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danorlan July 19th, 2008 09:26 PM

I upgraded to PRO but I can't tell the difference?
I recently upgraded and bought Limewire Pro, so I installed it and everything but I see nothing different from the regular Limewire that I already had. I didn't even get the new PRO skin that's supposed to come with it. And also, isn't the connection service bar supposed to be blue because its supposedly turbo charged? Can someone explain why PRO didn't install even when I paid for it and everything?

birdy July 19th, 2008 09:36 PM

Which site did you buy Pro from? How much did you pay?

This is the only official site for downloading basic, Pro or Extended Pro: Lime Wire » Download LimeWire

After you bought Pro, did you get an email with a link to your personal download page?

danorlan July 20th, 2008 07:18 PM

I bought Pro from the same link that you provided. the price was around $21, I don't remember exactly, but yeah i got a link to my personal download page. Downloaded it and everything, and still saw no difference with that and the regular Limewire...

ursula July 20th, 2008 07:59 PM

'Sheila 2', why don't you just tell this latest LW victim to send a PM to limenathan who's paid job it is to sort out such simple problems ?

points ?

wondering why July 21st, 2008 03:06 AM

Probably because she tries to find a fix instead of just passing problems onto others...Not like some....:rolleyes:

Lord of the Rings July 21st, 2008 11:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by danorlan (Post 323158)
...personal download page. Downloaded it and everything, and still saw no difference with that and the regular Limewire...

How many connection bars at bottom left do you see? LW Basic has three, Pro has five. In Connections window, Basic users will see three, Pro users should see five. :) You should see the Pro word at start up. ;) Also if you click on the LimeWire name next to apple icon at top left of screen, you will see drop down menu, choose About ... which will show whether it is Pro or not. :) Pro is best at searching the rarer files than Basic.

danorlan July 21st, 2008 11:22 AM

well I looked down at the connection bar, and I do see 5 bars. but when I look at the About Limewire tab..heres what it says..LimeWire 4.14.5 Java 1.5.0_13. It doesn't say anything about my Limewire being PRO. And doesn't PRO come with a new PRO skin because I don't have a new skin. And when it starts up it doesn't say Limewire PRO (with the yellow background while starting up)

danorlan July 21st, 2008 11:29 AM

hey thanks for the help, i actually had to delete all existing Limewire applications on then i reinstalled it and its PRO now

birdy July 21st, 2008 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by ursula (Post 323162)
'Sheila 2', why don't you just tell this latest LW victim to send a PM to limenathan who's paid job it is to sort out such simple problems ?

points ?

If the poster didn't download Pro from the official site & didn't pay LimeWireLLC, do you think anybody from LW's going to help them?

Isn't it worth finding out whether people have an 'official' version of Pro first & potentially saving the poster some frustration, before passing the problem onto somebody else?

Susan1213 August 4th, 2008 08:58 PM

If you get a answer to this one please let me know also...
I had the same crap happen to me!!!! S. Jenkins:tease:

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