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  #11 (permalink)  
Old July 30th, 2007
Join Date: July 21st, 2007
Posts: 31
roimay is flying high
Thumbs down Low Bits and Bytes

Don't know if this is the right place to put this, but putting it here in case other newbies setting up look here and haven't been to: Gnutella Forums > Current Gnutella Client Forums > LimeWire (Cross-platform) > Open Discussion topics > A few things to consider while configuring Limewire for optimal performance...
It is long but very informative.

Also cos it does relate to Uploads. Anyway,

I have ADSL/modem on a plan of 256 dl/ 64 ul Kbps (or 32 / 8 KB/s) - sorry folks that is all I can afford - and speed tests indicate dl of around 170 Kbps and ul of about 60 Kbps. Dividing by 8 for LW speed units this translates to 21 KB for dl and 7.5 KB for ul.

These speeds are OK for me. I'm in no hurry and going nowhere particular.

However: I was wondering Dear Wondering Why (or someone) if, With settings of:
dl speed - 28.44 KB
ul speed - 19.69 KB
Uploads per person - 1
Uploads slots - 2
Max Downloads - 8
which I know are not as per the thread above but we are dealing with low bandwidth capacity here.

my small bits and bytes are too small for anyone to Upload successfully or if I should change my settings.

I noted in one thread the maximum downloads possible for LW Pro is 14. Is that the same for basic? Or is it set lower at 8, which seems to be the default?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old July 30th, 2007
Join Date: July 21st, 2007
Posts: 31
roimay is flying high

Just realised last post may be misleading.
My Actual LW download speed is between 1 and 18 KB/s usually below 10 and Actual Upload speed, when on the rare occasion it has registered, is between 1 and 5 KB/s usually below 3.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old July 30th, 2007
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8 is max for basic, 10 for pro, but if using T3 can get higher (14 for pro.) But that's not the no. of downloads, that's the no. of sources per download file.

BTW on 256/64 plan which I was on up until early this year, you won't actually get that speed. NOBODY gets the speeds quoted by their ISP. There are speed (overhead) losses due to distance from ISP, quality of line, losses due to equipment such as modem/router. My speed was around 27/6 KB/s from memory.

I was always uploading. I had popular videos for a start, & people would start uploading almost as soon as I connected. lol Your settings are similar to what mine were.

In my experience, I always seem to do better when uploading. I also try to share similar to what I am downloading at the time. In that way it helps me to find & connect to users with files I am looking for.

Try using the advanced search options, namely, Find More Results. That can be very handy to use every now & again. I also re-do my searches. Searching is & always has been MUCH more effective than using the find more sources/resume, etc. options.

I also use show all qualities & speeds in my searches. Then decide myself whether those that might be difficult to connect to are worthy of choosing.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old July 30th, 2007
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BTW you WILL need to port forward for your router if you are seeing firewall (brick wall) as I had a similar model router. See for similar model instructions for Mac OSX & also see Manual port forward instructions & sample image
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old July 31st, 2007
Join Date: July 21st, 2007
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roimay is flying high
Wink It's a Miracle!

Thank you for your reply and ideas. Will leave settings. Currently am sharing around 30 files (well only just started) but this will increase.
Interestingly only files I had d/l from LW were being u/l'd and none of my own. I turned these files off to see if it would help u/l my own. No it did not.
A friend says she cannot find them - though they are getting lots of hits.
Indeed, while d/l a file of about 570 Mb at poor speed, the whole thing came to a faltering halt (including Mail and Safari) after 20 hrs at around 40 - 50%.

I shut both computer and modem down. Restarted, checked Mail & Safari -OK - reset LW - which automatically started wizard when opened - and I found many of settings had gone esp in sharing. Ensured all files available to share.

Now it is going great guns, even got up to 20 KB/s a few times. So uploading, even if not my own yet, seems to help.

Don't Understand your last re BTW ....... etc. Thanks to your and others info in threads I got rid of firewall a while ago. Your Help and dedication is appreciated.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old July 31st, 2007
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BTW = by the way

AFAIK your model router does not support UPnP. But I may be wrong. That means people may still be able to upload from you but are forced to push their way through. This can often be unsuccessful; particularly for non LW gnutella programs. If things are going well then fine.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old July 31st, 2007
Join Date: July 21st, 2007
Posts: 31
roimay is flying high
Question To Block or not to Block, Peer or not to Peer?

Dear Ring Lord, Sorry to trouble you. But when you said.
In my experience, I always seem to do better when uploading. I also try to share similar to what I am downloading at the time. In that way it helps me to find & connect to users with files I am looking for.
Are you saying I should block video uploads if I want to download audio files?

I ask this as currently I am uploading many (maybe too many- will have to check my monthly limit) video files but cannot download audio ( waiting sources, need more sources, etc) though I know they are the less common ones.

Also am still trying to get my head around ultrapeer, which I seem to be even with such low speed and my ultrapeer box unchecked, and leafs?? and should the OOB Searching box be checked or not. I cannot find appropriate thread. Will keep looking but any pointers appreciated.

BTW. Upnp is enabled and I am Port Fowarding.
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