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General Mac OSX Support For general issues regarding Mac OS X users

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 19th, 2008
Join Date: December 19th, 2008
Posts: 2
yohan1190 is flying high
Question Can't delete incomplete files

I have some files in my incomplete folder that I no longer would like to download and wish to get rid of, but unfortunately when I try to delete them through the limewire library, it says that i cannot delete the files because they are being used by another program or are currently being downloaded. When I attempt to delete them from the actual incomplete folder in finder (i am running Mac OS X 10.5.6) they go to the trash and i can delete them, but when i open limewire again, they reappear. I have tried canceling the downloads before deleting them through finder and limewire library. I have even tried deleting the limewire folders and using emptying the trash using secure delete and even erasing the free disk space using disk utility. It seems that the files are never truly being deleted. Does anyone know how to permanently delete these files?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 19th, 2008
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The message you are seeing usually occurs when the files are still in the download queue. Clear the download window and then delete them from the Library/Incomplete.

An other time this will happen is when an OS X program was viewing them. In this case, quit all other programs (like iTunes, Preview, or QuickTime) before deleting them from the Library.

More rarely, restarting your Mac is needed to clear whatever is trying to keep those files open.

Lastly, with LW not running and the incomplete folder in the trash, you can delete the "downloads.bak" file in your home account's Library/Preferences/Limewire folder.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 20th, 2008
Join Date: December 19th, 2008
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yohan1190 is flying high
Thumbs up

Thanks!! I had already tried the first two options, but the third one I hadn't and it worked. Thanks!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old December 24th, 2009
Join Date: December 24th, 2009
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magicagain is flying high

This exact thing is happening to me. I've spent hours searching the internet for an answer, and all of the programs it throws up are for Windows or are dead links.

I am on a MacBook laptop (Mac OSX 10.5.8) and am using LimeWire 4.18.8 in the UK.

This has only started happening since I moved back home from university for the Christmas break on Friday (18th). We have a desktop PC that has LimeWire installed on it, but none of my files are showing up or anything, and I've deleted all the shared files on it to no avail.

I know there are other threads similar to this, and I apologize for bumping an old one, but the first post describes my exact situation. I had tried everything recommended in here bar the final suggestion. I tried it, and I have a 'downloads.dat' and a 'fileurns.bak', but no 'downloads.bak'. I obviously don't want to delete anything important.

Thanks for any help!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old December 24th, 2009
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With LW 4, stop the downloads from the Download window. Then go to Library window, Select the incomplete folder at bottom, select & delete the incomplete downloads you wish to remove (must first have been removed from download window!)

If you wish to remove all incomplete files, Stop all downloads in Download window. Close LW. Go to incomplete folder & send all contents within to the trash. For LW 4.18 you will need to find the LW preferences folder & delete both the Downloads.dat & Downloads.bak files. Remember only do this whilst LW is closed.

LW 4.18 is different to LW 4.16 & earlier in a few respects. One is the Downloads.dat file is found in the LW preferences folder, not the incomplete folder. Deleting LW Preferences folder in OSX will show how to find the preferences folder but should be no need to delete the preferences folder itself unless you have other issues also. Remember, deleting the Downloads.dat & .bak files will remove all downloads history altogether. So any remaining incomplete files in incomplete folder will be useless.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old December 25th, 2009
Join Date: December 24th, 2009
Posts: 2
magicagain is flying high

Deleting downloads.dat worked! Thanks so much for your help and swift response, it had been really stressing me out!
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