Limewire 2.1.3 crashed os X I've been running OS X for four months without a single freeze or crash. Limewire crashed it -- I couldn't access the finder, or forcequit.
I was doing nothing out of the ordinary.
I've been using limewire for about six months without a (significant) problem, but until you SIGNIFICANTLY update this program I will not use it.
Since 1.7, the updates have only managed to make the program worse, and more buggy.
Crashing my stable OS is a beta move, not a well-tested commercial product.
General Suggestions:
1. Way too many garbage files out there (from 0 - 1k), remnants of partial downloads.
2. People change their preferences so that their modem conncection shows up as "T3." This defeats the purpose.
3. Many downloads just hang at 0kb midway through the download. This is sometimes a LW problem rather than the user quitting limewire. If a user is offline, why not tell me that?
4. Put in an "on deck" window: files you select from the search list go here, then you can select them from the on deck window; pausing downloads puts them back there, for later resume.
Good luck |