier there was a utility which could tell you what changes had been made to your system ... all new files, etc. But for OSX I haven't come across this utility. But one may exist.

2. ONe thought is to lock the preferences file. However I have a suspicion LW will detect that as soon as attemepts to open & may not open at all. This move would also render junk filters unusable. So AFAIK I don't know of how it oculd be done. For a start I think it would be best if they used their own user account. Then you can set the filters as you desire .. such as blocking out porn & some spam. The following link is a guide to help you doing that Direct instructions to eliminate porn from results
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 31st, 2007
Join Date: March 13th, 2007
Posts: 6
Lulli17 is flying high

Thanks for the suggestion.
In fact the preference file is accessed by the limewire everytime you open it. Artificially locking it does not work. Limewire itself should require a password to open the preference file (an administrator password, as many applications do) So simple that I do not understand why they did not.

And a log of the downloads should also be a minor challange to introduce in the application.

it seems they are not interested, but it should interest many users ..

Let's see if other ideas surface

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 31st, 2007
Join Date: March 27th, 2007
Posts: 5
samtomjohn is flying high

Originally Posted by Lulli17
Thanks for the suggestion.
In fact the preference file is accessed by the limewire everytime you open it. Artificially locking it does not work. Limewire itself should require a password to open the preference file (an administrator password, as many applications do) So simple that I do not understand why they did not.

And a log of the downloads should also be a minor challange to introduce in the application.

it seems they are not interested, but it should interest many users ..

Let's see if other ideas surface

hi sorry to but in on ur thread but ive been gettin the same problem with tiscali 8mb is the package that im on know in the bottom right hand corner of your screen you got th icon with two monitors on it that say ur connected to tiscali mine says i have 7.4 mb connection right click on that click on open network connections and u can see tiscali connection either its connected or not does it say its firewalled if so disable your own firewall and see if it still says your firewalled if so right click on the propeties for your tiscali connections not on the icon on your desktop the 1 in your network connections and go to the advanced settins and u will see there is an internal firewall and u just untick the box i av no problems since to connect to p2p such lime wire and bt junkie but the only problem i have is i cant solve my download speed problems as it doesnt matter how many i am downloadin all together they add up to around 40 kb with a thomson 330 speedtouch can u help? also bt junkie is a better file sharer than limewire try it but when u do get utorrent to download them to and wen u go to download stuff set the maximum up load rate to 2 kb otherwise u will be lettin unlimited upload stream and this will slow ur download stream ucan find much better programs on btjunkie and a lot less viruse get back to me with any help about my download speed problems once again i am sorry to interrupt ur conversation and tiscali do not bloock file sharin unless your on the fair usage policy
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old April 1st, 2007
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
Join Date: June 30th, 2004
Location: Middle of the ocean apparently (middle earth)
Posts: 666
Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

wow not one single full stop. lol Not easy to read

Best to post questions in the appropriate sections of the forums. This is the Mac OSX section not windows. We don't need to worry about viruses affecting our systems but just ensuring we don't pass them on.
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