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  #11 (permalink)  
Old August 8th, 2007
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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You should be able to use exact same settings as with previous version LW you used.

The thing about UPnP is it often listens through a different port each time it is used. Have you tried connecting with the OSX firewall turned off?

You are connecting via ethernet ... but there must be a connection device somewhere that the network connects to the internet. Are you connecting at home? What brand & model of modem/router is the network connected to the internet? Or is that Dash2?

The problem seems to be with the listening port being blocked. We need to find what it is that's blocking it.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old August 9th, 2007
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You already advise me to make a try with Firewall turned off. I did. I couldn't get connected either, I have try this connection ±15mn, hope it was enough for a test.
Yes, am connecting at home and honestly I couldn't answer to your question: modem is Dash2, I though it was used for the connection, but you seems not so sure of it...
The provider have installed a box next the antenne on the roof at 16m. high (no easy to check)
I must contact him again, maybe He will found something wrong there ?...
I will let you know...
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old August 9th, 2007
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Here's some other options to try:
1. Set up a new account. Go to System prefs -> Accounts & set up a new one. Then try LW from the 2nd account.

2. It may or may not make a difference, but try this version LimeWire cvs builds (4.13.4jum490) CVS which is an unofficial beta version. Choose the nightly release link. You will find many releases on the page that follows. Try the most recent.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old August 14th, 2007
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I follow u suggestion to make a try LW on new account.
Same: it can't connect.
I spend long time on phone with my provider. There is indeed an other FW installed to his server, but he says, if I was able to connect before, I should be able to connect again, no change have been made (same as me on my iMac !)
I indicate the ports LW/prefs and Sharing/FW/prefs was using, he says those ports was free and not block by his server FW (?)...
Since I still not able to connect, he will send someone home to check...
LW version you advise to try need a new Java version available for OX 10.4xx. AM on OS 10.3.9 !
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old August 14th, 2007
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Oops sorry I forgot you are using Panther & not Tiger. Though I could probably give you an earlier Jum version. Be sure you're not using the same ports to connect & listen with as any other computer.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old August 14th, 2007
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<Be sure you're not using the same ports to connect & listen with as any other computer> ? mmmm... I can't share my internet connection. I have to disconnect from one to connect with the other one. I shouldn't be any probleme then ?
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old August 14th, 2007
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Can't share your connection? Then you have nothing to worry about. I'm just saying if you're using LW on 2 or more computers on the same connection, they should use different port numbers so they don't clash ... otherwise your modem/router may stop one from connecting when using LW. I had a problem when using LW in different accounts ... they couldn't use the same port unless I rebooted the computer/router.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old August 14th, 2007
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Thank again.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old September 9th, 2007
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Hi. Sorry to boring you again. Since my last post june 30th, I made many try and talk to my provider who send me someone who couldn't fix the Limewire connection. I must say Mac is not very popular here and the guy doesn't know anything about it. Anyway he came at the same conclusion that port(s) should be closed. I had confirm today at Home of Gibson Research Corporation (ShieldsUp) It's true (same) with the different port you suggest me.
I learn also, that my provider has change (Not me), "he" sold his customer to another. I was not inform of that, I don't know if it's very legal, laws are very flexible here and customers not their first preoccupation !
When I change a port number on my Firewall (OS>Prefs>Sharing> Firewall), do I have to modify too the setting on Limewire prefs.> Advanced>Firewall> Listening Port ? Also, if am not using UPnP, Manual Port Forward should be the same as in OS Prefs/Sharing ?
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